City Orders Mandatory Evacuation In Low-lying Areas

News release from Mayor Bill Finch:

Mayor Bill Finch has announced that a Mandatory Evacuation for all residents living in low-lying areas as of 12 noon, Sunday, October 28. The following schools will be open as of 12 noon, Sunday, to be used as shelters–Jettie Tisdale, 275 Hollister Avenue; Geraldine Johnson, 427 Lexington Avenue, and Cesar Batalla, 606 Howard Avenue.

“This is a very serious storm. We don’t want residents to be lulled into a sense of complacency–the expected level of flooding from this storm will be equivalent to a Category 2 hurricane, and is forecasted to last through nearly three high-tide cycles,” said Mayor Finch.

“If you have friends or relatives who live on higher ground, then make arrangements now to stay with them for the duration of the storm. On Sunday, police and fire department staff will go door-to-door to advise residents who have not already evacuated to do so, or stay at their own risk,” added Mayor Finch.

These three shelters will open at 12 noon on Sunday, October 28 and will remain open for the duration of the storm.

At 6 p.m., Saturday evening, the City utilized Reverse 911 to inform residents of the pending mandatory evacuation. (See list of affected streets below)

Residents are asked to walk, drive or take public transportation to the shelters.

Those who are planning on staying in a shelter should pack a blanket, pillow, medication, personal identification, and snacks. Pets are allowed at all shelters, but they must be on leashes or in cages, and pet owners are asked to supply food for their pets.

If you live in the East Side or East End please go to: Jettie Tisdale School, 275 Hollister Avenue.

If you live in the South End, please go to: Geraldine Johnson School, 475 Lexington Avenue.

If you live in the West Side, West End or Black Rock please go to: Cesar Batalla School, 606 Howard Avenue.

The following streets encompass the mandatory evacuation area:

· Southern Broad Street–East to the Harbor

· Seaside Village

· Marina Village

· Bostwick Avenue at Osbourne to the south including, Morris and Anthony Streets

· Lower areas of Ferris Street, Arthur Street, Yacht Street, Brewster Street

· Black Rock Yacht Club Area, southeast of Grovers Avenue

· West of Dewey Street–between Edgewood and Salt Street

· South Avenue

· Atlantic Street near Broad & Main

· Whitney Street

· South of Wordin Avenue–Washburn Street, and Howard Avenue south of Wordin Avenue

· Cottage Place

· Henry Street

· Ridge Avenue

· Gregory Street–South Lower end of Iranistan Avenue to Columbia Street

· Walnut Street

· Atlantic Street Near Iranistan Avenue

· Anchorage Avenue

· Pine Street

· Newfield Avenue–Streets to the southeast of Newfield including Jefferson, Trowel, Adams, and DeForest DeKalb and Seaview Avenues



  1. *** Not a fan of many of the Finch Admin. doings but you’ve got to admit most of the time during any type of storm city preparations the city’s public facilities in general is getting better and continues to do a good job before, during and after the storm. Let’s hope this will be the same for “Sandy” ’cause she sounds like a bitch, no? ***

    1. Schools ARE closed! The only three that are open are the three that are being used as shelters (Tisdale, Batalla and Johnson). Hopefully this winter will be like last–mild enough so we only have to make up whatever time we lose to Frankenstorm!

  2. Good job by Appleby, Finest and Bravest!
    Funny I didn’t see any pols in my neck of the woods for this storm like I did for Irene. I forgot it is not an election for Mayotte and muni offices.

    You can always follow Bill on Twitter. What a Tweety Bird!

  3. Pardon the pun, but the only evacuation that will be evident is on Nov 7th when the do-nothing Democrats (on the national scene) wake up to find that, by their own fault, they have to go find a real job.
    Hopefully, of course, this “Frankenstorm” is all hype and no substance. But I digress …


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