A mailer by Mayor Bill Finch’s reelection campaign asserts after Joe Ganim spent seven years in prison he “went to work for a white supremacist charged with arming the KKK.” The mailer is based on this CT Post article in which Ganim was “Present in the courtroom for much of the day … working as a paralegal for DeFelice’s defense team.”
Ganim, released from prison in 2010, was not a lawyer. He was in the process of trying to regain his license after it was stripped following his conviction on corruption charges in 2003. The Connecticut Supreme Court ultimately denied Ganim his law license.
The mailer is trying to undercut Ganim with African American voters where he has strength and undecideds two weeks from the September 16 Democratic primary.
It’s really not a stretch to link any Democrat with the KKK. The fact is the Democrat Party is the party of the KKK, segregation and Jim Crow. Five past Democrat Presidents were active members of the Klan, including LBJ, with Woodrow Wilson as one of the “grand poo-bahs.” In fact virtually every single piece of civil rights legislation for black Americans ever passed in American history was the results of Republicans defeating racist Democrats;
The 13th Amendment
The 14th Amendment
The 15th Amendment
The KKK Act of 1871
All the Reconstruction Acts
The 1866 Civil Rights Act
The 1875 Civil Rights Act
The 1957 Civil Rights Act
The 1960 Civil Rights Act
The 1964 Civil Rights Act
In fact, had the Democrats not overturned the 1875 Civil Rights Act, the incredibly similar 1964 Act would never have been necessary.
As I recall, four years ago, from the pulpit, the husband of MJF was rumored to be in the KKK, which I find beyond hard to believe. So if this accusation is true, and Joe was aware of the connection, will voters think this is more Finch rumor or will it resonate? Dirty practices in the past cause credibility in the present in my measure of a candidate.
This again? Really? The common denominator is Finch. Dumb ass.
Omg, if this is true, shame on you Joe Ganim. Shame, shame, shame. Sometimes people do what they have to do to survive. Ganim had a family to support and kids to feed. I do not think anyone in the black community will hold this against Ganim.
JenNifer B, imagine from the pulpit accusing Jack McGregor of being a KKK member. These same clergy endorse Ganim. Politics suck.
I would love Mayor Finch to focus on all the great projects happening all over the city. Make people feel good. The new Ganim ad is awful. Absolutely awful. A total buzzkill for most residents. I think a bad day for Ganim on both fronts.
Steve, the way I see it, it’s a bad day for Finch. I may not agree with Bill’s way of legislating, but this is not the man I served with, spent social time with, family time, yes we are connected in a family way through the marriage of two of our relatives. I can’t believe he condones this rash of mailers. But unfortunately there’s no way to disengage him from this awful stuff. What’s next, boots on the ground?
Lsa, I agree, they should learn their geography. Steve, do you really believe this? Let’s talk about doing business with people with race issues, I was present when an official from Bass Pro referred to a grown-ass man as “boy.”
Hector, I said I do not believe Ganim was a racist. I made that clear. What is clear is he did work to defend a racist as stated in the Connecticut Post. Ganim is not a racist and I do not think he’d call a a grown-ass man a “boy” and I do not believe you’d be present for any Bass Pro individual to say that. But I can tell you one of Ganim’s biggest supporters would refer to those individuals as “spooks” and I haven’t heard that racist term in 30 years. So Hector, we all have these cute little stories.
Now this is where Ron Mackey and Donald Day come out and attack Finch as though he were the one sitting in the courtroom.
We understand it was a job and Ganim was acting as a paralegal. We know politics can get ugly so it will get ugly. Joe Ganim knew it would get bad before he ran for office, so what’s the big surprise? Blame the Connecticut Post!
Steve, so I’m lying?
Hector, you would never lie. Why were you there in the presence of a Bass Pro executive?
It was during an interview in their offices on Middle St. Adam Wood was present as was the CEO and his son (are they Dutch or South African? Does THAT matter?) and their attorney/lobbyist. My question to you Steve, what makes you think I wouldn’t be present with these guys? I’ve been in the presence of royalty, presidents and gang leaders, what makes these guys so special, my presence with them is incomprehensible to you?
