Foster Calls For Increased Video Presence At Trumbull Gardens, Finch: Don’t Politicize Tragedy

Democratic mayoral candidate Mary-Jane Foster is calling on Mayor Bill Finch “to stop dragging his feet and begin to implement a video surveillance program in Trumbull Gardens” following the shooting that wounded eight and left a man dead. Finch’s campaign manager says the mayor is proud of his record on crime and will continue to work with the community.

“Aside from an increase in some police patrols the mayor has done little before today to re-institute his gun buyback program that surfaces whenever there is a gun assault,” Foster says in a news release. “If the mayor had implemented an on-the-ground approach with foot police and opened community posts, instead of closing them, the residents would see it as a solution. Instead, it is a PR trick that he has used in the past with no real results. If you want to ask businesses to chip in some money, why not ask for help in paying for the video surveillance program or a real community policing initiative? That is what the residents of Trumbull Gardens are telling me they want. Not a gun buyback program.”

Finch Campaign Manager Maryli Secrest issued this response:

“It’s disappointing that some are trying to politicize a tragedy, but despite setbacks the mayor is proud of his record on crime and will continue to work with the community, police, and elected officials to ensure that everyone in Bridgeport can live in a safe community.”

Finch, with the backing of U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal at a recent news conference, called for increased video surveillance at the complex.

Foster says Finch should:
1) Immediately begin regularly scheduled updates on the progress of apprehending the individuals responsible.
2) Outline a schedule of when video surveillance equipment installation will be complete.
3) Set a timeline for when a permanent substation will be located in the neighborhood.

Foster claims the lack of communication is leaving the neighborhood with a continued sense of abandonment. She added that the Bridgeport Housing Authority that manages Trumbull Gardens must commit to a comprehensive video surveillance system as well as a permanent police substation in the neighborhood.

“This is not difficult,” says Foster. “It takes a level of commitment, cooperation and determination which seems to be lacking. Figure it out, make a commitment, publish a timeline for completion and force your administration to meet these deadlines. That’s how a mayor should lead their city.”



  1. It’s been two weeks since nine people were shot at Trumbull Gardens. One of those shot died as a result of the shooting.
    We have not heard one damned word from the police department as to where the investigation is two weeks after the shooting. Do you have suspects? If so, tell us, maybe the people of Bridgeport could locate these shooters.
    Is one of the problems the city is having is only one person was killed at this shooting?

  2. Let me repeat myself against on OIB, today June 22, no arrests, no description of the shooters, no leads, nothing. Who’s in charge of policing Trumbull Gardens and the other public housing projects, the local police, BHA, who? Back in the 1970s Bridgeport Police won’t go into Father Panik Village because it was federal housing so the police said they were not responsible for policing thereby drug dealing ran wild. Then housing police was created but they had no arrest power. Mayor Finch and Police Chief are not bringing any comfort and aid to the residents in that area. People are scared to death and are living in fear every day. MJF and Andy, great points, who is in charge of protecting the residents of Trumbull Gardens and when will the police chief and the mayor do their job to catch those who committed these terrible shootings and provide protection to these residents?

  3. If you really want to hit one out of the park, start with a one-year moratorium on guns and ammo within the city limits. The minute Bass Pro opens, the sale of handguns will flood the city streets.
    Purchased by people with clean records.

  4. Finch “I’m instituting a buyback program to get all these guns off the street!” A couple of months from now: Finch “let’s welcome our nations #1 seller of guns to our city, but don’t worry, Bass Pro only sells to the good people, criminals won’t get their hands on them.” Lord help us all.

  5. I know on this very blog I mentioned cameras at Trumbull Gardens. Two days later Mayor Finch and Senator Blumenthal suggested the same thing. I guess a good idea is good no matter who calls for it first. You are welcome, Mayor.

    Before we attempt to close Bass Pro, maybe there should be a moratorium on Dollar stores carrying knives. Knives are deadly weapons, no? Not to mention two-foot long icicles hanging from gutters. Talk about getting rid of the evidence. There should also be a moratorium on gasoline as I hear necklacing is the latest rage. Let’s think about some more ways we can politicize this. Maybe, just maybe if we we close our eyes and click our heels, Steelpointe will vaporize. Hmmmmmmmmm.

