Lots of sweet stuff going on Downtown this weekend. Dracula at the United Congregational Church, John Denver tribute at the Downtown Cabaret Theatre and the Capitol Steps at the Klein. Check it all out! Capitol Steps are equal-opportunity cashew crushers.
Famous for putting politics and scandal to music, the Capitol Steps began when Reagan was president & ketchup was a vegetable & have more albums than the Constitution has amendments.
Performing selections off their latest CD, TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN FOR PRESIDENT (2012), this show will feature all the greatest political comedy of the last year, including “guest” appearances by Anthony Weiner, Moammar Khadafy, Chris Christie, and of course, Sarah Palin. If you’re tired of hearing about the presidential campaign, Citizens United, or the Tea Party, then delete this email. With musical political satire poking fun at all sides of the issues, it’s the one thing in Washington sure to earn bipartisan support.
This musical political satire troupe is made up of former congressional staffers, equal-opportunity spoofers all, who poke endless fun through song and skits at politicians on both sides of the aisle and at government goings-on in general. Capitol Steps have performed for the last 5 Presidents (6, if you include Hillary). As long as politicians and celebrities continue to say and do silly things, the Capitol Steps will continue to have plenty of material.
The material is updated constantly. Current examples include songs about Mitt Romney’s plea to the GOP (“Help Me Fake It to the Right”) and President Obama’s class warfare (“If I Tax a Rich Man”). In addition, we offer our own take on such trending topics as Secret Service indiscretions and the EU’s money woes and what to do with Greece. No matter who or what is in the headlines, you can bet the Capitol Steps will tackle both sides of the political spectrum and all things equally foolish. What more would you expect from the group that puts the “MOCK” in Democracy?!
“They’re the best. There’s no one like them, no one in their league.”
— Larry King, CNN“The Capitol Steps make it easier to leave public life.”
— Former President George H. W. BushOrder tix here.