Today is the St. Patrick’s Day of the inland fishing season: lots of amateurs hanging out around watering holes.
Why do I hate fishing on opening day? The last time I did that an errant cast lodged a hook in my neck.
Speaking of amateurs, this item from the Hartford Courant is too juicy to pass up, courtesy of that indomitable state representative from the North End Christopher Caruso:
In their “no tax increase” budget plan that was unveiled Thursday, Republicans proposed eliminating $60 million from the Citizens’ Election Fund that is used to publicly finance election campaigns.
With the state facing dire financial problems, the Republicans said it makes no sense to have taxpayers pay for the campaign bumper stickers of politicians.
“This is not the time” to pay for elections, said House GOP leader Lawrence Cafero of Norwalk.
But Rep. Christopher Caruso, a Bridgeport Democrat who spearheaded the drive for reform, said the elimination is “the wrong thing to do” as the relatively new program is just getting started. The 2010 election would be the first gubernatorial campaign with public financing.
“Calling for its elimination is an affront to the need for a more open and accountable government,” Caruso said. “In the last election cycle, we saw more people have the opportunity to become involved in the process due to this program, especially during primaries.”
He added, “Without it, many average citizens who would like to enter government with fresh ideas and new approaches will not have this opportunity. The call for its elimination comes on the eve of the 2010 election for governor. Apparently, some want to continue the system of incumbent protection that government has had for too long.”
Fresh ideas and new approaches? Gee, can anyone recall The Great Caruso’s octaves for fresh ideas and new approaches during his 2007 failed primary challenge of Bill Finch? Oh, yeah … corruption, corruption, corruption. Can’t wait for what Caruso will unveil as a mayoral candidate for 2011, after Caruso votes for the highest tax increase in state history and urging that $60 million be applied to finance campaigns.
Will someone please tell me, after 20 years in the state legislature, what Caruso has done for Bridgeport?
Barack infused Chris Dodd a much-needed boost on Friday, declaring that Connecticut’s senior center deserves another six years. What does it mean? That depends on whether we’ll hear about another housing/mortgage/property revelation. Dodd’s best friend right now equals peace and quiet.
I’m catching up on a bunch of press releases. Here goes:
Alternate-Side-of-the-Street Parking in Force
Bridgeport residents asked to comply with ordinance; Street sweeping to begin May 4
BRIDGEPORT, CT (April 17, 2009) – Mayor Bill Finch asks all City residents to comply with the alternate-side-of-the-street parking ordinance which is in effect from April 1 through November 15.
“Moving your car to the alternate side of the street helps our public works crews do their jobs more efficiently, and ultimately, helps keep our city cleaner,” said Mayor Bill Finch. “We are asking for the public’s cooperation in making this possible so that we can all enjoy a cleaner, greener Bridgeport.”
Residents are urged to heed posted signs on the streets. Cars parked in violation will be ticketed and/or towed. Copies of the alternate-side-of-the-street parking ordinance are available at the City Clerk’s office, City Hall, Room 204, 45 Lyon Terrace.
City Public Works crews will begin street sweeping operations on Monday, May 4.
The street sweeping schedule divides the city into three sections – red, blue and green. Please observe the color of the sign in your area.
Parking or standing will be allowed on the even-number side of the streets on even-numbered days during such periods, and parking or standing will be permitted on the odd-number side of the streets on odd-numbered days during such period as follows:
Red Section: The red section includes the area of the City north of North Avenue (Route 1), including North Avenue to Trumbull Town Line between Fairfield Town Line East to Route 8/25 and Seltsam Road from the 1st to the 10thday of every month. (North End & North Side of City)
Blue Section: The blue section includes the area of the City south of North Avenue (Route 1), but not including North Avenue to Ash Creek and Waldemere Avenue between Fairfield Town Line east to (but not including) Knowlton Street, Water Street and including south end of Main Street, from the 11th to the 20thof every month. ( West End , South Side & Black Rock)
Green Section: The green section includes the area of the City south of the Trumbull Town Line to Pleasure Beach between Beardsley Park, Glenwood Avenue and Knowlton Street (including Knowlton Street) east to the StratfordTown Line from the 21st to the last day of every month. (East End & East Side)
Help The Zoo
Many of you have seen or heard media reports hinting that Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo may close.
The truth is we will not close-Not if you can help it!
What’s Happening:
With budgets in crisis at the state and local levels, our funding is in jeopardy. Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo relies on both the State of Connecticut and the City of Bridgeport for nearly one-third of our funding.
If either one cuts our budget, our ability to keep the doors open will be in danger.
What You Can Do About It
You can help save your Zoo by:
Telling your elected officials to SAVE YOUR ZOO. Tell them what the Zoo means to you and your family. Tell them to leave our funding alone.
Call Governor Rell: 800-406-1527
Call Mayor Finch: 203-576-7201
Park City Regatta is Helping to Turn the Tide Against Cancer
Saturday, July 18 is the date of the 2009 Park City Regatta. Now in its eighth year, the Park City Regatta is presented by Fayerweather Yacht Club and Black Rock Yacht Club in Bridgeport, CT and Housatonic Boat Club in Stratford, CT. By combining sailing, fundraising and fun, the Park City Regatta supports the St. Vincent’s Medical Center Foundation’s SWIM Across the Sound, Connecticut’s largest cancer charity organization. The regatta will once again be hosted by Fayerweather Yacht Club, (FYC) with on-the-water support provided by volunteers from all three clubs.