  6. Steve, it’s too bad you never come up with positive suggestions for problems in Bridgeport. You are busy giving us your fucking reports on city restaurants. Who gives a damn?
    You come up with a racial remark concerning necklacing. It is not the current rage any fucking where. It WAS POPULAR IN SOUTH AFRICA.

    1. Andy, I did come up with a positive suggestion. I suggested cameras throughout Trumbull gardens. It seems other people think it is a good idea. Andy, is there anything in the city you support and enjoy? I am just curious, when you are knocking on doors, which I am sure you do not do. do you tell residents how much Bridgeport sucks before you say Mary-Jane hasn’t been arrested? When referring to the Mayor, are you referring to a barroom brawl and Ganim corruption? What about the bluefish bailout? How do you respond to potential voters?

      Other moratoriums, hobby shops for their glue. Home Depot for their contribution to citywide graffiti and wood chippers, I understand you can dispose of the victim. Now, I am not a Republican or a member of the NRA but people do hunt and go camping. Bass Pro is going to be amazing, of course nobody on this blog will go to Steelpointe because that is going to be a horrible reminder that Finch has not only brought life to that peninsula, but unlike in the past he is striking while the iron is hot and looking to transform the entire city, looking to the future and making the city a transportation hub.

      Andy, everything I say is a solution for Bridgeport’s ills. It starts with us and some of us are just cancer, gnawing away at positive healthy individuals. Hoping to wake up in dark depressing environment so you can live the rest of your years bitching and moaning. Do we have a plan for the future? Or just today’s news. What is the plan for downtown? Steelpointe? Remington Woods? Seaview Avenue, 21st century transportation. Time will tell … oh no, time has told. These issues are being addressed by our current leader. The other candidates offer nothing. In the end, that is what people will see. Neighborhoods coming back and yes with great restaurants that through word of mouth will succeed and prosper. You can criticize me and my optimistic attitude, but a positive attitude is infectious. People tend to run away from miserable negative people like yourself, Andy. Though I do appreciate your attacks on me as they are funny, they are also a buzz kill for many who are beginning to have a sense of pride where they live, work and play.

      So will you be one of the thousands attending the Bridgeport Symphony and fireworks Friday? Attending a fundraiser or just doing what you and many on this blog do best, cry!

      1. Stevie just sold his house recently for less than what he paid for it. Stevie agreed to hold some paper, and give the new owners a 35-year mortgage with a very low down payment, the new owners do not have to start paying Stevie back until after year 20 with no balloon.
        That’s Steelpointe, Stevie! Another great deal by Bill Finch. Finch wants to give a developer a land lease deal on the East Side, $1 for the next 60 years for the land. The developer wants to build 170 units and only pay $700 a year in taxes per unit for the next 35 years.
        The developer only wants to pay for garbage and snow removal for the next 35 years. While never adding to our tax base! Another great deal by Bill Finch, Stevie!
        Every one of Bill Finch’s projects are bad deal projects, with no return on investment!

        1. Jim Fox,
          You know I love your posts and love when you talk about Finch without one ounce of respect. Now, I like Joe Ganim and I know you have a mad man-crush on him. That’s great. Now when you attack Mayor Finch and Steelpointe it is incumbent upon you to share what plan Ganim has for all those developments. Now I am not referring to his failure with Conroy nor am I instigating. Let’s talk present. Today without his sordid past. I know Joe is pro-development. Would he not have kick-started Steelpointe given the opportunity? This parcel has been on and off in litigation since Paoletta and Bucci’s administration. If you are going to cry at least give me a reason to see Ganim as the candidate.

          To the supporter of the lady who’s name I promised I would not mention. I know the woman I supported was pro-development. These days she is totally aligned with anti-development individuals. I will not be responding to any of her supporters on this issue. I know them and they are obstructionists every step of the way.