Hector, I thought you were royalty, I do not think it was strange you were in the presence of these guys, I was wondering why and I still am. What interviews were going down at Middle Street I was not invited to??? Not that I am surprised I wasn’t invited. I am still wondering what interviews were you at? Please share, if you would be so kind. And please elaborate who was called boy and in what context.
Do you think I think you are a liar? I think your candidate is a liar. Well I do not think he is a liar and think that fact has been apparent to most residents for years. You Hector, on the other hand I have no reason to believe you are a liar. But then again if you tell me Joe Ganim is not a liar, I will tell you, you are a liar!
Maybe Stevie can tell us all how much taxes has Mayor Finch’s great projects have added to the Grand list so far.
Jim Fox, I need to supply that information, because?
Can you tell me the cost of the average lawsuit to the city because of Joe Ganim? Can you project the loss of business and economic development caused by the pay-to-play scandal? Can Ganim really take credit for holding the line on taxes when the state financial review board was doing his job and Weicker was funneling money to the city and President Clinton gave money for police? Joe had it made, all he had to figure out was how to screw the city during the country’s most prosperous days. I am just saying.
Excluding commercial property tax, Mayor Finch has raised taxes in Bridgeport over $1.2 Billion just on homeowners in the last eight years!
I will vote for Joe Ganim any day of the week!
Omg, when did you decide to vote for Ganim? The only one in Black Rock.
Wow, Finch must be scared shitless to pull something like this. This is lower than low and is making him look like the dirty little liar he is.
Incidentally, isn’t Finch the mayor who fired one black female health director and demoted another?
They must not have been doing their job. Does it make you feel better if he fires one and hires one? Aren’t we beyond racial profiling for positions?
Steve, please stop commenting on things you know nothing about.
I know you are a fool!
We know you are full of hot gas, just spewing methane all the time. Oral flatulence is not a virtue.
Has anyone noticed Steven Auerbach, with his shaved head, resembles a dick?
chs, right on!
Stevie, if you want to joint the KKK, I wouldn’t tell them you’re a Jew.
I am sure they already know you’re a scumbag along with Maryli Secrest and Adam Wood!
Thank you Jim Fox, your comment speaks volumes on your sad progression of dementia. I do not hold you responsible for your ignorant comment. Seems we know who is running scared. Rudeness is a weak person’s imitation of strength. I do not recall instigating you that would warrant your pathetic comment. You are what you are and you represent Joe Ganim exactly the way you should!
Jim, you already made that negative comment about myself, Maryli Secrest and Adam Wood. It wasn’t funny then and it isn’t funny now and anyone chiming in to support your comment is as mindless as you.
Why does that guy look like Bob Halstead??? Was that intentional?
Steven Auerbach,
You’ve hit a new low in mentioning the highly respected and dedicated community leader Bob Halstead in this context.
In your next food-and-dining entry, you might want to offer what to serve with that foot that’s chronically in your mouth.
“Of those who say nothing, few are silent.”–Thomas Neiel
Pete Spain, Bob is lucky you came to his defense. There are many of his constituents who have heard racist statements right from his lips. I however was not joining their choir, I was being cute and the picture does in fact look like him. What’s more Mr. Spain, I have always acknowledged Bob’s good work and I would not call Bob a racist or a member of a white supremacist group. There are many who would not agree with me. I heard he will not be re-elected, which would be a shame because he is definitely an asset to the city. But when you align yourself with Testa, Corruption and Ganim, just what do you expect? I thought my comment was a one-liner and clearly an off-color humorous remark. Since I’m maligned here on a regular basis and you never comment leads me to believe you are impressed with yourself and only comment when it is sycophantic in nature. Although I always respect your comments, I think this was just an attempt to instigate. I have praised Bob Halstead on more than one occasion and I’m always the first to offer my hand when I greet him.
You may serve me Twin Lobsters from Vazzy’s with with a nice garden salad and broccoli rabe with a baked potato and sour cream with chives.
They always go well with foot in mouth.
