It’s a weekend for parades–Juneteenth Day Parade Saturday and Black Rock Day Parade Sunday. Did you go? Mayoral candidates certainly did.

It’s a weekend for parades–Juneteenth Day Parade Saturday and Black Rock Day Parade Sunday. Did you go? Mayoral candidates certainly did.
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Look at the woman shaking hands with Finch. Look at those standing next to her. I see a complete lack of interest and enthusiasm.
I saw the selfie of these two Ganim supporters on Joe’s Facebook page. I totally missed Finch in the background. How funny!
Lennie, the candidates greet the peeps, really? If this were an Italian American function would you say the candidates greet the goombahs or the Puerto Rican parade, the candidates greet the vatos?
Just asking, bro.
DD, I use peeps universally–black, white, brown, green, purple, all shapes, all sizes, all colors. I love all the peeps, especially the OIB peeps!
Donald Day, I am assuming you are kidding with Lennie. Peeps is short for people and close friends in the Urban Dictionary. It does not even reference any group of people. I have used the term peeps for as long as I can remember. I have also never heard the term vatos when referring to Puerto Ricans and I used to be fluent in Spanish. Peeps are also items I buy around Easter and Passover. More of an Easter treat but I can’t get enough of them. 🙂
Steve, “vato” is Chicano (Mexican) slang for “homie.” Not Puerto Rican.
Booty is pirate slang for what I like about the wench. It has nothing to do with Beyoncé although Jay-Z might disagree.
Dictionary of Slang (2nd ed.) defines “peeps” as a slang term originating in the 1980s on black college campuses and in the black community. It’s derived from “people” and it means parents, friends, people in general, according to Cassell’s.
Donald, vatos (Mexican term). Puerto Ricans adept narrative would have been hermanos or manos, any other term would have crossed the line.
Hector, Hispanic or Latino parade would have been a better choice of words. I would expect your efforts would be better spent sympathizing rather than trying to correct because you know exactly what I meant and what I was trying to say.
Donald sorry, but what I’m called is a pet peeve with me “Latino” if you were speaking Spanish could be correct, Hispanic could also be correct if you were talking about countries that were CONQUERED by SPAIN, I did understand the gist of your statement and agree. In fact in my conversation with a mutual friend (Raul Lafitte) your name came up (in a positive) and he assured me we should be standing side by side on most issues, a while back one of my brothers (Joe C.) also spoke highly of you and encouraged me to find a way to sit with you, I’ll leave my number again for your convenience (203)666-9361 night or DAY (no pun intended).
Yes Hector, had it not been for Raul and Tom Thompson I would have never been a firefighter and these two brothers changed my life. I owe these soldiers in the war of injustice my absolute gratitude. While as president of the Firebird Society we only hav two honorary members and it’s these two brothers.
I knew you understood the gist of my post, but I also knew there would be repercussions for my standing on the side of righteousness as it relates to my people and others wouldn’t miss an opportunity to pile on and that’s cool with me. I’ve always been outspoken in my beliefs and that has always meant I would be ostracized and that’s cool.
You and I talked once at a bar on Barnum Ave near the lumber yard. I’m not sure you remember, but I certainly do. I’ll give you a call my brother and we can see where it leads us.
Hector, let me follow up. Raul Lafitte, Tom Thompson and a few others opened doors to a lot of prospective firefighters but it was more than just us getting the position, we knew we had a responsibility to open the door wider to let more of our people in to become firefighters but also to step up and speak out against injustice to any fire chief or mayor no matter what.
Hector, as I said, there is very little if any dialog between blacks and Hispanics and that’s sad because we are the majority in Bridgeport. There must be trust and respect even if there are disagreements. Lieutenant Ray Lopez is a strong Puerto Rican brother who is a Firebird Society member who Don and I love like he is our real brother. Well, our two communities need to find common ground if we are to get and have real power and power must be taken because it’s never given.
Thank you, Hector. I appreciate your efforts to correct terminology you and others may find offensive. I thought the same thing when I read the post.
Oh Maria, I see you’re still angry. Was it when I said I wouldn’t believe you if your tongue came notarized?
Or maybe when I said, you are self-serving, one who started out with good intentions, but somewhere during life you thought you were bigger than the cause you were fighting for. At some point in your life you became self-aggrandizing and you lost your ability to discern from what’s right and what’s best for Maria. Yes Maria, I do know you and have never met you in my life.