          1. Stevie, the last time I had a Mad Man crush on someone as your Gayish persona so proudly pointed out to me, was over 30 years ago, at the Brook Cafe in Westport.
            Every night at 7pm Kenny the bartender would have my favorite drink (a Singapore sling) waiting for me at the end of my day. I always sat at the end of the bar so I could watch Kenny’s ass as he walk the catwalk serving other customers. If that was a Mad Man Crush Stevie, I’m sure you have a big one on Mayor Finch! But let’s not talk about you.
            So after three years of Kenny making my Singapore Slings, it happened!
            Before I walked into the Brook I always made sure I had my light eyeliner and blush on!
            As I entered the Brook I notice something was a little off, my drink was not at the end of the bar in my favorite spot, and Kenny was at the opposite end of the bar talking to some huge black man who looked like a construction worker.
            The next thing I hear is Kenny saying to me he’ll get my drink in a few minutes. I knew at that point my face turned three shades of red, I was so mad, now I know what you’re taking about Stevie, when you said I have a Mad Man Crush on Joe Ganim!
            When Kenny did bring my drink it turned out to be a flucking bourbon and water!
            I couldn’t wait to get back to the Brook the next day so I could give Kenny a piece of my mind!
            That was the last time I saw Kenny, the following day the Brook went into receivership just like what’s going to happen on Steelpointe and all other flucking Finch projects, get it???

          2. Jim Fox, I did not think saying you had a man crush on Ganim had any reference to you or him being gay. See, guys like you methinks thou dost protest too much. I am glad you spent your younger days at the Brook watching Kenny’s ass as you had your Singapore sling. I was at the Raffles Hotel in Singapore where the Singapore sling was born. You know what is funny? I remember Kenny from the Brook. Hope your being in a gay bar was not traumatic for you. It was for me. 🙂 I am not judging you. If you were embarrassed because you thought I was referencing you and Joe were a thing, well you know according to Ben Carson, republican candidate for President, stated gay is a choice. Men go into prison straight and come out gay, which brings us to you and Joe … Nah, if you were humiliated because you misinterpreted my reference I apologize. Now get over it, Nancy!

          3. Jim Fox, I simply asked you to share Ganim’s position on development. I was not interested in your relationship with Kenny or the fact you had a thing to wear makeup. Personally, I do not know crossdressers or men who wear make up, but I suppose if you were into that sort of thing I guess the Brook Café or in your case the Cedarbrook (before my time) would be the place to do it. It is not for me to judge.

            Getting back to you and Joseph, if you are going to attack the Mayor, at least suggest what the candidate you are supporting has to say about the many projects in the works. Finch is already the Mayor. Your job is to convince others why he should be replaced by Ganim, not to share your obsession with a cute bartender at the Brook.

      2. Steve, I don’t knock on doors anymore. When I do talk about Bridgeport I tell people it is a great city governed by a buffoon.
        BTW Steve, I have said very little about Bass Pro. Steve, if bringing things up that are wrong offends you, tough. If mentioning an $11 park where no remediation was done is wrong, tough. If mentioning a person gets a city job for bailing out a gambler on the mayor’s staff is wrong, tough. If pointing out the mayor is hiding budget money in vacant position accounts is wrong, tough. If you thing eating out every night is great for the city, so be it. Take off your rose-colored glasses and stop puckering up when you hear Finch’s name and you may learn something.

        1. Steve, what bailout of the Bluefish? There was no bail out of the Bluefish while MJF and her husband owned them. This is just another one of your fabrications. For you to take credit for the suggestion to put cameras in the terrace is BS, they have cameras, the talk from Finch and Company was to update the system. Get your head out of the pasta pot and pay attention and get your facts straight.

        2. Steve, I don’t get hysterical and I don’t cry. I write posts that prove people like you have no clue what you are talking about and that just pisses you off.

      3. Steve, you are an elitist asshole. I will not be at the fireworks because of my recent heart operation. I have been to the fireworks many times and my favorite spot was Pleasure Beach.
        You see Steve, you post all this bullshit and offer nothing. It’s a BFD if a person does not go to the fireworks. You are going because it’s free and you may find a friend in a big crowd. I have one message for you, candy ass. Fluck You.