“The Park City Regatta is an incredible event that raises money to support SWIM Across the Sound, an organization that fights every type of cancer,” said Regatta Chair Betsy Sorensen. “Cancer is so prevalent in our society that there isn’t anyone who hasn’t been affected by it, and this regatta is something that we can do to help turn the tide against it.”
The Park City Regatta has partnered with Connecticut Community Boating, Inc. (CCB), a non-profit public sailing program located just across Black Rock Harbor from Fayerweather Yacht Club at Seaside Park. CCBis making their fleet of 14-foot Hunter sloops and 8-foot Optimist prams available to introduce a whole new aspect of racing to the Regatta: small boats. The Hunter 140 and Optimist “Green Fleet” races will be sailed on a separate course from the “big boats,” and the small boat divisions will be open to both junior and adult sailors.
“This is an awesome way to bring our community together for a great cause,” said Capt. Chris German, Executive Director of CCB. “Our fleet is here for everyone to use and we’re happy to be able to work with so many of our neighbors to bring a whole new breed of sailing to this event.”
Two races are scheduled for the big boats (conditions permitting) for PHRF Spinnaker and Non-Spinnaker divisions, and one-design classes (i.e. J/24, Melges24, Catalina 30) will have a separate start (with sufficient entries). A six-race series is planned for the small boat division, on a course near Fayerweather Lighthouse.
The Skippers Meeting begins at 10am in the FYC Penfield Room, the Harbor Start will be at 11, and the First Gun is at noon. A picnic on the FYClawn kicks off at 4pm, with an awards presentation, prizes, raffle and live music.
Trophies will be awarded to the first, second and third place finishers in each division, and all skippers and crew are urged to solicit donations for their boat. The five boats that raise the most funds will receive special awards. All donations to the Park City Regatta are tax deductible.
With the FYC/ BRYC Invitational Regatta scheduled for Sunday, July 19, this promises to be a great weekend of racing and revelry. Free overnight dockage for boats sailing in the Park City Regatta is available on Friday, July 18 and Saturday, July 18 at Fayerweather Yacht Club and Captain’s Cove Seaport. Captain’s Cove monitors VHF channel 18 and their phone number is 203-335-1433. FYC monitors VHF channel 14 and their phone number is 203-576-6796. Skippers docking overnight at FYC should be prepared to raft up. Black Rock Yacht Club is offering free overnight moorings to participating boats.
Visit www.parkcityregatta.comfor more information including Notice of Race, entry form and sponsorship form, or to make an online donation with PayPal, or contact Betsy Sorensen at Connecticut Community Boating’s website is
Park City Regatta
They admit it, at least
NRCC Launches Robocalls Against Jim Himes
Robocall Reveals Himes’ Support for Devastating New Energy Tax
Washington- The NRCC announced a new offensive of robocalls aimed at holding Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) accountable for following Nancy Pelosi’s lead to open the doors for a brand new energy tax that will hit every family in Connecticut. The robocalls confront Himes for his support of this so-called “Cap-and-Trade” program – better known as “Cap-and-Tax” – that could lead to $650 billion in new energy taxes and cost jobs.
“Jim Himes has failed to be honest about his willingness to support a devastating energy tax increase at the expense of his constituents in Connecticut,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “We will continue to hold Jim Himes accountable for rubber-stamping Nancy Pelosi’s agenda that will burden middle-class families and inflict further damage on an already fragile economy for years to come.”
The robocalls began this week during the congressional recess while Jim Himes will have to face his constituents and try to explain why he voted for a $3.5 trillion budget, paving the way for a national energy tax that will hit every person who flips on a light switch.
Below is the script for the robocall:
Hello, this is (male voice) calling from the National Republican Congressional Committee with an urgent message about jobs in our area. Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Jim Himes voted for a budget with a trillion dollar deficit, now Congressman Jim Himes may support Nancy Pelosi’s Cap and Trade energy tax that could increase taxes by $650 billion dollars. These democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Jim Himes don’t get it. Raising taxes on energy could cost us jobs, maybe even yours. Balancing our own checkbooks is hard enough without raising taxes. Call Congressman Jim Himes today at 202 225-3121 and tell them to stand up for jobs and not new taxes. Paid for by The National Republican Congressional Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. W-W-W-dot-N-R-C-C-dot-O-R-G. 202-479-7000
A message to Chris Caruso and any other politician supporting the state infusion of funds into campaigns.
We spent $60 million this past election cycle and to what end?
We had the same tired faces running for the same offices. This law did nothing but waste money and give candidates far more money than they needed to run their campaigns.
This state has got to stop funding every damn thing that comes down the pike. I challenge any of these politicians to show me where the state funding of campaigns produced new candidates that otherwise would not have run.
Enough is Enough.
BTW for all of you Obama fans he has kept his record intact he has gone to Mexico and a conference involving Latin American countries and has apologized for America’s arrogance. It’s time for him to get off his knees and be a leader.
*** You’re right, at first upon hearing the general reasons of the funding & opportunity it was to give all candidates an even “$” playing field, I felt the possibilities if fair, could be helpful. But after seeing the amounts of money that some of the running candidates were getting to run a local election in Bpt. it was wasteful to say the least! *** And thank God Obama doesn’t have the same chip on his shoulder that Bush & the GOP had against Latin American countries that refused to bow down to the demands & the “our way or no way” attitude of the USA! He’s opening doors that have been closed for years, especially at a time when America needs all the new & old allies we can get! America is not that far from becoming a third-world country itself if she doesn’t become more diplomatic with new growing countries. ***
I’m not so sure about this issue of Caruso being against public campaign funding. Without some form of public assistance, an aspiring political candidate has a near-impossible challenge if he or she hopes to unseat a machinist-placed incumbent. Many of the “non-connected” aspirants just won’t run because of insurmountable financial demands affecting their own personal funds. But we need fresh unagendized newcomers. We desperately need them.