It’s been said the liar’s punishment is, not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else.
Donald Day, leave Maria Pereira alone, you’re talking over her head.
I’ll bet none of the candidates and few of those celebrating know the significance or history of Juneteenth.
Steve Auerbach–I shook hands with the Mayor while he was working the BR Day parade route. After shaking my hand, he said hello and kissed the cheek of the woman next to me. I of course feigned hurt, where is my kiss I asked his honor. The mayor dropped to one knee, bowed his head and kissed my hand. He can be a class act when the opportunity presents itself. I was humbled and impressed. Wish you had been there to witness this moment.
Jennifer, I respect the fact you acknowledged Bill can be a very nice guy. So few on this blog show him any respect and it does get tiring. I owe you a cookie for that comment!
On another note, I was happy to see The Mayor supporting an important day in the African American community. I am also happy it incorporated the Caribbean community. Sorry I missed the excitement. I was told from a very reliable source the Mayor was not there. That’s how bad P. R. starts.
Did I miss authentic food? To me it’s all about the food. 🙂
I did not see Mayor Finch in the parade. These photos were taken at the celebration on McLevy Green.
That Bastard! 🙂 Did you see Marlyn, Ron and Donald Day supporting their Peeps and MJF?
I understand why that young black kid have you the finger. He was obviously mature beyond his age.
Steve, no. MJF walked the parade with two white women and a polite gentlemen who may have been black, Spanish, etc.
I did think it was odd she would walk in this particular parade with only one minority.
Donald Day, so you know why the kid gave me the finger, but can you tell me why you were not at the parade supporting MJF or was the letter to your brothers and sisters enough? How did you get a mailing list? Is there a Brothers and Sisters mailing list? I think marching in the parade with Foster shirts would have been the most appropriate thing you could have done to support her. You did notice Ganim and his supporters all wearing shirts showing support.
Steve, wrong subject and the wrong person to talk about the Juneteenth Parade and Donald Day.
Ron Mackey, please share. Why would inquiring as to why you, Donald Day and Marilyn Moore were not walking with MJF would be something I wouldn’t want to discuss with Donald Day?????????
Steve, read the question.
Ron, so since there is an unknown reason I should not inquire why Donald Day and Marilyn Moore were not walking with Foster, how about you??? Why did Mary-Jane Foster walk in the Juneteenth Parade without you guys? Are you supporting her or just attacking Ganim and Finch people on the blog? You realize you are wasting your time, right? The question Ron, please respond regarding Juneteenth. I would appreciate a response from you.
I love those Ganim shirts. I would like one just like them from Mayor Finch.
To be clear, note the teeshirt Ganim is wearing. I like the button-down collared shirts his hitmen were wearing. 🙂
Yes Steven, I do know why the black kid gave you the finger. The same reason every black person I talk to who follows OIB gives you the verbal finger.
Donald Day, I maintain you speak for very very few. So just for a few laughs can you tell me why the little kid gave me the finger (which of course did not make me think less of him) and give me one name of these black people who follow OIB who are as disrespectful and condescending as you, who know me and think it was good this kid gave me the finger. Just one name will do and not one of those ministers please. Do no embarrass yourself and please keep Ron Mackey out of the mix as well as Marilyn. One name, please?
Steven, I think I owe you an apology. It appears as if I gave you the impression I give a damn about what you think, feel or believe. My bad.
No Donald, you didn’t give me the impression you cared what I thought. I did however ask why you were not supporting Mary-Jane with Marilyn and Ron at the Juneteenth festivities. I didn’t think it was a difficult question to ask the man who wrote to his Brothers and Sisters. I also asked to identify the individuals you spoke to who thought it was okay for the kid to give me the finger. Seriously, I can handle the truth. So can MJF. You do not need to apologize to me for this stuff.
On a sidebar: has anyone heard of the ridiculous breaking news out of Spokane Washington? Imagine a white woman impersonating a black woman to be the head of the NAACP. Her family exposed her. I cannot even imagine the conversations she had with them for Christmas and Thanksgiving. I cannot wait to hear the Colbert report or Jon Stewart. This is hilarious only because it was so ridiculous and she was doing an outstanding job!!! OMG, maybe she can sue for racial bias.
Steve, give it a break, do you have to comment on everything? How about Bruce Jenner?
Ron, let’s forget Donald Day, since you didn’t want to explain Juneteenth and his not being at the parade supporting MJF. Why were you and Marilyn not walking with Foster???