        1. Andy, I am not an elitist asshole because I like the fireworks and the symphony almost as much as my rap. But alas Andrew I will be at a Joe Ganim fundraiser because I want to hear Joe’s platform from his lips and most of his supporters on this blog do not do him justice. I am still a Finch supporter but you know what Andy? It really is all about the food and O’Manel’s is one of the best Portuguese restaurants in the city and I have many acquaintances who will be there. I was invited by three people, that sounds like an aggressive campaign. I am super excited to attend the Finch announcement the following week. This is a great time to really love the city and witness everything that is exciting. Time will not tell, it is already here and happening!

          Again Andy, I love your posts and insults. It makes me feel loved.

  7. “It’s disappointing that some are trying to politicize a tragedy, but despite setbacks the mayor is proud of his record on crime and will continue to work with the community, police, and elected officials to ensure that everyone in Bridgeport can live in a safe community.”


          1. Mary-Jane Foster is the only one of the three who has NOT been arrested. She does not lie.

  8. And Bill, while you are at it, I hope it won’t require similar tragedies at PT Barnum, Marina and elsewhere before the city and BHA can come up with a more coordinated public safety approach.
    It shouldn’t take another shootout like this for the city to realize its current Public Safety efforts are not working.

  9. Maryli Secrest, you are suggesting people should not politicize a tragedy while at the same time Bill Finch is calling for another gun buyback program? Give it a break.
    The reason Bill uses this gun buyback is because he can then issue weekly updates about how many guns have been turned in for more free press.
    How about daily updates on the progress of solving this murder?
    The BPD initially said it had to do with some disagreement with people from Norwalk. Has that lead fizzled? If so, why no mention in the press? Putting something out for public consumption and then no follow up is also politicizing the event, Maryli.

  10. Or maybe the mayor and police chief can issue another statement saying again the dangerously low manpower levels in the BPD has nothing to do with the lack of any concrete leads in this case.

  11. Once again our mayor is delusional. How can he continue to brag about his record on crime when any Bpt cop will tell you shootings are more than double what they were a few years ago? Trumbull Bill and Newtown Gaudett are completely out of touch.

  12. Clearly, I’ve got a Secrest is pulling the Finch Fatigue Chatty Cathy sound bite Maryli stringing us along.

    I see the Mayor now has three press people on his city pad.

    I guess it takes three people to concoct a puff piece. One to write it. One to review it. And another to press send.

  13. Has anyone else noticed Finch has finally dropped the lowest crime rate in 40 years?
    Suddenly it’s not so safe in the ‘Port, is it, Bill?
    Next to go? Getting better every day?

    1. Bob, your use of the “‘Port,” is that equivalent to “peeps?” I know peeps has made its way to mainstream vocabulary, but referring to Bridgeport as the “‘Port” is equivalent to the “hood,” you have become so “cool” in your old age but it is embarrassing. We live in Bridgeport CT, the Park City. We live in Bridgeport, not Westport, not the “‘Port.” I do not live in the hood, my “crib” is located in the North End. You have become so whack it is hard to take you seriously.

  14. Side bar:
    History made today in South Carolina. The 21st century. The Republican state finally agreed to remove the confederate flag. How embarrassing for a state and politicians to support such a hateful reminder of an ugly past. Hurtful to many and dividing a state. Today was long overdue. We as a people really are unevolved and ignorant on so many levels. Never addressing important issues but always wasting time and money pandering. We are the United States of America.

    1. Steve, you’re wrong, the agreement will happen after they vote to remove that flag. Steve, a lesson is being taught to America now about the “Confederate Flag.” The flag that is flying has nothing to do with the history of South Carolina, that flag they are flying is the battle flag of Virginia and it was placed there after the Brown v. The Board of Education ruling to integrate all public schools. South Carolina refused and fought back and placed the Confederate Flag as their way of saying hell no. One of the lessons that is being learned now is whites are talking to other whites after learning the truth and hearing the love of the victims’ families after their loved ones were shot to death in their church praying.