“Since I am maligned here on a regular basis and you never comment leads me to believe you are impressed with yourself and only comment when it is sycophantic in nature.”–Steve Auerbach
I have known Bob Halstead for more than 35 years. Our relationship has certainly had its ups and downs. I have spent time on his shit list, and he’s been on mine. We vehemently disagree on more topics than I care to remember. But never, ever, in all that time have I EVER heard anything remotely racist issue from his lips, and these countless ‘constituents’ you allege have informed you to the contrary are bald-faced fabrications. Typical Bill Finch character-assassination technique at its most reprehensible. Now I know for sure who pulls Auerbach’s strings!
WhiteRoller, is your screen name code? I am not interested in a character reference from an anonymous blogger. Get real!
You are the most obnoxious and offensive poster on this blog. That is an insulting post. This is The Bridgeport Kid, pal. Everyone knows I am blunt; if that remark offends ME, that means you went too far.
Bob Halstead is one of the most unbiased and caring men we have the privilege of knowing. He has done more for the city of Bridgeport than you are able or willing to do. You inferred he was associated with the Ku Klux Klan. That is just insensitive and low. You owe the man an apology but we all know that will not be forthcoming. You are incapable and/or unwilling to admit you are wrong.
This isn’t a game, not a source for your personal amusement. Next time you are out on the town feeding your fat face, have a slice of humble pie for dessert. It will kill the taste your feet leave behind.
I think Evette Brantley and John Olson will carry on just fine.
Bridgeport Kid, if I have offended you then I am satisfied. Do not instigate a one-liner. Your incessant, long-drawn-out, dry diatribes of nonsense are always offensive to me, so get over it, Mr. Blunt.
Looking forward to meeting you face to face, Steve-o.
I would love it!
This is the same Finch who had his people tell voters in 2011 Mary-Jane was just like Sarah Palin and had connections to the KKK.
city hall smoker, Mary-Jane Foster is a much better candidate than Joe Ganim, don’t you think? Or do you long for the sleazy corrupt days of Mario Testa and Joseph Ganim? You know city hall smoker, G-d forbid Mayor Finch replace that black woman with a Korean man. When the Mayor chooses a black woman does he get the choice of Cape Verdean, Haitian, African, Dominican, Jamaican? Just curious. Back to Ganim, I wish Finch handlers would break down the 16 counts of felony charges. It is so much more dramatic when you read them individually.
I wonder why the Mayor is not posting pictures of all of the kids playing in the water parks. Why focus on Ganim supporting a racist in court?
I think if Ganim were able to get his law license back it would make his candidacy a little more credible, don’t you think?
city hall smoker, there are many things I know nothing about. Dissecting Joe Ganim is not one of them. 🙂
Steve are you advocating instead of standing on his merits, it is best to mud sling? If the mayor needs to resort to this type of politics, I remember it being taboo to mention your opponent’s name. Also, I have to ask “why YELLOW as a campaign color? Maybe subconsciously …
Hector, if I were running for office I would refrain from mudslinging. However sometimes it is necessary and if I had to, I would. This is politics. I am smart enough to read through the garbage all campaigns put out. What does the yellow color mean to you? His signs look like bees. Mary-Jane Foster’s signs remind me of my kitchen and food. Ganim’s signs are just an assault on my senses, Stop Joe Ganim all over the city.
Hector, much to your chagrin, I am not a strategist for Finch. If I were, you’d never know it but seriously, every campaign has their own strategy. I just do everything I need to do to make sure my candidate is victorious, without disparaging the competition. Now I know for a fact the same is not true from the opponents.
Hector, let’s be serious, I am not waking up on September 17 to find Finch lost the election. I know it, you know it, Ganim knows it and we will all live to see another day!
Hector, that was great!
Hector, that was amazing, you put that Auerbach guy in his place, you are the man, you are more than the man. There are no words to describe you Hector but you are beyond the man. That was great!!! 🙂
Yes, while there was absolutely no truth to the MJF whisper campaign, which made it all the way into Sunday sermons, this time there is a bind that ties. Granted it can be argued a thin strand of a tie, but there is a tie. To your point, did the boy who cried Wolf the first time around do himself a grave error?
I smell big-time desperation from Finchocchio’s camp. LMAO.
