Claiming “real solutions, not promises,” three-time Democratic mayoral candidate Charlie Coviello is once again running for the city’s top office, the first formal challenger against Mayor Bill Finch.
Coviello says he has a plan to “bring real jobs to Bridgeport and create new industry; a plan to fix our schools, educate all of our children, not just a select few; a plan to swing our tax burden away from homeowners to businesses; a plan to increase home ownership and decrease foreclosures and homelessness; and focus on green initiatives that prioritize the needs of city residents first as opposed to out-of-towners.”
A Democratic Town Committee member from the East End, Coviello is a self-styled policy wonk who dropped out of the mayor’s race in 2007 to support Bill Finch over Chris Caruso. Finch won by a narrow margin.
Coviello and Finch parted ways politically shortly after Finch’s election. Coviello was also a candidate for mayor in 2003 placing last in a multiple-field primary.
Former Mayor Joe Ganim is expected to formally enter the race in the coming weeks. Finch’s 2011 primary opponent Mary-Jane Foster is weighing her options for another run. A decision may come next week.
Okay … Charlie, really? I still do not get the game the DTC plays but it is getting really tired. This next election cycle will probably warrant a complete overhaul. So Charlie, Good luck! Why not? Again! Good luck to all the returning candidates. While everyone is paying attention to a Presidential election cycle beginning this summer, most candidates will be relegated to noise in the local election. I will be most interested in Mayor William Finch’s presentation later this week. I am certain it will be amazing. Whether you like the Mayor or not, the city is changing and development is happening. I already put my money on Finch. At least I have two bets out there. What’s a couple of hundred? As a substitute, $200 is just a drop in the bucket. 🙂 I do not like to lose, but am willing to be a spectator and watch the game.
Charlie, give it a rest. You are a fucking hemorrhoid in politics. The first time you dropped out because you were promised a city job, when that did not happen you ran for mayor again. Enough is enough.
If I were to take a stab in the dark I would say Charlie thinks Ganim has the drop on Finch, and Charlie wants a job. This smells like a ploy to maybe get Ganim to negotiate with him to drop out in exchange for the promise of a job.
Those five votes could make the difference, you know.
How many times does this man have to run before he comes to the realization the voters are not going to elect him? All of us know the definition of insanity.