Auden Grogins defeated Bob Keeley in a primary last August with Keeley having the backing of the DTC and chairman Mario Testa. Both spent $30K through the public financing route. Could Grogins have raised the same amount without public financing? In the end, Grogins defeated Keeley because she outmessaged and outhustled him.
As for Caruso, I’ve written here many times that he’s not a dummy, he’s smart. But he’s so brutally stubborn to allow himself a strategy that can win a citywide race.
As a result he travels to the beat of one myopic message when he can leverage his seniority for a lot of good on behalf of the city.
Obama got off his knees last night and boldly initiated a conversation with Chaves and introduced himself. Chaves immediately told Obama “… I want to be your friend.” That, my friend, is leadership at its best.
Apologizing for a small mistake prevents a larger miscue from escalating into a bigger one. It’s a time-honored Machiavellian tactic–used at an initial meeting–that puts an opponent on the defensive. Trial lawyers and politicians of both stripes have been using it for years.
It doesn’t involve getting on your knees but it does involve standing on your toes! I applaud my President’s style and wish him the best in his pursuits.
If you don’t think that “Corruption” isn’t alive and well in Bridgeport, then all of Lennie’s columns are Fish stories.
Why hasn’t anyone commented on the new deals in the works for new Master Zoning Plan. Clearly the Fix is in and I only thought the Freddie Fixer parade took place in New Haven!
WWPFD–What would Pat Fardy Do? I’m anxiously awaiting a reply from Gail Solis, Countdown or Wondering.
*** It’s only my opinion but the way things are shaping up lately in zoning makes me wonder exactly “why” did they get rid of Nancy Hadley? Who really put her heart into having the city get through its study & implement many of the U.L.I.’s recommendations back in 2005. Is it because Finch knew she would be against any backroom ideas to make changes to the city’s Master Plan for personal Admin. reasons? The C.E.D.S. is a very extensive plan but legally vague in some areas where only vet. zoning board members & an attorney like Ray Rizzo would clearly see attempts to make Admin. personal type changes! *** The Finch Admin. has gotten into a bad policy of making major decisions behind closed doors & keeping everyone out of the loop ’til the very last minute! Not a good way to run government by preaching transparency & doing the opposite? ***
Barack: I can comment firsthand; if Pat Fardy were still there none of this BS would be going to happen. You note I said going to happen.
Pat Fardy wondered why Finch was not re-appointing her. She though it might have been her husband’s support of Testa over Stafstrom. Truth be told Finch and Company knew that they could not bastardize 18 month’s worth of work and a $1 Million master plan and rewrite study.
Finch is using Adam Wood to bastardize the master plan. Finch knew that he could not get the changes to Main & Old Town through. He knew he could not get the changes on Madison Ave with Pat Fardy in place. He knew that he could not get the zone changed on Summit St. to now show that controversial property is scheduled to go back to multifamily use. This measure was sponsored by Gail Solis.
Look in case you did not know Pat Fardy through her husband was offered a $5,000 bribe to pass condos on the Summit St. property. She refused and the matter was turned over to the FBI.
Finch and Company have put all of their people on zoning and are going to cater to the developers and to the zoning lawyers. They are even changing the setback rules for commercial properties to 250 FT. That means they can encroach on a residential neighborhood by almost 5 building lots.
The latest attempt by Finch and company is to put a contractor on zoning who is suing zoning over a denial he received.
I hope I have answered your question.
Caruso has spent his last dollar of political capital. He may continue to be re-elected and re-elected by a loyalist group of local neighborhood constituents. But the fact of the matter is, we would be far better off if someone else were in his place. Myopic is kind as is stubborn. More popular is “ineffective” and “obstructionistic.”
To that end, there may be an aspirant to his seat unable to run because of financial constraints. You’re right, Grogins outflashed Keeley at a time when Keeley’s bulb was dimming.
There is great power in the ability of Testa to fund all of the campaigns of his hand-picked gaggle of sycophants. Who out there thinks we can return to prosperity with this crop of dilettantes running the show?
We need new people committed and dedicated to doing right. It costs money at a time when most families are counting pennies. I am loath to think that there is someone out there who would otherwise bring us true leadership but can’t afford to do so.
It would be money well spent. Not everyone is as politically savvy as Grogins.
That’s what I thought Pat Fardy would do. That’s why I posed the question.
Why would Solis recommend changing Greenwood property to MF, thus increasing density and giving greater land value to property? When Finch has made it perfectly clear that he wants the State to buy the property as part of Ox Brook project? I also heard that Finch doesn’t want anymore public hearings on zoning re-write.
Sounds like a major league political payback to principals who control the property.
Finch’s talk on Ox Brook project is total BS. Solis is Finch and Timpanelli’s appointee to the zoning board. Finch says he wants to buy the property for open space. Where does the money come from for this purchase? Hey we can’t keep the libraries open 5 days a week and the zoo is in trouble. Open space my ass.
