Foster Claims Finch Truant On School FOI Request

From Democratic mayoral candidate Mary-Jane Foster:

Finch Administration Refuses to Provide BOE Takeover Docs Requested Under FOI; Foster Asks State to Order Mayor to Comply

Today Mary-Jane Foster, Democratic candidate for mayor of Bridgeport, filed a complaint with the State of Connecticut’s Freedom of Information Commission regarding the Finch administration’s refusal to provide documents requested under FOI on July 5, 2011. The complaint requests an expedited interim order compelling the City of Bridgeport’s City Attorney to immediately provide all the documents requested. The complaint cites extraordinary circumstances surrounding the election of Board of Education candidates on Foster’s slate, who may be denied access to the ballot without this vital documentation. Foster’s attorneys are preparing evidence for use as her civil case is likely to progress to the State Supreme Court. The next appearance before the Connecticut Superior Court is Friday, August 19, 2011.

The original FOI request, which was sent to both the mayor’s office as well as Governor Dannel Malloy, seeks information pertaining to the planning and execution of the request for the State of Connecticut to reconstitute the Bridgeport Board of Education and related matters. The State of Connecticut has provided approximately 500 pages relating to the matter.

On July 22, 2011, the Bridgeport City Attorney’s office sent a letter acknowledging receipt of the request, promising a response within one to two weeks. When no response was received, Jason Bartlett, campaign manager, made a follow-up call to the City Attorney’s office. Mr. Bartlett was informed that the City of Bridgeport had no documents relating to this matter.

“The idea that the State has more than 500 pages of documents relating to this unprecedented action and the mayor’s office has none is absolutely ridiculous,” said Bartlett. “Mayor Finch is clearly refusing to comply with the law and his commitment to transparency is laughable. What’s the delay? What does Mayor Finch have to hide? How long will the administration drag its feet before providing access to the requested information?”

The content of the complaint follows:

August 17, 2011

Ms. Colleen Murphy
Executive Director
Freedom of Information Commission
18-20 Trinity Street, First Floor
Hartford, CT 06106

Dear Ms. Murphy:

On July 5, 2011, I sent a FOIA request to the City of Bridgeport Mayor’s office, City Attorney’s office, and Bridgeport Board of Education requesting documents related to the State of Connecticut takeover of the Bridgeport Board of Education.

On July 22, 2011, I received a letter from the City Attorney’s office acknowledging my request and informing me I would have all relevant documents in 7 to 14 days.

This FOIA request for information regarding the takeover of Bridgeport schools was also sent to the State Board of Education on the same date. The State Board of Education, to my knowledge, has given me all relevant documents. The relevant pages number about 500.

However, the City of Bridgeport has provided no documents to date. On my behalf, my assistant, Jason Bartlett, contacted Margo Litz in the City’s Attorney’s office on August 15, 2011. Mr. Bartlett was informed that the City of Bridgeport had no documents related to this matter in regards to my FOIA request. Mr. Bartlett left a message on Attorney Mark Anastasi’s voicemail to confirm this fact but has received no response.

At this time, I request an expedited interim order directed to the City Attorney’s office in Bridgeport to immediately provide all documents identified in my FOIA request. The extraordinary circumstances in this matter require your immediate attention and assistance.

These circumstances surround the election of Board of Education candidates on my slate, who may be denied access to the ballot without this vital evidentiary documentation. The specific information sought needs to be available to our attorneys as they prepare for a trial and or State Supreme Court arguments and briefs. Please see attached documentation regarding the civil case before the Connecticut Superior Court on Friday, August 19, 2011.


Mary-Jane Foster

cc: Mary Schwind, Law Director

The content of the original FOI request follows:

July 5, 2011

Mayor William Finch
City of Bridgeport
999 Broad Street
Bridgeport, CT 06604

Dear Mayor Finch:

Under the State of Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting the following:

1. Any written correspondence, e-mails, memorandums to file, written notes from telephone conversations, records of appointments, meeting minutes, in both complete and / or draft form regarding the planning and execution of the request for the State of Connecticut to reconstitute the Bridgeport Board of Education, to take over the Bridgeport School System, to place a special master in charge of the education system in Bridgeport, or any other actions that would strip the city of a Board of Education duly constituted and elected in accordance with the City Charter. This pertains to all documentation created within the past six months.

