Caruso Weighs In On Potential Changes To Makeup Of Democratic Town Committee

Commentary by Chris Caruso:

As a former member, District Leader of the 135th District, Chairman of the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee and long-time Bridgeport resident and Democrat, I write this commentary to voice my opposition to two recent proposals being advanced by the Leadership of the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee (DTC).

The first proposal concerns the election of a new Treasurer who would reside in Bridgeport, or amend the By-Laws to permit the current Treasurer to serve as an officer of the Party regardless of her residency. In cities and towns across Connecticut, this would not be acceptable, nor should it be for Bridgeport. I feel a Bridgeport resident should be nominated to serve. In no way is this a reflection on the qualifications and experiences of the current Treasurer. Rather, such an amendment places the DTC on a slippery slope… where will it end? It also makes an unretractable statement that other Democrats who are residents of the City are less capable of carrying out the duties of the Treasurer. A recent proposal to elect a Bridgeport Democrat as Treasurer who can be assisted by the current Treasurer, makes sense and would resolve the issue without having to change the By-Laws.

The second proposal also concerns amending the current By-Laws to reduce the current size of the DTC from 90 to 70 members because it’s too difficult to find Democrats willing to serve while some members have not carried out their responsibilities. With approximately 42,000 registered Bridgeport Democrats, I find the reasoning behind changing the By-Laws weak at best. As a District Leader, I never found it difficult to fill 9 seats. As a matter of fact, I had to create a waiting list of those interested in serving if a vacancy occurred.

Back in 1983, as a new member of the DTC, I proposed amending the By-Laws to increase the membership from 50 to 90 Democrats. With the support of then Town Chairman John Guman, the amendment was approved unanimously. I strongly felt then as I do now, the increase better reflects the diversity of the Democratic Party, encourages participation of Democrats within each district and the overall direction of the Party. The amendment also allowed each of the ten Districts to select replacements of members within their respective Districts rather than the entire Town Committee making the selections. It also allows the Town Chairman to break a tie in each District if the election of a new member is deadlocked.

It seems to me that such a By-Law change would most certainly benefit the fate of incumbent elected officials both on the City and State level.

For example, a city-wide candidate would only need 36 votes for the nomination, rather than 46 if all 90 members of the DTC voted. By lowering the threshold, it could have the effect of closing out new or challenge candidates seeking the endorsement of the Party.

In closing, I encourage each Town Committee member to consider opposing the two By-Law changes. Thank you.



  1. Personally, I fully support the observations on the two topics covered by Chris Caruso regarding an elected Treasurer for the Democratic Town Committee who is a resident and registered voter in Bridgeport as well as maintaining the governing body at 90 representatives in the 10 districts on behalf of 42, 000 Democrats.

    Perhaps the DTC can and will provide a listing of who the representatives are in each of the ten council districts, when the next meeting will be held (assumning that there are regular sessions in each year), and where a copy of their most recent governance rules may be located? Or perhaps OIB will provide such an answer for further research? Time will tell.

  2. One of the two for me.

    John, the decrease is most like going to fall on deaf ears. That seems like a parting snub on Mario’s behalf. Perhaps a measure to reduce the flock that has not follow Mario’s lock step.

    As for the Treasurer requirement. Seems like a demand, Mario flexing his importance. Considering his ” On this one Testa is putting his ass on the line. If we don’t keep her on board it’s arrivederci, I’m off to my retreat in Italy.”

    While I don’t believe the resident requirement is a necessity for the Port’s elected body, it would be like setting a resident requirement on all City Hall employees apparatus who work under/for the elected mayor.

    However, to Lennie’s point you have to assume if this play don’t goes in Mario’s favor he is going to looks very weak. Weaker then the fact to the insiders who knows Mario has been going against G2 since in comeback. Interesting moves, JS

  3. Considering G2 best Mario in a trifecta, IMO, White, Finch, Black, Moore, and Brown/Latino-ish, Gomes. 🤣

    Based on the assumption of my opinion, G2 is going to have an uphill battle in the next mayoral contest, either way, “with” or without Mario at the DTC helm.

    G2 is going to have to have some major development announcements, more than Steel Point, regardless of the progress the Port has seen. Especially if Chris R is going to be a challenger. Perhaps even with an MLS deal up and running G2 is going to be up against the wall, logically speaking.

    Not to mention, you know P Lamont is not happy with G2 and that 8-bathroom privilege thing is going to exert some influence to erode his support base, “Logically speaking” you would think😊

    Outside of a casino deal for the Port, Chris most likely will win. I mean, while the call and stance for the removal of Columbus was unjust and racist in nature. That “inner vibe” still seeks racial vengeance to oust the white man, 😊, regardless of the progress that was achieve in G2’s tenure.

    This DTC play may be a split, and perhaps Mario stays on and both go walking into the sunset of Port politics. Both G2 and Mario perhaps have to answer for their support to the failure on a casino, or should I say lack of it back in the day. Perhaps it is going to be a time to adopting a dog again.

    Try to play nice, Port Pols, peace out. Think about it, Time will tell, right John, I mean Vulcan, 🙂


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