Financial services executive Chris Meek is the latest Republican to announce his candidacy against Congressman Jim Himes. Check out Meek’s background including a philanthropic program he created that supports loan modifications for Bridgeport families in need at www.meekforcongress.com.
Himes was the beneficiary of the Barack Obama election tsunami that hit Bridgeport in 2008, defeating 20-year Congressman Chris Shays who’s running for U.S. Senate in 2012. Himes won reelection in 2010 without Obama on the ballot. Four years after his historic win the president will be back on the ballot next year. Will city voters be revved up like 2008? Economic anxiety is still high and Republicans such as Meek must address voters’ financial trepidation they believed Obama/Himes could resolve.
Meanwhile Himes will do what incumbents do, kick out as many goodies for his district as possible in an election year. Meek sent this eblast today to potential supporters:
In 2008, the people of Connecticut cast a vote for hope and change, sending Jim Himes and Barack Obama to Washington. Three years later, our economic situation is even more dire. Even more of our friends and neighbors have lost their jobs and can’t find work; countless homes have been lost to foreclosure; and the federal government can’t get its act together to put the economy back on track.
Like you I am frustrated by the same old Washington excuses and partisan pandering. Congress is supposed to solve our problems, not make them worse! That’s why today I’m excited to announce that I’m running for Congress to retire Jim Himes and restore fiscal sanity in Washington.
Will you take a moment to check out my campaign’s new website and watch the announcement video by following this link?
Over the last few years I have learned that if we stop and listen to the people around us, finding solutions can be that much easier. That’s why I’m running a different kind of campaign. My goal is for www.meekforcongress.com to function as an open door. Not only will you be able to learn about me and where I stand on the issues through posts and videos, but you’ll have the opportunity to share your concerns and ideas by writing me a note or uploading your own video.
We cannot afford to give Jim Himes two more years, or Barack Obama four more years, in Washington. We must act now to halt their destructive agenda. This is a critical early stage of my campaign, I need trusted supporters like you to help me defeat Jim Himes. I hope you will follow this link to check out the new website and get involved in the campaign.
The search for solutions starts today. I look forward to talking with you as we roll up our sleeves to get Connecticut working again.
Himes won’t play hide and go meek.
Jim Himes is looking for volunteers to nail 10″x12″x50′ timbers over the Congress Street Bridge this weekend; bring hammers, saws and lunch. “We can’t wait for Congress to act” said Himes. (203)450-9397.
*** Uphill battle for someone so “Meek,” no? ***
But the ‘Meek’ shall inherit …
Himes has my vote.