Bruce Jenner is a transsexual and now a lesbian, what does that have to do with me and the NAACP?
The Colbert Report has been off the air for a while now.
I know, I am waiting for his new gig.
Steve, my point is must you talk about everything?
No, Ron Mackey. My point was made. You only respond to what you want and I asked you a very simple question. Where were you, Marilyn Moore and Donald Day during the Juneteenth parade? Didn’t you think having you by her side would have been more appropriate than attacking Maria and myself on this blog? Ron please, a simple answer. Tell me you had a barbeque, you were knocking on doors, you were orchestrating a picnic, you had the grandkids, you were hung over, you were confused about Caitlyn Jenner and how it relates to the gay community, you wanted to plant bushes, mow your lawn, you were collecting food for Maria’s friend, you gave up on MJF, you didn’t want to run into Bob Walsh, etc. etc. etc. Keep it simple.
The Firebird Society did a great job in the parade plus Mary-Jane Foster doesn’t need an army around her to march in a parade or to visit blacks at church or in their community. MJF is very comfortable no matter what setting she’s in.
Steve, this post was pretty funny. Good job, Steve.
Steven, at no time on any post has Ron Mackey attacked Joe Ganim. Mackey and I have the utmost respect for Joe and we think he the second-best candidate in this mayoral race after MJF.
Having said that, should and if MJF gets out of the race then Joe would be elevated to the best candidate in this mayoral race and we would do anything in our power to see that he beats Finch. Anything.
I support Mary-Jane Foster. This year Bill Finch will be BEATEN and Tippy will have to get Finch a job along with Hamilton Burger.
Ron Mackey and Donald Day, your last post was your best and very telling and I respect you for that. My friend and I use that term in a friendly casual manner. Mary-Jane Foster should have never run in this election cycle. I am being sincere and honest, what in hell was she thinking. That is coming from an individual who walked the entire 134th and 60 percent of the 138th.
Joe Ganim is an extremely likeable guy and I appreciated your most passionate support for him. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know you are both loyalists and support Marilyn Moore, a woman who could in fact be our first black Mayor.
I still maintain this will be a quiet election cycle. I have friends in every camp. I could walk comfortably in any headquarters and shoot the breeze. Spying? Get real. It is tough when you have friends and acquaintances who are working for different candidates. Shocking to me is I have more friends working in Ganim, Finch and Gardner’s camp than I do in Foster’s. Personally, that is painful for me.
To me Finch is the only candidate. As for Ganim I will lighten up on my lovable attacks after July 11 as I told him to his face. He has a narrative and I believe Finch has a better one. If Joe Ganim got elected in some disturbing parallel universe where reason does not exist, I will support him and wish him the best. He has always been respectful to me on a personal note aside from this blog where I get to verbally abuse him. I think Finch will win because I want him to. I am not looking to support any candidate but Finch.
I was hoping MJF and Finch would mend fences, he’d embrace UB and Foster would run for Mayor when Finch runs for Governor. That is how it should have played out in this race. My opinion of course. Good luck and one last thing Ron Mackey, you are very naive. Mary-Jane Foster most definitely needed you by her side in the parade. I am sure your Firebird society made a great contribution to the parade, but Mary-Jane Foster needed a black entourage like any other candidate. It would have elevated her in the community she is trying to entice. Finch and Ganim have a lock on that. That is my opinion only. I only know what I know.
Steve, here’s what you are not seeing or feeling, people are really getting tired of Bill Finch and his act, who are now seven years later seeing who he really is and they don’t like what they see. Steve, people didn’t think Tom Bucci would lose, he is a smart and nice person but he lost, Bill Finch will not get reelected as mayor.
Ron Mackey, everyone knew Tom Bucci would lose. No Republican ever wins in Bridgeport. We had every Democrat jumping ship. There was no surprise. Personally, I liked Tom Bucci a lot. I served as a commissioner on Historic Black Rock and he was my attorney. He is a good man.
Steve–I’m willing to bet you a lobster dinner at Dolphin’s Cove Finch comes in third in the Democrat primary.
Come Back Bridgeport, you say Finch will come in third? I will happily make the bet and share your company if you identify who you are! Tell Lennie to contact me if you are afraid of being known. But that is a bet I will happily make!
Steve, I think you are going to win this bet, but you will lose your bet with both Howard and I. 🙂