2. Any correspondence to or from the Commissioner of Education, the State Board of Education, the Bureau of Accountability and Improvement, and Governor Malloy or his office or staff regarding the State takeover of the Bridgeport School System or Board of Education to include any formal notice from the State of a notice to correct any inadequacies, training, or other deficiencies that might lead to a State takeover along with any response from the City of Bridgeport. This pertains as well to all correspondence, notes, documentation, and e-mails that were created within the past six months regarding the adoption of a Bridgeport Board of Education budget and requests or promises of additional state financial assistance.

3. Any other written documentation subject to Freedom of Information enforcement regarding the takeover of the Bridgeport school system or its Board of Education that would include agreement letters, contracts, etc. for consulting services regarding this matter.

4. In an effort to expedite this process, I am requesting that such documents be assembled for review prior to copying and that I be notified as soon as any of these documents are available.


Mary-Jane Foster

cc: John J. Ramos, Sr. Ed.D., Superintendent
Barbara P. Bellinger, President, Bridgeport Board of Education
Atty. Thomas Mulligan, Bridgeport Board of Education



  1. Once again Foster has a complaint but has yet to give us a reason to vote for her. I put up my Finch sign on my lawn today. Vote Bill Finch September 13, 2011.

    1. Even with someone’s head stuck far up their … personal drain pipe, there are way too many reasons to not vote for Finch. That is, of course, unless “either because of them not being citizens or having done things in their previous life cannot participate in the democratic process.” Maybe Finch should be seeking office in a totalitarian or dictator state knowing “Democracy doesn’t work. It doesn’t work in all cases.”

      M-J Foster’s supporters are counting on democracy working in this election.

      Read more: www

  2. Once again or is twice again NORTH45 is being redundant.

    I know it is twice or thrice again Mark Anastasi is playing his games with FOI requests. Remember how Mark was the guy who was off the hook in not releasing Joe’s city cellphone records?

  3. NORTH45–Foster has given us plenty of reasons to vote for her. Bill Finch has filled four years with empty promises and outright lies. And your point is … ?

    1. … the point is he has a lawn and he is going to use it??? Perhaps he could bury Finch’s ethics under the lawn … Finch certainly has no use for them.

  4. lisawhite,
    Don’t waste your typing energy on this mackerel. He’s only trying to stir things up. Several columnists and reporters for the Connecticut Post and other news media outlets have used the neutral language of the reporter’s trade to call Bill Finch a liar and a crook. Those are the only two reasons we need to NOT vote for him. He didn’t even have the guts to come to Black Rock for a “Take back the night” walk. Must’ve been afraid of all the tough questions the local residents would’ve posed. Keep your walking shoes handy, Mr. Mayor. You and your incompetent administration are about to be repudiated by a high turnout of angry voters. NORTH45 is just a jerkoff.

    Mary-Jane Foster, on the other hand, has a proven record of creating jobs that pay a living wage. Jobs and the economy are at the top of her agenda.

  5. NORTH45, it seems it’s up to you tell us all the great things Mayor Finch is doing so we can vote for him because no one else has stepped up, so it’s up to you NORTH45. Please tell us.

  6. Bill Finch by 10%, yes it will be an easy win. Foster does not hold weight in many parts of the city. The higher the turnout the higher the margin of victory for Finch. I do not know which part of the city you guys are from but when I drive around my neighborhood it looks like Finch country with all the yellow lawn signs. Vote Bill Finch September 13, 2011.

    1. You are seeing lawn signs around because Finch’s crew is slinking around planting lawn signs on public fairways, walks and dividers, vacant houses and lots for sale. As a matter of fact, there are more Finch signs posted where there is no voter backing them. Now what does THAT tell you? It tells me the Finchland kingdom is seriously lacking loyal subjects.

    2. Most of the yellow Finch signs I notice are on esplanades, city property, non-maintained spots and lots, public places, commercial corners; but few on residential properties!

  7. NORTH45 has declared the election is over because, “when I drive around my neighborhood it looks like Finch country with all the yellow lawn signs.” And because two people are quoted on Mayor Finch’s website.


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