Finch and Wood have their flunkies on the board trying not to have any more public hearings and he is using Conte and Anastasi to come up with some legal bullshit so that there will be no more public input.
At a time when the state is facing huge budget shortfalls and almost certain tax increases (but probably not as great as those supported by Chris Caruso), I think that the voters will find it hard, as I do, to justify spending 60 MILLION dollars to support the political class and their cronies. It is bad enough that we have to support elected officials who couldn’t get a job in the real world. Now we have to support their campaigns. Repeal public funding of election campaigns and put the money to better use.
Taxpayer: There is a little bit of truth to what you say. I have spoken out on other issues in public hearings such as the sewer treatment plant and Monroe. I have spoken out in live letters to the Post.
I have let this zoning stuff sit and not said much. I probably would not have written about it today except for Barack’s post.
Look everybody’s time comes and what was lousy about the deal with my wife was that she was promised a reappointment from Finch just prior to his election. Not having that happen was a disappointment. The thing that really pissed me off was the memo circulated by Adam Wood showing my wife was not going to be reappointed but allowed to sit until her replacement Gail Solis could be put in her place. All the while Finch said he was taking care of the situation. I obtained a copy of the memo and know it was for real.
Putting my feelings aside, what is now happening in zoning with the rewrite and the changes that this hand-picked board is making will change the make up of the city and damage many formerly zoned 1 family neighborhoods. People need to stand up and the only 2 council people taking up the fight are Paniccia and Lyons. What is going to happen especially in the working-class neighborhoods is going to be a sin. When it happens it will be too late.
Yahooy, you never cease to amaze me. OBAMA did not “get off his knees”. He submissively got on them! How ironic while he preaches energy independence (translation: BIG taxes on anything we use that requires energy) he bows and sucks up to our enemies who we get oil from. What is the message? Human rights violations are O.K.? We really want your oil but we want to pretend that we don’t? Our water boarding is bad but it’s O.K. if you nationalize your businesses? If you shut down the press and arrest any of your citizens who disagree with your policies that’s fine? I don’t want to be Hugo’s friend. I don’t want our government to be his friend. I especially don’t want my president sucking up to an extreme leftist dictator who is abusing his own people and blaming the U.S.A. for it. You want energy independence? Explore ours! Use coal, oil, nuclear, wind, solar, natural gas, geothermal, hydrogen etc. You can’t expect to go “green” over night. We can’t afford it. The idea that we “Cap and Tax” ourselves out of business while we rely more heavily on the Hugos of the world is as ridiculous as spending untold trillions that our grandchildren can’t even pay the interest on.
*** Yeah, let’s handle Hugo’s country like we did Fidel’s & see where it gets us and who in the end suffers more, the government or its people? Venezuela is not surrounded by water like Cuba, it’s surrounded by other Latin American countries with many of the same problems. If they all decided to form an alliance & equal revenue system like the euro, what happens to the American dollar? Connect the countries from South America down through Central America to Mexico in that Latino-Alliance. Now where’s that leave the mighty, do as I say not as I do, U.S.A.? *** Forget about it! ***
There will never be such an alliance. These countries are too busy playing macho man with each other and sooner or later the army gets pissed and takes over the country. This conference that was just concluded was the first time in memory that there were no Latin American leaders in uniform.
The mighty USA has spent a lot of money in government aid to these countries. BTW you make it sound like we are responsible for all the ills in the Latin countries.
*** I don’t remember blogging anything that sounded like the U.S is “responsible” for Latin America’s ills! Basically just the fact that Obama’s taking the time to extend the olive branch or reestablishing new fresh friendly foreign relations with these countries is a step in the right direction. *** Also the U.S.A. doesn’t always spend the mighty dollar anywhere for “no” reason! There’s always a message to the madness sooner or later! ***
You don’t like what I have to say? Stick it up your ass. With all due respect.
Get your head out of the hoagie and turn on your freaking television and see what people who understand the importance of global cooperation as it relates to global economic recovery are saying.
Maybe it’s Chaves who is thawing here. Maybe Chaves realizes that Venezuela could benefit from true global cooperation.
Maybe Obama is going to say … “Chaves, mi amigo, I want to be your friend too. But I think you need to brush up your manners.”
The great philosopher Fanculo di Sfacim once said when an enemy opens up a door probing for detente, don’t shove the olive branch in his ear.
Go read something polysyllabic you dumb son of a bitch.
I can’t believe that some have the opinion you share.
Cuba since the embargo has been a lost opportunity to the world. Fidel is an idiot who has suppressed the economic growth of his country for the past 50 years because he is a stubborn fool who was unwilling to create meaningful dialogue with any democratic world leaders. As communism bit the bullet Castro was unable to see the forest through the trees. Had a better set of diplomatic initiatives been employed many many years ago, history might have changed. I believe the same to be true with Venezuela. Chaves made the first gesture. I commend him for that. I want Obama to explore a cooperative and congenial emergence of international discourse. It’s important to the entire world. Of course I expect concessions on the part of Chaves for humanitarian normalization.
That’s my opinion. I’m sticking with it because I am right. If you don’t like it you can stick it up your ass too.
*** If the U.S would have handled things differently with Castro instead of wanting a puppet Cuban President, maybe he wouldn’t have gone to the Russians for support and things might have been different! *** Also, you are quick to blog not only your opinion, but also like to “disrespect” other bloggers if they don’t happen to agree with you, etc. Very easy to do while hiding behind a fake forum name handle; however Bpt. is not that big & sooner or later your true I.D. will be found! And once face to face, I would like you to show me exactly where I should stick it up yours, ASS-Wipe! ***
Yahooy: You know what, I don’t care if that first post by you was directed at me or not.