    2. Steve, is that a quote from The Rachel Maddow Show last evening? Sounds like the justified outrage and frank wonder at being present at an historic event. Will the flag come down from all flagpoles on the Capitol grounds before the State Senator is publicly waked in the Capitol? Time will tell.

      1. Actually, John Marshall Lee. I was watching CNN. I was chagrined and disgusted listening to an individual who not only supported the Confederate flag, but was not happy with the American flag flying. I love when I have to listen to ignorant white trash. It reminds me of the days when talk shows used to interview families involved with the Ku Klux Klan. This would be the equivalent of hanging a Nazi flag in Germany to recognize the honor and valor of those who fought for Hitler and the fatherland. That part I get. It belongs in a museum for historical purposes and not displayed to cause pain and suffering. Somebody needs to let these people know, the south is not going to rise again and you cannot hide behind your religion to justify hate and racism.

        1. Perhaps you should have been at the City Council ordinance hearing last evening. Council representatives are asking good questions of City Departments and directors to provide answers on how City programs supposedly established to raise tax revenues fairly, end up in a number of circumstances removing transportation or housing from the poorest families.
          If so, would you have exhibited some local pride in City Council oversight and persistence in dealing with local governance that is inflicting unnecessary pain and suffering to many while a few seem to earn revenue from the misery? There is a process to getting the truth out, and it is in action. Brian Lockhart was there along with representatives from all over the City. Why waste your time admittedly “listening to ignorant white trash” on TV when you can witness the rebirth of one branch of government finding a platform to chasten the powers that be? Isn’t this an historic moment in Bridgeport? Time will tell.

  15. My sister was killed by a kid with a gun trying to shoot another kid with a gun; you know, wrong place wrong time. During the almost 30 years since this happened, her four children, her parents or her brothers and sisters have never asked, was the gun legal or illegal, was the gun purchased or stolen or was the gun purchased in Connecticut or North Carolina. We didn’t give a damn where it came from; we just know we all lost a piece of our heart that day by a handgun.

    Remember when there was a supposed war on drugs, our President and Congressional leaders did everything in their powers and with unlimited resources to stomp this problem out and drugs have never killed as many people as guns per year.
    Our Senate and Congressional leaders can stop the selling of guns tomorrow if they were so inclined.

    In United States v. Cruikshank (1876), the Supreme Court of the United States ruled, “The right to bear arms is not granted by the Constitution; neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence” and limited the applicability of the Second Amendment to the federal government.

    In United States v. Miller (1939), the Supreme Court ruled the federal government and the states could limit any weapon types not having a “reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia.”

    Jimfox, you hit the nail on the head when you said start with a moratorium on gun and ammo sales within city limits.

    1. How about a reality check? How about suggesting or supporting something that will make a difference?

      What makes you think a moratorium on gun and ammo sales within city limits will stop any thug from obtaining a gun and ammo? Do you really think the lowlife he’s buying from (he is certainly not a licensed dealer who is required to do a background check) is going to observe the moratorium?

      Same with a buyback. Do you really think the thugs who shot up those nine people would have sold their guns back to the city for many times less than they paid for them?

      Stop with the knee-jerk gun control agenda that won’t keep one person from getting killed! Suggest something to target the ILLEGAL guns!!!

      You can suggest anything you want, just justify how your suggestion will keep even one person from getting killed!!!

      Here’s one. How about the immediate execution of anyone found to have an illegal gun? No trial, no due process, no mitigating factors, just immediately put up against a wall and shot. I suggest that might make even a thug think twice, and even if it doesn’t, it will thin out the number of thugs!

      1. Booty, great post! What, Stratford, Fairfield, up and down 95 is too far for a person to buy a gun? An illegal gun, a stolen gun is readily available to anyone who wants to purchase them, in fact, most can be obtained in every public housing complex in Bridgeport like anyone was too ignorant to know. Bass Pro, I don’t think so but it certainly makes great drama in an election.

