The other night at a gathering of Downtown constituents, Mayor Bill Finch and staff handed out a brochure that features images of Bridgeport “Continuing to Build, Continuing To Grow.” It includes photos of economic development projects as well as handy information about free smoke alarms, starting a block watch and the BConnected city services program. The pamphlet also includes a questionnaire requesting responses about news organizations, economic development, social networking, public safety and city image. How would you respond to these questions? (If you fill out a hard copy of the survey feel free to support 100 percent the question about news websites!)

How do you most frequently find out about what is happening in your community?
Circle one
News websites
Television news
Social media
Word of mouth
Which do you find to be the most accurate/trustworthy?
News websites
Television news
Social media
Word of mouth
What social networking services to you use?
Rate how you feel the City is doing in each of the following categories: Circle one for each category
Economic Development
Excellent|Good|Fair|Needs improvement
Quality of Life (Street paving, cleanliness)
Excellent|Good|Fair|Needs improvement
Public Safety
Excellent|Good|Fair|Needs Improvement
Sustainability (Parks, open spaces)
Excellent|Good|Fair|Needs improvement
How do you feel Bridgeport is portrayed in the media you consume?
Circle One
Not sure
Respondents that provide contact information including email will be entered into a contest to win free tickets to upcoming Bridgeport Sound Tigers homes games.
*** Building new schools and bringing old schools up to State and Fed compliance measures that have been on the Bpt School Building Committee’s “Do Board” for some years now should not really be considered as “new city economic growth!” Also, possible future underground utilities for “Steel Point” that have been on the city’s “on then off again” economic development drawing board is another bad example! Most times any real “new” news that’s happening in Bpt is heard from websites like OIB or word of mouth, not from city government transparency. As is said through the grapevine in the Park City; for every “two” new businesses that come to and open in Bpt, “one” leaves! Free smoke alarms and starting neighborhood block watches is certainly nothing new in Bpt. And once again most of the grants or government funds obtained for certain Bpt neighborhoods are in Black Rock or the North End, which reflects on their council or state reps doing their jobs! These political Q&A flyers are merely for show purposes, “look what we’re doing for you” and all them high tax dollars you’re paying for with “zero returns!” *** MORE SMOKE & MIRRORS AS USUAL IN THE CIRCUS WORLD OF BPT ***
Lennie, for responding to how we find out about what is happening in the community, what is a (your) blog? Social media?
There is no option to respond ‘poor’ to questions.
I wonder how much this is costing taxpayers.
I did not receive a birthday wish from the mayor.
Happy Birthday Tom.
Lennie, can people just cut and paste your version of the survey or is there one online somewhere to fill out?
So far the city’s providing the survey in hard copy at selected events. No online survey.