Chuck Willinger, the attorney representing Downtown businesses opposing the ferry terminal relocating across the harbor, characterized campaign donations from ferry executives to state and local elected officials, as reported by the Connecticut Post, “outrageous–bordering on scandalous.” The story implied the campaign donations may have helped secure support to move the terminal. Interesting observation from Willinger, a savvy land use attorney, considering he’s raised tens of thousands of dollars on behalf of a variety of elected officials throughout the decades.
CT Post reporter Brian Lockhart has more details:
Momentum may be growing for relocating the Bridgeport-Port Jefferson Ferry terminal from its downtown site.
But for Charles Willinger and his clients, the ferry company’s plan to move farther from the train and bus station to property on Seaview Avenue is as flawed today as when it was proposed four years ago.
“This will rip the heart out of that intermodel (public transit) system, in our opinion,” Willinger, whose offices are downtown, said Monday in an interview.
Read more here.
The next thing I expect to read here is Chuck was struck by a bolt of lightning on his way to make a bank deposit and knocked out of his Beemer. That he is joining Common Cause, getting a soapbox to set up on McLevy Green, where he will spend the rest of his days in sackcloth crying out: “Repent, Sinners!”
Back in the day, Chuck was King Bundling when it came to campaign contributions. But unbeknownst to everyone but Chuck this had nothing to do with greasing the skids. This was just one concerned resident doing his little part in helping to develop an efficient government.
And when it comes to land use law, Chuck is the best. And when it comes to sounding authoritative when Chuck wings it, none better.
The Ferry will move to Seaview Avenue, no doubt about it. The fix is in. BTW where is the head of the Port Authority Andy Nunn on all this? This jerk is in charge of the waterfront and what goes on there. Ferry Moves!!!