Chavez is a tyrant and a gross violator of civil rights. I am tired of seeing Obama apologizing for America. He did it in Europe and what did it get him. Zip. The French president blasted him the day after the summit. He acted like we were responsible for Europe’s problems and that we did not give a shit about Europe. All these Europeans that think like the French president need to do is look at the American cemetaries in their countries. Twice we saved their ass.
It’s the attitude like yours that led to a half-assed war effort in Korea and an equally half-assed war in Vietnam. We talked to those people while our military was being limited and killed at the same time.
Yeah Chavez understood the global crisis while oil was $100 a barrel; now he does not understand it when oil is in the $40 range.
Detente my ass, you want to keep apologizing for America have at it. I don’t want to apologize for the greatest country ever.
BTW try having a discourse without the name calling and stop looking up words in the dictionary it’s not going to hide the real you.
Did anyone try to go to the Transfer Station yesterday? Saturday summer hours were always 7 – 2 and now they close the gate at 12. The line of cars was halfway to Boston Ave and the guy closed the gate anyway; “Charlie Carroll’s orders because there’s no money in the budget.” Are you fucking kidding me? The entire Parks dept was working overtime yesterday. There’s one guy at the Transfer Station so what are they saving for the 2 hours, maybe $50?
This isn’t Charlie Carroll’s orders, it’s Tony DePrimo trying to exact his revenge because he was kicked out of the Transfer Station. If Larry Osborne wasn’t such a pussy, Tony would be gone. But they transferred him to Public Works/Parks and Charlie is letting him call the shots. Problem is he’s not hurting the guy at the Transfer Station. That guy is happy to go home and work on his own yard. It is hurting the residents of Bridgeport who are trying to clean up their properties and make the city look a little nicer. Everyone is doing spring clean-ups and nowhere to dump the garbage. It will end up on the street or some vacant lot for sure.
If you look real hard you will see that the post to which you refer was addressed to Same Old Same Old. You’re slipping.
I read your rebuttal and I think you are full of shit too.
Oh. Have a nice day.
Tom Kelly … I just had lunch at Bobby V’s in downtown Stamford. That was 25 years ago when Attorney what’s his name introduced us. Holy shit. 25 years!!!
I don’t know if Chico Rivera would have run in the Democratic primaries for the 130th State Rep seat with or without the Public Financing Program in place last Summer, but I definitely would not have campaigned for public office without it.
Connecticut’s Public Financing program was the deciding factor for me to take on the challenge to try to “offer change” to Bridgeport’s Democratic voters last August in the 130th.
I was a “new candidate” and the Public Financing Program gave me a fighting chance against the party-endorsed candidate (Ezekiel Santiago) and a second primary candidate (Chico Rivera) as all three of us had the same amount of money (about $30,000) to run our campaigns.
Accordingly, I support Rep. Chris Caruso’s efforts (and anyone else’s) who sees and understands that the public benefits by maintaining funding (taxes) to support the Public Financing Program of primaries and general elections campaigns for all political hopefuls statewide.
I think it has made and will continue to make a huge difference in our state’s political future for the better by taking “special interest” money out of political campaigns.
It’s a small price to pay rather than forcing aspiring candidates to “owe their political souls” to a small, select group of savvy, strong and aggressive political fundraisers and supporters.
I believe the political process wins out in the long run. Today, in spite of the loss to Ezekiel Santiago last August, I have a deeper understanding and greater appreciation for what aspiring political candidates have to face when they have to plan to spend most of their campaign time fundraising instead of trying to communicate and share their political ideas and positions with the voters to give them a “choice” at the voting booth on election day.
In closing, by shutting down the Public Finance Campaign Program now, we will discourage any “new blood” from coming into the political arena. Just my two cents on the topic.
Sly, I am glad you said something. I would not have run without the public funding either. I will not run again without it. Also, the $100.00 maximum prevents the politician from being beholden to anyone.
*** It doesn’t take $30,000. to run a local city-council campaign in Bpt. ’cause knocking on doors & having local district political debates in neighborhood community halls or public talk radio, along with pass-out fliers is inexpensive, yet priceless for a candidate trying to get exposure! $15,000. sounds about right for a local city-council race in Bpt. “depending” on the usual past voter turnouts for that district & number of candidates running for the seat? ***
A message to Chris Caruso and any other politician supporting the state infusion of funds into campaigns.
We spent $60 million this past election cycle and to what end?
We had the same tired faces running for the same offices. This law did nothing but waste money and give candidates far more money than they needed to run their campaigns.
This state has got to stop funding every damn thing that comes down the pike. I challenge any of these politicians to show me where the state funding of campaigns produced new candidates that otherwise would not have run.
Enough is Enough.
BTW for all of you Obama fans he has kept his record intact he has gone to Mexico and a conference involving Latin American countries and has apologized for America’s arrogance. It’s time for him to get off his knees and be a leader.
The Oracle of Omaha Nightcrawler Worms!
Gone Fishing!!!
