Former Congressman Chris Shays is seeking the 2012 Republican nomination for U.S. Senate. His chief competition is Linda McMahon. Democratic State Party Chair Nancy DiNardo is having a good time alternating between Shays and McMahon press hits. From DiNardo:
Chris Shays is expected to officially file his candidacy for Connecticut’s open US Senate seat with the Federal Election Commission today.
But the former congressman and MINO (Moderate In Name Only) has a record the people of Connecticut haven’t missed in the three years since he was rejected at the polls.
“If Chris Shays thinks Connecticut voters have forgotten that he was President George W. Bush’s go-to guy, he’s sorely mistaken,” said Connecticut Democratic Party Chairwoman Nancy DiNardo. “Chris Shays has liked to portray himself as a moderate, but the fact of the matter is that he voted with Bush and the Republican leadership on every critical measure, whenever his vote was needed. He defended the Iraq War, and he supported the disastrous Bush policies that got us into this economic mess.
“Though he’s been out of office for a while now, Shays’ record hasn’t gone away. He needs to explain how he won’t be a rubber stamp for the current Republican leadership just as he was for the previous Republican leadership.”
Perhaps Nancy DiNardo can explain how Himes is not a rubber stamp for Obama. He voted for all the stimulus packages, he voted for the health care debacle and the list goes on. The one thing Himes and Obama can’t figure out is how to put Americans back to work. Nancy, look in the mirror first.
All I can say about Nancy DiNardo is this; her brother’s name is Sal DiNardo.
My brother and I have issues, too. Every time I get on an airplane his gifts of cheap costume jewelry set off the metal detector.
And that’s the upside of our relationship.
Finch & Mario said, “Shays is KKK.”
You’d think in her hometown of Trumbull she’d put up someone against Herbst who isn’t as clearly in over her head as Mary Beth Thornton. Herbst is not perfect, but when Thornton speaks, you can see Nancy’s lips move.
If Shays is Bush, Obama is Carter.
And DiNardo is DiNardo.
*** I like Shays & would vote for him if he runs! *** OLD SCHOOL ***