    2. Donald, I’m so sorry for you and your family. Time softens the pain a little, but it doesn’t matter how much time goes by, the loss and tragedy remain.

    3. Donald, well here’s another direction. Back in 1966, the Black Panther Party’s core practice was its armed citizens patrols to monitor the behavior of police officers and challenge police brutality in Oakland CA. The Black Panther Party members had legal guns. Maybe if most blacks had legal guns maybe there would be less crime so maybe that’s the direction to go in, after all the KKK also had legal guns.

      1. I remember reading about two major events, one when the police tried to take away the rifles held in the hands of the Black Panther members, and when they appeared fully armed to The California State Assembly (I believe this may have been the catalyst for “GUN CONTROL” THAT WE STILL HAVE TODAY).

  16. Booty, can you spell garbage because that’s your post. Illegal guns aren’t the problem, guns are the problem. Did illegal guns kill those children in Sandy Hook, how about Columbine, the movie theater in Colorado? You have to know that what you posted was garbage because Steven A agreed with you.

    Guns aren’t an inherent right for Americans and should be banned from every household in America and if a person doesn’t turn in their guns and they are caught with one then it’s off to prison for a minimum of ten years.

    I’m sick of the narrative illegal guns kill people and before that it was guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Guns are the problem, take them out of the hands of Americans and against the law to own, no exceptions. Guns kill people to the tune of 30,000 a year. Responsible gun ownership is an oxymoron and you and Steven are just morons.

    1. This reply is not so much for Donald but for others following the discussion who choose not to make up their own facts.
      1. Illegal guns killed the children in Sandy Hook. Lanza was not the legal owner of those guns. He killed his mother and stole them from her.
      2. In Columbine, the shooters also acquired their weapons illegally.
      3. And in Aurora, Holmes acquired the guns legally, but his large cache of explosives was illegal.

      In all three cases, there was a history of psychiatric problems that were not followed up appropriately. In all three cases, tighter gun control would not have made a difference, but appropriate medical intervention would have.

      If Holmes couldn’t get guns, he almost certainly would have rigged his car with his illegal explosives and driven it into the theater. Just as many would have died. And some idiot Mayor would probably suggest a “car” buyback to keep this from happening again.

  17. Donald, so sorry for your loss. I’m sure that pain will never go away. I also understand your stance on gun control. It should be noted however that in the UK since gun control went into effect, gun crime has nearly doubled. Black market guns have doubled as well. Since gun control took effect, they now have violence at a rate of 2034 per 100,000 people. In the U.S. it’s 443 per 100,000. Gun control hasn’t stopped gun violence in the UK and it won’t here either. That’s just the facts. It’s a myth that it works there. Check out

  18. Thank you Lisa and Phantom, I appreciate your sentiments.

    Phantom, you mention the UK, how about Japan, Australia and Scotland all which experienced exponentially less crime and murders with real gun controls?

    Experts from the Harvard School of Public Health, using data from 26 developed countries, have shown wherever there are more firearms, there are more homicides. In the case of the United States, exponentially more: the American murder rate is roughly 15 times that of other wealthy countries, which have much tougher laws controlling private ownership of guns. I think you said it best, “that’s just the facts.”

  19. Donald Day, I suppose you will never vote Republican since this is just one of the cornerstones of their platform. Should police carry guns? I am just curious as to the many unjustified shootings. The ban on guns will never stop thugs from getting them. To believe that, you remain painfully ignorant. No offense, but your comment to Booty suggesting because I agreed with her, her comment was garbage. You should know bans on guns do not work and I really am repulsed to repeat the NRA and Republican party but “the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is to arm a good guy with a gun.” In a perfect world it would be great to ban any weapon that could take life. But Donald Day, as long as you have the Sarah Palins of the world defending that part of the constitution so she can hunt a moose with Greta Van Susteren, I think there is a difference between thugs with guns and police with guns though lately it gets grey. People do snap and there is mental illness and you get Sandy Hook. Look, a guy killed a girl in High School because she wouldn’t go with him to the prom. My best friend was stabbed with a steak knife 17 times over a parking space. Let’s get off the banning of guns within city limits and Bass Pro. It is just plain ludicrous.