*** You’re right, at first upon hearing the general reasons of the funding & opportunity it was to give all candidates an even “$” playing field, I felt the possibilities if fair, could be helpful. But after seeing the amounts of money that some of the running candidates were getting to run a local election in Bpt. it was wasteful to say the least! *** And thank God Obama doesn’t have the same chip on his shoulder that Bush & the GOP had against Latin American countries that refused to bow down to the demands & the “our way or no way” attitude of the USA! He’s opening doors that have been closed for years, especially at a time when America needs all the new & old allies we can get! America is not that far from becoming a third-world country itself if she doesn’t become more diplomatic with new growing countries. ***
I’m not so sure about this issue of Caruso being against public campaign funding. Without some form of public assistance, an aspiring political candidate has a near-impossible challenge if he or she hopes to unseat a machinist-placed incumbent. Many of the “non-connected” aspirants just won’t run because of insurmountable financial demands affecting their own personal funds. But we need fresh unagendized newcomers. We desperately need them.
I’m surprised at Lennie’s attack on Caruso.
Auden Grogins defeated Bob Keeley in a primary last August with Keeley having the backing of the DTC and chairman Mario Testa. Both spent $30K through the public financing route. Could Grogins have raised the same amount without public financing? In the end, Grogins defeated Keeley because she outmessaged and outhustled him.
As for Caruso, I’ve written here many times that he’s not a dummy, he’s smart. But he’s so brutally stubborn to allow himself a strategy that can win a citywide race.
As a result he travels to the beat of one myopic message when he can leverage his seniority for a lot of good on behalf of the city.
Obama got off his knees last night and boldly initiated a conversation with Chaves and introduced himself. Chaves immediately told Obama “… I want to be your friend.” That, my friend, is leadership at its best.
Apologizing for a small mistake prevents a larger miscue from escalating into a bigger one. It’s a time-honored Machiavellian tactic–used at an initial meeting–that puts an opponent on the defensive. Trial lawyers and politicians of both stripes have been using it for years.
It doesn’t involve getting on your knees but it does involve standing on your toes! I applaud my President’s style and wish him the best in his pursuits.
If you don’t think that “Corruption” isn’t alive and well in Bridgeport, then all of Lennie’s columns are Fish stories.
Why hasn’t anyone commented on the new deals in the works for new Master Zoning Plan. Clearly the Fix is in and I only thought the Freddie Fixer parade took place in New Haven!
WWPFD–What would Pat Fardy Do? I’m anxiously awaiting a reply from Gail Solis, Countdown or Wondering.
*** It’s only my opinion but the way things are shaping up lately in zoning makes me wonder exactly “why” did they get rid of Nancy Hadley? Who really put her heart into having the city get through its study & implement many of the U.L.I.’s recommendations back in 2005. Is it because Finch knew she would be against any backroom ideas to make changes to the city’s Master Plan for personal Admin. reasons? The C.E.D.S. is a very extensive plan but legally vague in some areas where only vet. zoning board members & an attorney like Ray Rizzo would clearly see attempts to make Admin. personal type changes! *** The Finch Admin. has gotten into a bad policy of making major decisions behind closed doors & keeping everyone out of the loop ’til the very last minute! Not a good way to run government by preaching transparency & doing the opposite? ***
Barack: I can comment firsthand; if Pat Fardy were still there none of this BS would be going to happen. You note I said going to happen.
Pat Fardy wondered why Finch was not re-appointing her. She though it might have been her husband’s support of Testa over Stafstrom. Truth be told Finch and Company knew that they could not bastardize 18 month’s worth of work and a $1 Million master plan and rewrite study.
Finch is using Adam Wood to bastardize the master plan. Finch knew that he could not get the changes to Main & Old Town through. He knew he could not get the changes on Madison Ave with Pat Fardy in place. He knew that he could not get the zone changed on Summit St. to now show that controversial property is scheduled to go back to multifamily use. This measure was sponsored by Gail Solis.
Look in case you did not know Pat Fardy through her husband was offered a $5,000 bribe to pass condos on the Summit St. property. She refused and the matter was turned over to the FBI.
Finch and Company have put all of their people on zoning and are going to cater to the developers and to the zoning lawyers. They are even changing the setback rules for commercial properties to 250 FT. That means they can encroach on a residential neighborhood by almost 5 building lots.
The latest attempt by Finch and company is to put a contractor on zoning who is suing zoning over a denial he received.
I hope I have answered your question.
Caruso has spent his last dollar of political capital. He may continue to be re-elected and re-elected by a loyalist group of local neighborhood constituents. But the fact of the matter is, we would be far better off if someone else were in his place. Myopic is kind as is stubborn. More popular is “ineffective” and “obstructionistic.”
To that end, there may be an aspirant to his seat unable to run because of financial constraints. You’re right, Grogins outflashed Keeley at a time when Keeley’s bulb was dimming.
There is great power in the ability of Testa to fund all of the campaigns of his hand-picked gaggle of sycophants. Who out there thinks we can return to prosperity with this crop of dilettantes running the show?
We need new people committed and dedicated to doing right. It costs money at a time when most families are counting pennies. I am loath to think that there is someone out there who would otherwise bring us true leadership but can’t afford to do so.
It would be money well spent. Not everyone is as politically savvy as Grogins.
town committee
That’s what I thought Pat Fardy would do. That’s why I posed the question.
Why would Solis recommend changing Greenwood property to MF, thus increasing density and giving greater land value to property? When Finch has made it perfectly clear that he wants the State to buy the property as part of Ox Brook project? I also heard that Finch doesn’t want anymore public hearings on zoning re-write.
Sounds like a major league political payback to principals who control the property.