What’s next?
Ganim is a member of ISIS. Jajajajaja.
Vale la Pena, yes we are running scared. It is like a scene out of the invasion of the body snatchers. We are tired, we are afraid to sleep. We may wake up and request a Ganim sign and start singing his praises. It is happening everywhere, the tidal wave of support for Ganim has reached fever pitch. Developers will only come to Bridgeport if Ganim wins and everyone knows development is the only thing that can eventually lower taxes. Banks and investors are going to flock to our city. Nothing screams revitalization than electing a former convicted felon. Go Joe, Go.
The most important thing to note, this is a legitimate article in the Connecticut Post and Joe Ganim the first black mayor wannabe was in fact working on the defense team of a white supremacist selling guns to the KKK, actions speak louder than words and unfortunately this is not a pretty portrait of a man who gave his first apology to a black church in the East End.
Do I believe Joe Ganim is a racist? I do not. Do I believe Ganim has friends who are racist? Most definitely. Me thinks thou dost protest too much. Actions always speak louder than words.
Joe Ganim could have stepped away from this case as a personal affront. Much the same way a Jew would not want to defend a Nazi sympathizer. This could be one of the many “mistakes” Ganim has made. It is up to his supporters to figure out how to rationalize this story. You cannot blame Finch for stating a factual article appearing in the Connecticut Post. In fact, the Connecticut Post has volumes of unflattering Joe Ganim articles. Let the facts flow. As long as they are facts and not made-up character assassinations by anonymous posters.
If there were really a direct KKK link to a Ganim consulting customer, I’m sure Bill’s campaign people would have been happy to name the person, an easy way to bait voters to dig for more dirt. But since there is no name attached to the person allegedly “arming the KKK,” there is no reason to believe these allegations. And “arming the KKK”–they’re all NRA members, so there is no need to “arm the KKK.” They’re all born with NRA memberships and access to Daddy’s and Granddaddy’s guns and all the weapons they’re given for Christmas and birthdays!
“Arming the KKK!” STUPID!!!
No name attached to the allegation. STUPID LIE!!!
Bill’s PR people are really, really STUPID (!) and just cost him a few more points in the polls.
Joe should thank him for this one.
Oh Steven, Steven, why don’t you take a walk in one of those beautiful parks your hero made, take a deep breath and relax.
You and I know this election is in Finch’s bank. There is no way a convicted felon who is supported by the police and by the same FBI agent who put him behind bars is going to win. No one is going to vote for an ex -ayor who cost every citizen of this city almost two thousand dollars. Who will vote for a guy who is a member of the KKK? Who is going to vote for a guy that is a member of ISIS?
We want to pay more taxes. We want to feel unsafe with fewer police officers on the beat, we want our kids to fail in underfunded public schools, we want to see crime going up, we want to see more parks where no one goes for fear of getting mugged, we want more tax breaks for Finch’s friends while ours keep going up, we want our city to stay in the top 10 when it comes to violence, we want our city to stay in the top 20 of the dirtiest cities in the nation.
Steve, I’m sure by now you know who I’m voting for. Donald Trump of course. Oh nooo, wait, that’s in another year and a half.
I’m all confused now. Who is it we are voting for again?
Mary-Jane Foster because we deserve better. 🙂
Your intelligence is matched by your insight and humor … you’re the man!
Jeff, do you have proof all NRA members are also members of the Klan or is that just you spewing divisive, racial hate speech?
Quentin; I didn’t say all NRA members are KKK. I said all KKK are NRA members. BIG, BIG DIFFERENCE. I realize all gun-loving Americans aren’t racist.
What facts do you have to back that statement up?
So you have two Democrats going at it and instead of attacking them you bring a third party in to blame, by painting a group of Americans with a broad brush without any facts. baseless opinions are just that, baseless. As I have already stated the Democrat Party is the party of the KKK and I can back that up with facts. The NRA has done more this past weekend to promote the Constitution, freedom and safety than most politician’s have done in a lifetime.
