Georgia Day who 10 years ago enriched downtown with the opening of Rainy Faye Bookstore says the city gathering spot for authors, readers and musicians will close July 27.
For years the state’s most populated city had no bookstore. Day, then an assistant academic vice president at Fairfield University, opened the independent full-service bookstore across from the main branch of the Bridgeport Public Library. A few years ago she relocated to the corner of Main and John across from the City Hall Annex, renamed last week the Margaret Morton Government Center.

The bookstore was a godsend for showcasing the creative work of authors, artists and musicians. In recent years, as the economy tanked, foot traffic lessened. Day promoted a number of community events in an effort to drive more traffic.
For years Day has expressed frustration with City Hall, in particular Donald Eversley, the city’s chief development official, for not frequenting her establishment. Eversley will soon depart city government to work on special projects with the Bridgeport Regional Business Council. The city is expected to officially name a new development chief next week.
Day says relocating the bookstore to another location in the city is uncertain. “I can no longer sustain the business.”
“Eversley will soon depart city government to work on special projects with the Bridgeport Regional Business Council.”
You have got to be kidding me!!!
How much of this are we going to take?
Arrogant bastards.
PS: It’s a shame about Rainy Faye.
BTW, Mario and Paul. The biggest city in the state now has no bookstore. Both of you have done a marvelous job at economic development over the past 10 years that Rainy Faye has been in business. You are both a couple of worthless schmucks for what you did and are doing to this city.
Now you’ve got Eversley working for the same company that claims Finch and Keeley as alums. Perfect.
yahooy, if Mario could control the fate of businesses in Bridgeport, don’t you think there wouldn’t be as many restaurants in Bridgeport?
Picture that–Mario’s Restaurant the only restaurant in Bridgeport.
yahooy is too verbose in his criticisms.
The Bridgeport Regional Business Council is nothing more than a repository for politicians who are incapable of earning a living any other way. Name one thing Paul Timpanelli and the BRBC has accomplished … ever (except keeping Finch, Keeley and now Eversley off unemployment).
Off topic a bit. I received my new tax bill for my house today. It showed an increase of $222.06. The thing I noticed is my assessment is more than I can sell my house for.
If memory serves, the bookstore received a ridiculously high bill for the contents of the store from the city. This may have caused the closing. It’s stores like this we need to keep in the city and not drive them out.
Andy, what about your motor vehicle taxes? It’s as if your vehicle gets newer as the years go by.
On target: Assessments are always higher than a selling price, especially today when prices have dropped 20%.
If the housing market stays the same I would hope my assessment would go down but then again if that happens my mil rate will have to go up. Catch 22.
Lennie, I suspect Georgia Day will be attending the free closet and storage organization workshop as advertised here. How about a farewell OIB get-together before July 27? I’m sure we can give Georgia a sense of a better day by helping her liquidate those Lennie Grimaldi Only In Bridgeport books collecting dust on the shelf. A Mud Wrestling Match between Day and Eversley in front of the MMG Center should attract a nice crowd.
A sad commentary on the ineptitude of Bridgeport’s powers that be. In a little over 50 years the political atmosphere of Bridgeport has brought this once vibrant, profitable, and viable city to its knees. My condolences to Georgia Day on the loss of her heroic attempt to bring substance to an empty city.
Watch out. Local Eyes will think your commentary is too verbose in your criticisms.
Be a little more sympathetic. Any long posting causes his Local Eyes to strain. It’s time for a pair of glasses.
Not to worry. My comments were aimed exclusively at yahooy.
Finch can be so proud of his success over his successive mayoral terms in his achievements revitalizing downtown. Success so easily measured in empty storefronts and shuttered businesses.
*** Maybe the valley will serve your bookstore business better? *** GOOD LUCK! ***