Finch’s talk on Ox Brook project is total BS. Solis is Finch and Timpanelli’s appointee to the zoning board. Finch says he wants to buy the property for open space. Where does the money come from for this purchase? Hey we can’t keep the libraries open 5 days a week and the zoo is in trouble. Open space my ass.
Finch and Wood have their flunkies on the board trying not to have any more public hearings and he is using Conte and Anastasi to come up with some legal bullshit so that there will be no more public input.
I almost forgot, it’s major payback to the lawyers and developers who are now running the zoning board and the ZBA.
At a time when the state is facing huge budget shortfalls and almost certain tax increases (but probably not as great as those supported by Chris Caruso), I think that the voters will find it hard, as I do, to justify spending 60 MILLION dollars to support the political class and their cronies. It is bad enough that we have to support elected officials who couldn’t get a job in the real world. Now we have to support their campaigns. Repeal public funding of election campaigns and put the money to better use.
Town Committee
Glad to hear you speaking up. Too bad you weren’t doing so before your wife got sacked and you had an axe to grind.
Taxpayer: There is a little bit of truth to what you say. I have spoken out on other issues in public hearings such as the sewer treatment plant and Monroe. I have spoken out in live letters to the Post.
I have let this zoning stuff sit and not said much. I probably would not have written about it today except for Barack’s post.
Look everybody’s time comes and what was lousy about the deal with my wife was that she was promised a reappointment from Finch just prior to his election. Not having that happen was a disappointment. The thing that really pissed me off was the memo circulated by Adam Wood showing my wife was not going to be reappointed but allowed to sit until her replacement Gail Solis could be put in her place. All the while Finch said he was taking care of the situation. I obtained a copy of the memo and know it was for real.
Putting my feelings aside, what is now happening in zoning with the rewrite and the changes that this hand-picked board is making will change the make up of the city and damage many formerly zoned 1 family neighborhoods. People need to stand up and the only 2 council people taking up the fight are Paniccia and Lyons. What is going to happen especially in the working-class neighborhoods is going to be a sin. When it happens it will be too late.
Yahooy, you never cease to amaze me. OBAMA did not “get off his knees”. He submissively got on them! How ironic while he preaches energy independence (translation: BIG taxes on anything we use that requires energy) he bows and sucks up to our enemies who we get oil from. What is the message? Human rights violations are O.K.? We really want your oil but we want to pretend that we don’t? Our water boarding is bad but it’s O.K. if you nationalize your businesses? If you shut down the press and arrest any of your citizens who disagree with your policies that’s fine? I don’t want to be Hugo’s friend. I don’t want our government to be his friend. I especially don’t want my president sucking up to an extreme leftist dictator who is abusing his own people and blaming the U.S.A. for it. You want energy independence? Explore ours! Use coal, oil, nuclear, wind, solar, natural gas, geothermal, hydrogen etc. You can’t expect to go “green” over night. We can’t afford it. The idea that we “Cap and Tax” ourselves out of business while we rely more heavily on the Hugos of the world is as ridiculous as spending untold trillions that our grandchildren can’t even pay the interest on.
*** Yeah, let’s handle Hugo’s country like we did Fidel’s & see where it gets us and who in the end suffers more, the government or its people? Venezuela is not surrounded by water like Cuba, it’s surrounded by other Latin American countries with many of the same problems. If they all decided to form an alliance & equal revenue system like the euro, what happens to the American dollar? Connect the countries from South America down through Central America to Mexico in that Latino-Alliance. Now where’s that leave the mighty, do as I say not as I do, U.S.A.? *** Forget about it! ***
There will never be such an alliance. These countries are too busy playing macho man with each other and sooner or later the army gets pissed and takes over the country. This conference that was just concluded was the first time in memory that there were no Latin American leaders in uniform.
The mighty USA has spent a lot of money in government aid to these countries. BTW you make it sound like we are responsible for all the ills in the Latin countries.
*** I don’t remember blogging anything that sounded like the U.S is “responsible” for Latin America’s ills! Basically just the fact that Obama’s taking the time to extend the olive branch or reestablishing new fresh friendly foreign relations with these countries is a step in the right direction. *** Also the U.S.A. doesn’t always spend the mighty dollar anywhere for “no” reason! There’s always a message to the madness sooner or later! ***
Same Old Same Old …
You don’t like what I have to say? Stick it up your ass. With all due respect.
Get your head out of the hoagie and turn on your freaking television and see what people who understand the importance of global cooperation as it relates to global economic recovery are saying.
Maybe it’s Chaves who is thawing here. Maybe Chaves realizes that Venezuela could benefit from true global cooperation.
Maybe Obama is going to say … “Chaves, mi amigo, I want to be your friend too. But I think you need to brush up your manners.”
The great philosopher Fanculo di Sfacim once said when an enemy opens up a door probing for detente, don’t shove the olive branch in his ear.
Go read something polysyllabic you dumb son of a bitch.
Oh. Have a nice day.
I just read your bullshit.
I can’t believe that some have the opinion you share.
Cuba since the embargo has been a lost opportunity to the world. Fidel is an idiot who has suppressed the economic growth of his country for the past 50 years because he is a stubborn fool who was unwilling to create meaningful dialogue with any democratic world leaders. As communism bit the bullet Castro was unable to see the forest through the trees. Had a better set of diplomatic initiatives been employed many many years ago, history might have changed. I believe the same to be true with Venezuela. Chaves made the first gesture. I commend him for that. I want Obama to explore a cooperative and congenial emergence of international discourse. It’s important to the entire world. Of course I expect concessions on the part of Chaves for humanitarian normalization.