This is just so much bullshit, a stinking pile of fresh steaming bovine fecal matter. Maryli Secrest must be growing desperate if all she can come up with are ham-fisted attempts to connect Joseph P. Ganim to the Ku Klux Klan. Smokin’ was working in a professional capacity as a member of the defense team. Anyone who has heard a police officer read the Miranda rights and warnings knows a defendant is entitled to an attorney: “If you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed to represent you.” End of story.
Maryli Secrest must be the one with big balls; we all know Bill Finch is a little lacking in that department. His bigotry and shortsighted views on race are well known. This is a matter of a racist pig projecting his own shortcomings on an opponent.
Even as a paralegal Ganim is bound by a code of ethics. He couldn’t have quit the case very easily.
Just to be fair. If this guy is a member of the KKK and Ganim was in the courtroom working, that does not make a personal connection between the two men. Everyone deserves a fair defense in court. A lawyer who represents a murderer or child molester does not condone the act. They are there to facilitate the legal system. A system that needs to be fair to all regardless of race, creed, color or social affiliations. PS–ISIS followers are represented by lawyers and deserve a fair trial with competent council.
BOE SPY, your post should be the first everyone reads. Your statement is clear and true. In this country everyone is entitled to a defense, and I have never heard or read of an attorney ever walking away from a case for moral reasons. My post has nothing to do with the horrible allegation against Joe, just agreeing with BOE SPY.
Of course not. I would like to believe that is because lawyers hold the truth of law above all others, but they rarely walk away from cases because most lawyers are greedy scumbags.
🙂 Lisa, this would be the second post I would want them to read.
BOE SPY is correct.
Every criminal defendant facing charges in a U.S. Court is entitled to two things: 1, a presumption of innocence; and 2, legal council. The attorney representing a defendant is not condoning the act(s) that landed the latter in a court of law. He or she is providing legal services. The same goes for all members of the legal team, including paralegals and investigators. Ganim was working at the time; his presence on the defense team did not indicate he agreed with the defendant’s racist views.
My father was an attorney; the state of Iowa, where he was licensed to practice law, wanted him to be a superior court judge. It disgusted him that attorneys defending clients charged with heinous offenses would be chastised for protecting the legal rights we as Americans are guaranteed by the U.S. constitution and the Supreme Court of the United States of America.
The Finch campaign is taking the low road with this mailing, playing to the ignorance of a community the mayor is antipathetic toward. Bill Finch’s bigotry toward the black community is well known.
That being so very well said SPY, a law firm is not required to take on a client, so there is that side to this argument.
That is true but I do not think Joe was in a position, as a para, to accept or reject clients. If he believed he could not provide objective legal services because of a moral objection to the client, Joe could have refused to work the case.
Remember when one night in the town of Cheshire CT, two white males invaded the home of a family of four (three females and one male). The mother and two daughters were killed and the house was set on fire. The husband managed to escape and survived.
One of the killers was provided with a public defender. The lawyer provided by the state was a woman, State Representative 129th named Auden Grogins. She could and should have refused to represent that scumbag killer. She surely knew taking a high-profile case would give her name recognition. Today she is a judge. Where was Bill Finch and his opinion on this? No problem with Grogins representing such a scumbag.
The KKK used to burn crosses (Steve loves that visual), burn churches down, and burn people and/or their homes. That era of terror is over. It’s the KKF (the Ku Klux Finch) we need to pay attention to. They don’t burn homes. They’ve helped to create underwater properties and an economic condition that causes homeowners to suffer financially and many more will lose their homes. The weapon used is the ballpoint pen. Beware the KKF.
This is dirty politicking at its apex. I support Mary-Jane Foster, and even I am deeply offended by this crock of manure. I guess the Finch team is attempting to “not mess with success.” They figure it worked once, so why not try it again. Nauseating.
News Flash: You look like bottom-feeding scum kids. Voters have smartened up a lot since you pulled this reprehensible stunt in 2011.
Mary-Jane Foster is the ONLY HONEST CHOICE.
I do not personally believe Ganim is a racist. I do not think there is one black family within a mile radius of Ganim’s home in Easton. I do not think the black community will hold this against Ganim and I am positive he does not have the black community in his pocket. I think his day in court was an unfortunate thing. At the same time I do not believe all Nazis wanted to gas the Jews. But the guy who pressed the button is guilty. I am not comparing a White supremacist to a Nazi, though they adhere to the same philosophy. I would imagine the White Wolves feel the same way about blacks as they do about Jews.
