I’ve been bitten by a few politicians. I’ve been bitten by a Lone Star Tick. I prefer political jaws. This little bugger packs a load of trouble: fevers, headaches, chills, nausea, vomiting, confusion. (I’m not confused enough, right?) “You got the one you don’t want to get,” said my physician, as tick bites go, Wednesday when my bloodwork came back. It’s not Lyme Disease. It’s called Ehrlichiosis. Yuck.
This guy is a rarer, silent assassin, most victims don’t feel a pinch or experience a rash. Knocked me on my ass for days now. The preferred antibiotic treatment for most is Doxycycline. I’m better than yesterday. First day since Monday I’ve felt relatively functional. If you experience what I have symptom-wise, don’t assume it’s a typical summer thing. Get it checked. This sucker kills your white blood cells.
Now excuse me while I put my head back in the toilet.
So sorry this happened to you. Take good care of your own fine self.
Feel Better!
Quit your bitchin.
Grow the f up.
Feel better Lennie.
Heal. Recover. Be thankful. At least you have a diagnosis that is actionable, a pharmaceutical that promises to be effective and an outlook that will remove your perspective from the ceramic bowl!!
Pity Bridgeport, please. No embraced diagnosis!! No priority of treatment so money goes anywhere and everywhere!! Status quo…sickness in most departments!!! With our learned medical staff? Drs. Testa, Ganim and McCarthy??? And the latest clinical paper published: “Removing Red Sauce Stains from A Favorite Shirt: Easier Than Blood” Just what the waiter called for with the penne and cheese? Or not? Time will tell.
Lennie..take care! OMG,going outside has become dangerous. There are the ticks,West Nile Virus,Zika virus and the rising Bridgeport crime statistics!