Can’t Afford One? ‘Project Prom Dress’ Has High Schoolers Covered With A Free Dress

Among the more than 700 selections.

Don’t have a pot of cash for a prom dress? Your dream has come true to shine.

Star 99.9, Napoli Motors and local partners have galvanized local communities to create Project Prom Dress supporting high school students who cannot afford one.

More than 700 dresses have been collected, cleaned and fashioned to be given away completely free to any Connecticut high school student with a valid school ID. Prom dresses will be issued first come, first serve.

The event will take place March 29, 10 a.m. at Vazzano’s Four Seasons, 337 Kenyon Street, Stratford.

About Project Prom Dress:
Over the past month, Star 99.9 has collected dresses at Duchess Restaurants and Napoli Motors locations in Connecticut, with all dresses professionally cleaned by Executive Cleaners in Milford. This initiative ensures that students who might not otherwise be able to afford a prom dress can attend their special night with confidence.

Kevin Begley of Star99.9 stated, “Prom night is a milestone, and every student deserves to feel confident and beautiful, regardless of financial circumstances. Thanks to our incredible community, Napoli Motors, Duchess Restaurants, and Executive Cleaners, we’ve been able to collect, clean, and prepare these beautiful dresses for anyone who needs them. Project Prom Dress is about more than fashion, it’s about confidence and making unforgettable memories.”



    1. Lennie, what am I missing here?:

      “More than 700 dresses have been collected, cleaned and fashioned to be given away completely free to any Connecticut high school student with a valid school ID.”

      So male students are expected to wear dresses to the prom? Are you sure this came out of Star99.9 and NOT from 999 Broad Street?

  1. P.S Project Prom Dress

    Here’s a thought, instead of collection prom dresses at a car dealership and a fast food chain restaurant. Though I am sure the 99.9 promotion the establishments were “beneficial” how about Project Prom Dress connect with the affluent schools where there the pot of cash is deeper for such events of a one time dress and have a donation drive at the end of each prom school season. 🙂

  2. John, you’re the “chainsaw” or words regarding the “Wrestling Act” Linda McMahon, the Cabinet Education Leader. While the Chainsaw was hacking away at the DOE. Trump made specific-ish “concept, plan, policy, process, principles, or values” from on high, “following orders” Though no mention of Meals for the local youth

    This seems like an Act straight out of WWE, fake and choreographed, thought perhaps it goes beyond just entertainment.

    I mean, Port has it share of educational issues regarding the education of it student body. Yet I see not hand in it by the Fed/DOE, and it’s funding is very limited to America’s public school system. So it is hard to understand to Act that is put fourth by demonizing the DOE as whole that needs to be abolish and send the education back to the states when in fact it truly really never left.

    There seems to some miscommunication or misunderstanding on my part regarding this issues. In the terms of Malcolm X political power is not about just R vs D, perhaps it not ever Liberal vs Conservative. but a more deeper political philosophy that I can’t quite decode do to my lack of understanding/education.

    Though my gut tells me its a bad I deal to abolish the DOE. Not all President wanted to abolish it as Trump implied. Though I conceive it been weaponize in America political realm of politics not always for the benefit particularly in the culture war. Trumps executive order to stop federal school funding to school who allow transgender female, biological males to compete with biologic female, While I culturally agree with it, that a biological born male body possess physical advantage over a biological female body (pound of pound) , and that it is not just tits, dicks, What happens when another elective president or party control weaponize the DOE to say other wise.

    That being said, it doesn’t mean the federal government should lose it voice/power to hold the states of America accountable. If a D state like CT and the Port finds itself with it “diversity” running the Port’s education and being on the losing end education, Who do you think the more “southern: state or going to do with the fed out of the way?

    R Bush held a strong positive view with the role of the DOE, accountable, oversight, Ironically viewed as racist, overreaching and eventually abolished and replaced by D Obama, Things that make you go Hmmm, people.

  3. Quick question John, You are a Yale educated man, any coded language in

    No child left behind

    Every Student Succeeds

    If it is abolish in congress you will know the true enemy of America within. JMO

    because lets face it, this dog and pony show regarding the abolishing of the DOE. That states already have control over its education system with it measly financial support on the over all funding of education the only thing that is being abolish is oversight and accountability. So it is going to be interesting to see what/how the Ds fight to keep it and the Rs to abolish it. JS

  4. People, is white a code/side thing?

    John? Linda is sporting all white and many in Trumps address to congress many were sporting all white, . If so would it be fair to say, side/team white, Linda, being the figure head of the DOE and its abolishment. To to say get the Fed out of accountability oversight.

    At any rate, Time will tell, Peace out Port, play nice people

  5. Speaking of words, and cover, John, it seems that the “wrestling” act of abolishing the DOE, and the enemy within might be taking/staying cover for the time being. It seems the talking point is turned to “unwind”. Perhaps the ACT to abolish the oversight, the DOE has taken a bow and exit stage left. Though I am sure that “chainsaw” thing will stay relevant into the News. My guess that “unwinding” thing and what it really means, Time will tell.

    P.S speaking of traps. 🙂

    I also guess Linda, the Head of the DOE statement, that “kids should not be trapped in a failing school” is the realization that the public school system leave parents trapped to send their child to a failing school to teach them, be it unable or unwilling, by design and the promotion of an alternative solution to Private/Public charter school but it don’t truly solve the overall problem of a failing Public school. SMH

    But just like our medical industry complex, where treatment is their forces and not the cure. So it’s going to be very interesting to see Bobby K’s ACT on the main stage.

    Though I looked like Mississippi steps without the abolishment/ I mean the unwind, of the DOE with it
    Literacy-Based Promotion Act: Good Job.

  6. P.S It” funny, while Obama “D” dismantle the No Child Left Behind ACT He, the Ds did expand on health care coverage, particularly the expansion of Medicaid that had a greater impact on the rural trailer parks whites than any other racial group, I believe. 🙂 SMH people

    P.S John, any answers on that all white thing/code. While the News said white represent, is code for women rights/particularly abortion, and Blue represents, is coded for Israel hostage. Thought, perhaps there might be something to Trump’s fake news thing, considering there’s Blue and White in the America flag. JS

  7. John, John Boehner use your open accountability, and transparency thing. Is that coded sided? If so, this bill was that coded side has not hand or wanted Obama Care? Parentally coded back room deal did. 🙂

    Though they seem to get along at times. Tehy are wearing a blue and white shirts, a time before the attack on Roe, and Oct 10. You think those Glasses is a code thing? 🙂


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