What is more disturbing than Joe Ganim being on the legal team defending the actions of a racist is the fact they exist here in Milford and Derby and these days they do not feel the need to wear white sheets with stylish hats looking like the real assholes they are.
I want the mayor to focus on the positive. Joe Ganim’s campaign was a real feel-good video. I just had a problem identifying where this was. I think most voters will feel the same way. Now I would say if there were an act of desperation, that video would be it.
Speaking about Mary-Jane Foster, I noticed three properties across the street from Testo’s that used to have Ganim signs are now sporting Foster signs. Has Joe already peaked and now Foster is finally getting some support? Ganim’s signs may be getting larger and more congested but it is clear his support is diminishing.
Mayor Finch needs to remind voters economic development is our only ticket to lower taxes and he has set the city on the right path. Ganim paints a picture of the city of Bridgeport circa 1988. Times have really changed, not for many on this blog, but for the majority of Bridgeporters living in the 21st century, most definitely.
Steve, part of the video was filmed in our prestigious DOWNTOWN. Took me a second to recognize also, then I felt a bit sick.
Hector, Downtown is going through a major re-development, Finch can definitely offset Ganim’s video. Ganim’s video was extremely depressing and a real turn-off.
Most appropriate word in your previous post, “REAL.”
I received this postcard in the mail yesterday and was very upset the attempt was to make Joe look like a KKK sympathizer. It is appalling to think this piece of trash will help the Finch campaign. Again, I say all this negative campaigning will backfire. Black voters will not be scared into voting for Finch based on that flyer.
No, they are voting for Foster. She will reclaim all the votes Joe took because nobody knew she was running. Finch supporters are already solid.
I have read Auerbach’s comments about me and the support from various intelligent people condemning these comments. First of all, I do not look like that guy in the photo. Second of all, if anyone who reads this has heard me saying any racial comments please chime in here. I do not make racial comments. If anyone has any statements backing up Auerbach’s assertions “many” think I am part White Supremacist persuasion, please state here who they are. I am not a part of any such organization nor do I espouse their views. The only thing supreme about me is my supreme disgust at Auerbach’s remarks and Finch’s cheap tactics.
Bob Halstead, I made it clear I did not think you were a racist, but if you choose to go down that road, fine. I am tired of playing these games. I respect you. You are no friend of mine. I am always respectful to you. That changes now.
Bob , I apologize to you also. Your daughter presented her case beautifully.
Finch’s repeated fast and loose linking of his opponents to the KKK speak volumes about his character, state of desperation,and fear of returning to the private sector that fired him from six different jobs before he finally fell upon government jobs as a lifesaver.
Steven Auerbach,
I am disgusted you would spread such libelous claims against my father, Robert Halstead. Am I surprised there are people in the community who create these unfounded rumors with the sole intent of harming his reputation? Not in the least. What upsets me is trolls repeat what they’ve heard in a public forum and spread the lie further when they don’t even necessarily believe it. You’ve said yourself you do not believe these statements and you claim to respect my father.
Growing up we went to basketball camp at the Shehan Center, some of the only white kids. My brother played on the Raiders and practiced in Success Village. We were taught to respect all races and religions, and I can proudly say no one in my family is a bigot.
I urge you to remove your comments immediately. You should know how hard it is to read negative comments about yourself on the Internet. A simple Google search reveals quite a bit of information about you, and already my impression is tarnished when in fact I have never met you.
I await your response.
Dear Catherine,
I am sorry you misread my comment. You will learn to get over it. Your father is supporting a convicted felon, which already becomes a blemish on his character. Since you have come out of the woodwork to speak on behalf of your father you are now part of Lennie Grimadi’s blog. I have known Bob Halstead for over 30 years. I have been attacked on this blog incessantly and never once did Bob Halstead ever make a kind comment to defend me and my good nature. I have always written supportive comments of Bob Halstead. I made made an off-color comment and also stated a fact. Sorry you are offended Catherine, it is politics. Ask your father.
