CT Dems Praise Biden, Back Harris

Congressman Jim Himes:

Vice President Harris has proven herself to be a force in one of the most productive administrations in history. As a prosecutor, a senator, and our Vice President, Kamala Harris has demonstrated the leadership, competence, and grace needed to defeat Donald Trump and lead our nation. I will do everything possible to see her elected in November.

Democratic State Party Chair Nancy DiNardo:

“President Biden has served our country with distinction for decades. We thank him profoundly for his service and leadership through some of the most difficult years of our lifetimes. We urge every Democrat to follow his lead. Our country is facing a threat like no other from the MAGA ticket. The time is now to unite behind Vice President Harris and defeat Donald Trump. As the president said, let’s do this.”


Former mayor, current candidate for state senate, Bill Finch:

“I want to thank President Biden for his decades-long service to our country. Throughout his career, he has been an unwavering champion for the middle class, a supporter of democracies, and a leader in the fight against climate change. He revitalized our economy after the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and restored our nation’s standing on the global stage, positioning America once again as a leader in the world.

As a union-strong champion, I deeply respect President Biden’s enduring dedication to organized labor. His leadership and commitment to supporting unions and protecting workers’ rights is exemplary. As Democrats, we must unite to continue Joe Biden’s legacy of progress for our country and support Kamala Harris as our candidate. Now is the time to work together to do everything we can to defeat Trump in November.”

U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal:

“Joe Biden is one of the greatest, most consequential presidents in American history. He was the compassionate, courageous leader our country desperately needed during a time of crisis.”

U.S. Senator Chris Murphy:

“I will be enthusiastically supporting my friend, Vice President Harris, to be our nominee for President. She has the perfect combination of experience, accomplishment, and deep love of country to lead our great nation.”






  1. Today I was surprised to learn that Biden’s “record of achievements as president are unsurpassed by any other president in modern history” to quote Kamala’s words.
    I would say that anyone who believes that is a complete and total moron. If she “wins” the “nomination” in August, 😂, and somehow gets into the White House, I can’t wait to witness her unsurpassed failures.
    (Neither can Putin, Xi et al 😂)
    So for the past 3 plus years, the next 5 months, and then God forbid 4 years of Harris, who has been, and who will be running our country?
    Cheers!! 😂

    1. Rich Augustynowicz, do you want me to ignore VP Kamala’s comments as such or ignore whatever truth resides in them? I am a student of governance, of US history, and Bridgeport life, unafraid to report the facts as I see or hear them presented. But to earn your opinion that I verge “on incomplete or partial moronhood” I reject.
      Are you stooping to the sandbox rhetoric of one of your heroes? And just why and where do you reference Putin, Xi, and other world leaders as a point of interest? What about the Founders of our republican democracy, can you find no reference to heroic, selfless, and caring leaders among them within the context of their times?
      How did the BIG LIE get handled by President Trump’s “legal team” in the aftermath of November 2020? Were they rejected by courts with judges of opposing partisan persuasions in 98% of the time? Has the House of Representatives, with too many continuing to present the Big Lie explained how Republicans won a majority of House seats while Candidate Don LOST? What has this Congress acheived ON THEIR OWN or OF THEIR OWN CREATION during the BIDEN Presidency?
      What is the COVID record of acheivement from February or March 2020?? Human lives lost carelessly?
      What is the tax effect of income tax changes flowing billions from all of us taxpayers to a relative handful of Americans through IRS Code advantages to them, increasing the public debt by TRILLIONS, and not acknowledging his lies to and about the common woman and man?
      Foreign policy issues require statesmanship and diplomacy before applying weapons and manpower. Where are the parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents fearful from their own military experiences with a “go it alone” strategy in the world without the respect and alliances that have been hard fought and real?
      Biden did “infrastructure”. Trump ONLY talked about it weekly. Harsh comment, or accurate record?
      How much of your failure to acknowledge damage done by Don’s Supreme Court believers to the civil rights of all, women’s healthcare beliefs, and what appear to be partisan and/or corrupt behavior by Justices? Can we trust the word of others today and a rule of law, as we did years ago?
      When have you participated in grass roots governance? What did you learn? How did you feel? Who is your neighbor? Can you see or hear them when they require help, hope, or a positive close to your negative historical knowledge and forward looking prophecy? Time will tell.

  2. As a dedicated member of the democratic party, I firmly support President Biden’s decision to withdraw. While I would have preferred this decision to be made earlier, it is crucial that we come together now and rally behind the newly selected candidate. In this op-ed, I want to emphasize the importance of unity and action within our party.

    Firstly, I commend Congressman Himes and Senator Murphy for their statements suggesting President Biden step back and end his candidacy. Their extensive exposure to the administration in Washington, D.C., gives weight to their perspectives. Congressman Himes, as the longest-elected Democrat in CT 04, exemplifies character, integrity, and sound judgment. We can trust their assessment of the situation.

    Rather than wasting time questioning motives, we must channel our energy into galvanizing the party. Our focus should be on motivating apathetic voters to participate in the upcoming State elections in August and the crucial November elections. We need to inspire these voters to exercise their democratic right and vote with their feet.

    Furthermore, I believe in Vice President Harris’ potential as a presidential candidate. I hope she selects a strong vice president to bolster support for her ticket. Together, they can lead our party forward with determination and vision.

    Now is the time for us to right the ship and keep moving forward. Let us put aside any differences and work towards a common goal. It is through unity and action that we can make a significant impact on our society and bring about positive change. And close with President Biden’s statement, “…there is nothing America can’t do – when we do it together. We just have to remember we are the United States of America.”

    1. It is interesting your emphasis on the party “dedicated member of the democratic party” What does it mean to a dedicated member of the democratic party? The party of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK?

      Just some facts about the Democratic Party.

      However, I wouldn’t commend anybody who called for Biden to step aside after that debate. FoxNews has been calling Joe’s unfitness for the Oval Office for years. The GOP is calling on Congress to invoke the 25 amendments and appoint Harris president. 🙂

      The VP pick is going to be a major factor in her ability to beat Trump. My bet’s on Trump. The SS/government didn’t try to take him because he’s a wizard or he even gives a rat’s ass about politics.

      In the words of GW-ish. I’m in government and I don’t trust the government.


      For shits and giggles.


  3. It has been said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

    If I were a betting man I would bet the Democratic Party is the more evil-ish party/philosophy, based on its history of humanity. While it seems convoluted these days, considering, Dr. Hanks emphasizes the need for unity. That old guard still must exist within.

    You hardly hear the need for unity under the Party of Lincoln. Not to mention we know the R’s willingness to throw an election. We, Connecticut proved that hypothesis. 🙂

    I mean Bob Stefanowski, AKA Walter, over Mark Boughton in Lamont’s first run. Who only got the nod after Dan had to step aside and seek a relection because he didn’t have a chance. (Sounds familiar people) 🤣

    Then again four years later. Mark went MIA and joined Lamonts administration. Come on people. LOL How slow do you think we are? 😂

    Just random thoughts. What do I know, who gives a shit?

    At any rate, Harris, Trump billboards. and OIB 🤣



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