        1. Steve, the point is legally sold guns can do more harm because if a group wants to make their point of view know and to create terror all they have to do is to buy a legal gun.

    1. Steven, you don’t really read other’s posts, do you? You seem to just look at them and find one thing you disagree with and focus all your attention on that. Sad.
      Two years ago, the magazine Mother Jones looked at 30 years of mass shootings and discovered not one has been stopped by a “good guy with a gun.” In the few incidents in which civilians did engage mass shooters, they ended up either dead or badly wounded.

      If you took the time to read my post you would understand that the Supreme Court has twice ruled the right to keep and bear arms IS NOT a Constitutional guarantee. In 1876 it ruled guns are not a constitutional right and in 1939 the court said the federal government and states can limit any type of weapon not having a “reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia.” HAND GUNS fit that exclusion perfectly.

      1. Donald, I most certainly read every post and value everybody’s input. Which brings us to you, never voting Republican and Bass Pro and the moratorium as though any of this has anything to do with the shooting at Trumbull Gardens. I believe 2-3 people gave you facts and as usual you disregard any post that does not fall in line with your belief or a vain attempt to bring Bass Pro into the limelight. You are wasting your energy. I am a staunch Democrat and I want stricter gun laws but hey as long as the NRA controls the Republican party it will be what it is. It could be worse. A manufacturer of guns could come to Bridgeport with how many jobs? Hmmmmmm.

  20. Parent brings firearm to son’s graduation

    Police say the man was cooperative, and he was not charged with a crime. He explained to officers that he was there for his son’s graduation, and he did not want to leave the weapon unattended in his car.

    Although weapons aren’t permitted on city school grounds, the man did have a valid State of Connecticut pistol permit.


    This is a story about a parent going to a graduation carrying a gun into a Connecticut School. And no charges were filed against the individual.

    Oops. I forgot I was carrying a gun.

  21. The guy is probably an idiot.
    Who in their right mind goes walking into a Connecticut elementary school with a gun? Didn’t want to leave it in the car so I might as well bring it to my son’s graduation.
    Your typical Bass Pro shopper for sure.
    And if we had an NRA volunteer at the front door, he would have gunned him down, no questions asked.

  22. What if the estimated $146 million for the new train station were spent this way?
    1. Security cameras and police post
    2. Real Job training programs, with certifications earned. Evaluate the talent sitting home with no skills or opportunity. For example, like to play video games? Teach computer programming and app development. Like to deal drugs? Teach medical Mary Jane business model, or pharmaceutical tech development. Like gun play? Security officer or police force training. Like to help fix things. Electrician or plumbing schools. Like to eat? Cooking schools.
    Everyone wants jobs. I for one would like to see programs in place to help people become qualified for jobs that are lacking qualified applicants, rather than awarding construction contracts to political donors.


  23. How does one justify spending $146 million for a train station that is not needed?
    Let’s have the city find a developer first who will commit to spending an equal amount of private funds to develop the 700 acres of underdeveloped or undeveloped properties before we start talking about payback of the train station.
    The cost has tripled in no time once finch and his cronies started to come up with ways to pay back political friends.

  24. How this morphed into a discussion on gun control is beyond me. We’re talking about the police department not budgeting resources and manpower to provide security and crime prevention in a housing project torn by violence, drug dealing and murder.

    Is it the mayor’s fault? To a great extent, yes. He has the authority to order the chief of police to send a detail of police officers to Trumbull Gardens. Has that been done? No. Andrew Fardy is right, call in the State Police. Chief Gaudett has no interest in policing public housing in Bridgeport. And the mayor doesn’t give a rat’s ass. None of the people living in the projects is a registered voter.

  25. Bridgeport Kid, are you kidding me? No one in the projects are registered voters and you know this how? You live there, you have friends there, you have family there or maybe you looked at the registered voters list and didn’t see one person from the projects who was registered. Your put that crap out there like it’s the truth, the whole truth and nothing but. Cut it out.


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