I will not ask Lennie Grimaldi to remove my comments no more than I would ask Lennie to remove any of the colorful comments made about me simply because I support Mayor Finch. I can and will get over it and I suggest you do the same. This is politics and I would like to thank Bob Halstead personally for never commenting on the rude, thoughtless, insulting, comments I receive here. So in a nutshell Catherine Halstead, you should just kindly get over it. I just did. I think Evette Brantley and John Olson will carry on just fine and we will all live to see a better day. Wish you well. Bob is a nice guy, to some people I guess. I hope you will consider voting for Bill Finch. I really am not interested in your Shehan Center camp activity and if you have Googled activity about me that has tarnished your impression of me, I’d say really??? Thank you for making me a celebrity, young lady. Politics can get ugly and I am assuming safely you are a young woman and not an impressionable child. You write beautifully and your father should be proud. Now Ms. Halstead, I will tell you what. I have family and friends who have read the daily horrendous rude comments about me. if Lennie Grimaldi erases these comments from the past six months, I will request he remove my comment. I only regret I hurt your feelings. So I apologize.
Thank you for the apology. We live in a world very sensitive to racially charged statements so it’s not just another old insult when you imply someone is racist. Trust me, I am not losing any sleep over this so no need to ask me to get over it again. It seems to me you are only making yourself look bad. Good evening to you, sir.
Good evening to you, young lady. You made your father proud, of that I am certain.
CH, Steve A. is a Grand Dragon of the KKF.
All the Ganim guys on this site can save their manufactured outrage. It is just a taste of your own medicine. IE, the dog in the sewer story, the parking on E. Main street, the Steel Point jobs are not good enough story, etc. They are all examples of taking a myopic, one-sided, slanted view of an otherwise nothing story. Joe was so many levels below the client in that legal case he probably never met the guy. Both sides are using the same tactics. Ganim (Mario’s boy) and Finch (the DTC’s choice) are both the same side of the same coin.
I’m not a Ganim guy. Auerbach’s comments about Bob Halstead are plain offensive. Offensive and disappointing but not surprising coming from a smug bastard with the emotional maturity of a thirteen-year-old with braces and a bad case of acne.
OK. Then who’s guy are you?
Derek Brown is a Ganim supporter on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. He is a Foster supporter on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The weekend he doesn’t know where he is due to his bipolar disorder and hanging out at Danny Roach’s bar, but we forgive him. It is this internal conflict and inability to acknowledge any positive activity in the city produced by our mayor as well as showing respect for others that his colorful comments appear he is all over the place.
I would say he is leaning toward Foster more than Ganim. Either way he will be bitching and moaning incessantly for the next four years. Some people are never happy. Sadly, I think Mr. Brown is one of them. I am sorry my cheerleading depresses you. There is medication for that. If negativity floats your boat, you are definitely supporting the right candidate.
Bridgeport Kid, just once I would seriously appreciate it if you could find one positive thing to say about Bridgeport.
Bridgeport Kid,
Make that nine-year-old.
Carolanne Curry, just acknowledge he is not a Ganim guy and move on.
BOE SPY. You are a Finch whore. Reveal thy name, coward!
Bob, your daughter is reading this! 🙂
I think it is time many of you on OIB should step back for a week or two and just read what is being said on a daily basis. Having worked for many years in Bpt and getting to know many of the players, you repeat and fight over and over about the same issues with NO RESULTS ever in sight. G-D help that poor, old dirty City.
I worked with Bob Halstead for many years while in the City and he is a smart, honest, and TRUE Bridgeport guy!!!
Thanks, MAGOO. When Hour Back put that nasty post in, surely he did not foresee it backfiring with a testimonial event for Bob Halstead. Glad to hear from you. It was not all bad working with the city. A lot of good people work there.
Bob Halstead, I have given you many positive testimonials. My comment did not backfire. It only proved you are well liked by many on this blog including myself. I am probably the only individual on this blog who ever apologizes. So Bob, it is nice seven people came to your defense. It should make you feel loved. To think it all started with a one-liner referencing the picture resembling you.