Chief Porter Challenges State’s No-Double-Dip Ruling

From Brian Lockhart, CT Post

Police Chief Roderick Porter has gone to court to try to overturn state officials’ decision last fall blocking him from collecting the pension he earned after retiring as a captain

His legal appeal, filed Jan. 21 in Connecticut Superior Court by area labor attorney Thomas Bucci, asserts that “clear and unambiguous language” in a state statute entitles Bridgeport’s top cop to continue to receive pension checks while also collecting his annual $143,000 salary.

The issue dates back to early last August when John Herrington, director of the state comptroller’s retirement services division, advised Porter via letter that he should not have still been collecting a pension after being sworn in as chief Dec. 1, 2022.

Formerly a captain, Porter had retired in June 2022 after 29 years on the force, then competed in a nationwide search to run Bridgeport’s police department, emerged a finalist and was ultimately selected for the job by Mayor Joe Ganim.

Full story here



  1. Where’s JML? Lennie, how much time is left fir the list of the three finalists for Chief of Police.
    Rebecca Garcia retired and is out. Thief Porter MUST RESIGN. Double dipping? Pension Fraud is what he committed and he’s refusing to return the loot. I back-tracked the paper trail of the clandestine activity that took place. It stretches from Labor Director Erick Amado with the bogus National Police search; Mayor Joe Ganim who had his hands on the entire clandestine effort to select a Chief who was retired. The only candidate of the 27 who applied was Rodrick Porter. In order to hire or select Porter Joe Ganim knew that Section 7-438 of Connecticut State Statute had to be repealed/amended.

  2. When Harrinton’s ruling was reported by the ctpost., it mentioned the Statute amendment. I backtracked to the Legislature’s Planning & Development Committee, Chaired by Rep. McCarthy Vahey. File No. 288; Substitute HB 5172 pretty much details dates that coincide to the extent that Governor Ned Lamont signed it on May 25, 2022. Mayor Joke Ganim immediately there after ORDERED labor director Erick Amado to start the BOGUS National Police Search.

    It’s convincingly and without any doubt that Mayor Joke Ganim set all this up and already had his mind made up as to who he was appointing as Chief of Police at least 8 months before November 19, 2022, the day he selected THIEF RODRICK (DISORDER) PORTER.

  3. Once a year, on the first of May, The Retirement Services Devision sends the Annual Municipal Employee Retirement System Reemployment Affidavit. Failing to respond by the end of May, will result in a suspension of retirement benefits. The Affidavits clearly spells out the rules and it even provides for online filing; it provides a phone number for any questions.

    All CMERS member must sign and date the affidavit; it warns about providing false or misleading statements or omissions and clearly warns it could result in civil or criminal penalties.

    Here’s the flip-side of the coin: It could lead to federal pension fraud and wire fraud charges. The lawfirm of Pillager & Pucci should have advised Thief Rodrick Disorder Porter of this.

  4. Joel,
    Did you ask where I was? Well I was reading the Statutes that have governed these situations previously and since revision. A public safety officer, as any other employee, a right to accumulate benefits to a retirement plan while employed. Agreed or not?
    When they retire, they have a right to request the retirement benefit per terms of the plan. If a former public safety officer becomes a director of safety at a bank or hospital, generally there is no prohibition from maintaining the retirement benefit PLUS the salary or other employee compensation.
    The difference in municipal employment, the argument can be made and advanced in court, that a “contract” employee, with only salary compensation and any rights to pernsion accumulations or future additional benefits FORESWORN, is different. There is no doubling of cost to the City, no double dipping indicated.
    It seems that the Pension System in its ruling is arguing that this payment to the Police Chief, earned and paid, is not fair if he is a “contracted Police Chief”, because it will put the system out of order and lose the tax free buildup enjoyed by the Retirement System. I do not follow this.
    Joel, need your help with the law. Not the wide conspiracy theory you perpetuate. Where is the thievery in getting a retirement benefit for past efforts, already funded and payable, and working in a new “contracted position” where the contract states that no retirement benefits will be accrued, nor cash paid by the City for any retirement benefits, that otherwise might be earned by the contracted employee? Time will tell.

  5. JML, the language you alluded to was added in the new bill. The bill was rushed and went straight to the Ned Lamont’s desk. The State Comptroller was NOT consulted. The list of speakers in favor of the bill is short and the names are the usual suspects. The CMERS pension funds was not funded ONLY by law enforcement retirees. Why the special treatment then? Different strokes for different folks.

  6. Remember this you blow-hard fool: My mother always said “One can’t cover the sky with a finger.” You notice that the appeal was filed at the New Britain Superior Court? Why not Bridgeport? During the BOGUS National Chief of Police Search Process, Mayor Joke Ganim on several occasions stated the his hands were off the process and that he was only selecting from the final 3 list. That was total BULLSHIT. His tentacles were all over the place starting at least a year before the National search began.

    I don’t expect or hope to convince you of all people. Last week we were present at the council chamber to hear Attorney Barry Knott’s report. I showed you the text I sent Mayor Joke Ganim. He read it and were officially divorced. You complained about Lennie Grimaldi not placing your god know how many submitted commentaries. I reminded you that: Lennie Grimaldi is the owner of OIB; Lennie doesn’t have a staff like CtPost; I asked you if you ever noticed that Lennie Grimaldi post an average of three (3) commentaries per day. Lennie, you should have seen this blow-hard’s reaction. I should have video recorded it. “BULLLSHIT, blah, blah, blah.” I don’t give two fucks of your conspiracy theorist label. The Comptroller could have referred the matter to the feds or they could investigate a subject matter from news sources. I’d love to see a fight of FBI vs FBI. That’s FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) vs FBI ( Fucking Bridgeport Idiots).

  7. Folks,
    Results from 11 posts on this very important topic to Joel G.. Ten posts from him, one by me, invited in his first offering. Ten posts – 1 thumbs up. One post – 3 thumbs up. Is less more, in this case?
    Are questions about allegations made without evidentiary facts in place out of order on OIB subjects? Neither of us asked the identity of the “whistleblowing” actor. I did not know the subject until posted here.
    Is it possible, or likely, that Joel’s negative predisposition to Chief Porter might indicate strong potential for him as the “whistleblower” on this issue? I have no objection to raising issues that have to do with the illegal use of public funds. But that is not what has happened in this instance to the best of my understanding. Anyone else following the issue? Or does anyone have some wisdom passed along from their Mother that they wish to share? Truly, Joel cannot cover the sky with a self-removed finger!! Time will tell.


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