That’s my opinion. I’m sticking with it because I am right. If you don’t like it you can stick it up your ass too.
Oh. Have a nice day.
*** If the U.S would have handled things differently with Castro instead of wanting a puppet Cuban President, maybe he wouldn’t have gone to the Russians for support and things might have been different! *** Also, you are quick to blog not only your opinion, but also like to “disrespect” other bloggers if they don’t happen to agree with you, etc. Very easy to do while hiding behind a fake forum name handle; however Bpt. is not that big & sooner or later your true I.D. will be found! And once face to face, I would like you to show me exactly where I should stick it up yours, ASS-Wipe! ***
I take it your first post is directed towards what I wrote am I correct?
Yahooy: You know what, I don’t care if that first post by you was directed at me or not.
Chavez is a tyrant and a gross violator of civil rights. I am tired of seeing Obama apologizing for America. He did it in Europe and what did it get him. Zip. The French president blasted him the day after the summit. He acted like we were responsible for Europe’s problems and that we did not give a shit about Europe. All these Europeans that think like the French president need to do is look at the American cemetaries in their countries. Twice we saved their ass.
It’s the attitude like yours that led to a half-assed war effort in Korea and an equally half-assed war in Vietnam. We talked to those people while our military was being limited and killed at the same time.
Yeah Chavez understood the global crisis while oil was $100 a barrel; now he does not understand it when oil is in the $40 range.
Detente my ass, you want to keep apologizing for America have at it. I don’t want to apologize for the greatest country ever.
BTW try having a discourse without the name calling and stop looking up words in the dictionary it’s not going to hide the real you.
Did anyone try to go to the Transfer Station yesterday? Saturday summer hours were always 7 – 2 and now they close the gate at 12. The line of cars was halfway to Boston Ave and the guy closed the gate anyway; “Charlie Carroll’s orders because there’s no money in the budget.” Are you fucking kidding me? The entire Parks dept was working overtime yesterday. There’s one guy at the Transfer Station so what are they saving for the 2 hours, maybe $50?
This isn’t Charlie Carroll’s orders, it’s Tony DePrimo trying to exact his revenge because he was kicked out of the Transfer Station. If Larry Osborne wasn’t such a pussy, Tony would be gone. But they transferred him to Public Works/Parks and Charlie is letting him call the shots. Problem is he’s not hurting the guy at the Transfer Station. That guy is happy to go home and work on his own yard. It is hurting the residents of Bridgeport who are trying to clean up their properties and make the city look a little nicer. Everyone is doing spring clean-ups and nowhere to dump the garbage. It will end up on the street or some vacant lot for sure.
Bridgeport has a smart Mayor, Fairfield County has a smart Congressman and America has a smart President.
Things weren’t always so perfect.
Only in Bridgeport has Local Eyes. Does that mean that Local Eyes is a smart Ass?
Wondering …
If you look real hard you will see that the post to which you refer was addressed to Same Old Same Old. You’re slipping.
I read your rebuttal and I think you are full of shit too.
Oh. Have a nice day.
Tom Kelly … I just had lunch at Bobby V’s in downtown Stamford. That was 25 years ago when Attorney what’s his name introduced us. Holy shit. 25 years!!!
Town Committee,
I don’t know if Chico Rivera would have run in the Democratic primaries for the 130th State Rep seat with or without the Public Financing Program in place last Summer, but I definitely would not have campaigned for public office without it.
Connecticut’s Public Financing program was the deciding factor for me to take on the challenge to try to “offer change” to Bridgeport’s Democratic voters last August in the 130th.
I was a “new candidate” and the Public Financing Program gave me a fighting chance against the party-endorsed candidate (Ezekiel Santiago) and a second primary candidate (Chico Rivera) as all three of us had the same amount of money (about $30,000) to run our campaigns.
Accordingly, I support Rep. Chris Caruso’s efforts (and anyone else’s) who sees and understands that the public benefits by maintaining funding (taxes) to support the Public Financing Program of primaries and general elections campaigns for all political hopefuls statewide.
I think it has made and will continue to make a huge difference in our state’s political future for the better by taking “special interest” money out of political campaigns.
It’s a small price to pay rather than forcing aspiring candidates to “owe their political souls” to a small, select group of savvy, strong and aggressive political fundraisers and supporters.
I believe the political process wins out in the long run. Today, in spite of the loss to Ezekiel Santiago last August, I have a deeper understanding and greater appreciation for what aspiring political candidates have to face when they have to plan to spend most of their campaign time fundraising instead of trying to communicate and share their political ideas and positions with the voters to give them a “choice” at the voting booth on election day.
In closing, by shutting down the Public Finance Campaign Program now, we will discourage any “new blood” from coming into the political arena. Just my two cents on the topic.
Sly, I am glad you said something. I would not have run without the public funding either. I will not run again without it. Also, the $100.00 maximum prevents the politician from being beholden to anyone.
*** It doesn’t take $30,000. to run a local city-council campaign in Bpt. ’cause knocking on doors & having local district political debates in neighborhood community halls or public talk radio, along with pass-out fliers is inexpensive, yet priceless for a candidate trying to get exposure! $15,000. sounds about right for a local city-council race in Bpt. “depending” on the usual past voter turnouts for that district & number of candidates running for the seat? ***