Carpenters Endorse Finch For State Senate

News release from the Finch campaign:

Today, the Carpenters Union announced their endorsement of Bill Finch in the race for State Senate in the 22nd Senatorial District. Council Representative Mike Robinson issued the following statement on behalf of Connecticut’s Carpenters Union Local 326: “The Carpenters Union strongly supports Bill Finch for State Senate. Throughout his career in public service, Bill has been a fighter for working families, advocating for local workers and apprentices. He’s supported Project Labor Agreements for public and private sector development; each project was delivered on time and on budget to benefit local taxpayers. He also led the charge in Hartford for an increase in the minimum wage and on worker safety issues. He’s the clear choice in this race and the only candidate ready to hit the ground running as an effective champion for the working families of Bridgeport, Monroe, and Trumbull.”

Bill Finch added, “I am so proud to have the support of our state’s Carpenters Union. It has been an honor to work together with them to expand opportunities for local workers and apprentices, while growing the region’s economy. I look forward to continuing to work with them on issues impacting workers in Hartford.”

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The Carpenters Union emerged out of the need for worker representation and the desire for collective actions to speak louder than individual words. Established in 2018, Carpenters Local 326 is an organization driven by progressive ideas, bold actions, and a strong foundation of support. It was chartered on January 1, 2018, created from the consolidation of Connecticut’s three local unions, Carpenters Locals 24, 43, and 210. The UBC has represented carpenters in the state of Connecticut since 1882 and will continue to represent all carpenters well into the future. More information about the organization can be found at:


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