Former Democratic Town Committee member Bob Barnes, who considered a challenge of State Rep. Jack Hennessy in 2010, claims in OIB postings Hennessy has padded his military record. Hennessy, who seeks reelection this year with a potential Democratic primary challenge from City Councilwoman Michelle Lyons, says Barnes is making up stories. Norman Allen, who says he served with Hennessy, writes here that he wants to set the record straight on behalf of Hennessy.
Let me help clear up any doubt about Jack’s military record. Jack was assigned to the 1st BN (RANGER) 75th Infantry from 1975 – 1977. This was the initial unit designation before there was a Ranger Regimental Headquarters and the Ranger battalions were reflagged as the 1st / 2nd / 3rd Ranger BN. The 1st BN (RANGER) 75th Infantry was unit was initially assigned to Ft. Stewart GA and later mover to Hunter Army Airfield, Savannah GA, where they are today. Jack came into the Army with an initial MOS of 05B1P (pronounced Oh five Bravo two Papa) which designated him as a Tactical radio Operator / Morse Code and Airborne qualified. After Ranger school he was awarded the MOS 05B2V (pronounced oh five Bravo two Victor) which designated him as an NCO (E-% and Ranger qualified. His DD-214, upon honorable discharge would only indicate his MOS’s, awards, decorations, military education and various remarks in the “remarks section.” Only his DA Form 2 would would show a record of assignments. So here are the facts with reference to his Ranger credentials and assignment to the 1st BN (RANGER) 75 Infantry. Why do I know so much about Jack? I served with him at the same time … we were both assigned to Bravo Company, 1st BN (Ranger) 75th INF at the same time, same company. Jack decided to leave the Army and I decided to make a career out of it. Do your fact checking, this is neither “Stolen Valor” nor a worthless “Poser” pretending to be something he isn’t. He earned his right to say “Rangers Lead The Way.”
I can believe someone who is not a graduate of the Ranger School and therefore authorized to wear a ‘Ranger Tab’ can, nonetheless, be awarded an MOS indicating indicting he has accrued enough in-unit training and experience to become ‘qualified.’ If the man serves as a Ranger with Rangers on Ranger missions, then he is indeed a Ranger; Ranger Tab or not.
Mine at least does not require fact checking as you suggest. I asked the man directly if he was a Ranger. You answered the question. I’d still like to hear it from him.
BTW. Tactical Radio Operators humped with their gear on actual patrols or were they situated in the TOC taking radio traffic?
*** It’s Hennessy’s legislative record & accomplishments voters should be most interested in, not splitting hairs over his military service, no? *** WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE ***
Mojo … you’re absolutely correct. However, why did Jack Hennessy take down from his CV that he was a Ranger when he first ran against Elaine Pivirotto when I asked him where he took his Ranger training? Answer: because he wasn’t Ranger qualified. That’s all.
Rangers were the first Americans ashore the night before D-Day when approx. 250 of them scaled the Pointe du Hoc between Utah and Omaha Beaches. Of those Rangers, fewer than 60 lived to see the end of WWII.
As a Vietnam Veteran myself and having watched Rangers in action I have nothing but admiration for these special people. Although I was company clerk for the HHD 13thCbtAvnBn and during my year in country I flew gunner on Hueys on several trips back and forth from CanTho to Tahn Son Nhut, but refused an air medal as I believed, rightly so, that neither my MOS would support it, nor would I pad my experience in the Army just to beat my chest and BS others.
I remain adamant as to Hennessy’s claims.
Mr. Allen, I thank you for your service and I realize you’re a friend of Jack Hennessy. And from all I know about him, he is a nice guy. And all that is good. However I’m not given to making up stories.
I would like to know why Jack Hennessy hasn’t replied directly to this. Or is it, perhaps, because my comment is true, or he just thinks I’m beneath his contempt as you seem to think I am.
I believe in two things when it comes to politicians and government. Term Limits at all levels and accountability.
Mr. Hennessy–Thank you for serving! Time for Lyons to step up and replace you. I agree with Mojo! What does his service have to do with his record? Most importantly, people view him as a puppet for Caruso.
Who’s Caruso?
It’s not sour grapes. I’ve been saying the same thing since 2004, fuyr years before I thought about challenging and failing to qualify. And that was my fault. At least I own up to my shortcomings.
Having retired from my business after over 30 years, and having worked in the corporate environment for many years before that, my perspective on politicians is very critical. Very few representatives in government could run a business mainly because they aren’t personally fiscally responsible for their mistakes and would be bankrupt, one and all. Their mistakes are covered by constantly raising taxes, fees and licenses to cover those mistakes.
And people view Lyons as a puppet of Finch and Fabrizi and whomever else would be mayor as she sits on the council.
Would someone please articulate Ms. Lyons’ legislative accomplishments while on the council? Can someone please tell me how many times Ms. Lyons had taken on an administration? Voted against the mayor?
People may not like Jack Hennessy. People may like Michelle Lyons. But people, must you try to tear Jack down because Michelle has done nothing to be built upon?
Also the truth.
Sorry, Norman Allen. Your boy Hennessy’s DD214 would clearly indicate he completed Ranger School and was authorized to wear the Ranger Tab. I looked at my own 214 and saw every military school I completed.
I am now active on this matter because Hennessy shows a Ranger Tab on his legislative web site.
War stories get better and better with age. Your boy had better demonstrate he graduated from Ranger School and is entitled to show that Ranger Tab or he better remove it immediately.
I have forward this message to my Senator, Dick Blumenthal and have asked his office for clarification.
Thank you, yahooy …