Finch Rescues Chickens, Goats, Donkeys

Chris Toole and donkeys
Chris Toole greets two of his donkeys, Rosie and Smokey, that live at the Bridgeport Animal Control property. CT Post photo.

From Brian Lockhart, CT Post:

Not long ago, city health officials were threatening to seize Christopher Toole’s chickens. That was before Toole found an ecological soul mate in Bridgeport’s green mayor. Now the urban farmer has the city not only playing host to his flock of hens, but numerous goats, a few donkeys, a pig and a tub of finned tilapia and goldfish.

And thanks to Toole, Mayor Bill Finch has his staff crafting a poultry policy similar to New Haven’s, to allow city households to legally raise chickens for their fresh eggs.

“We are incredibly grateful to the mayor,” said Toole, who for several months has quietly tended his small farm on excess land at the city’s animal shelter at 236 Evergreen St. Specifically, Toole has taken over a vacant pen for captured raccoons, an extra dog run and a large field, he said.

“We’re getting food for our family,” Toole said, referring to the eggs and goats’ milk. “There is a survival aspect of this, and he’s enabled us to do that over the objection of the (city’s) Department of Health.”

Read more here.



  1. Very interesting article. I think I’d like to visit that mini farm. It would be interesting to learn how to raise chickens for their eggs. That’s one of the reasons I go camping. Not only to get back to nature and away from modern conveniences but to go into survival mode in case of a natural disaster. Growing fresh vegetables is great and knowing what your chickens are eating can give piece of mind from all of the garbage, chemicals and handling that happens with every item purchased at the grocery store. Keep it simple, stupid. I wonder if chicken poop is as effective as cow manure for the vegetables? With all of that being said, would it be safe or pose many health concerns if all of a sudden everybody had a mini farm? I think this could be problematic on many fronts but certainly worth looking into. Would be interesting raising bees for honey, chickens for eggs and vegetables.

  2. Hmmm, sounds like Bill Finch delivered the promised chicken in a pot to Steven Auerbach. Now he knows where the chicken came from. “… chickens for eggs and vegetables.” Interesting indeed! Where did you see or hear about that vegetables producing chicken?

    1. Here’s Joel! I grow the vegetables. Collards, kale, Swiss chard, tomatoes, Italian beans, bush beans, parsley, basil, oregano, thyme, butternut squash, yellow squash, green squash, Kirby cucumbers, Brussels sprouts etc. I was referring to using the chicken manure as compost mixed in with my coffee grounds, egg shells, potato peels and other vegetable waste I use to create fertilizer and food for the vegetables.


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