Biden’s Head-Scratching Commutation Of Adrian Peeler

From Peter Yankowski, CT Post:

On Jan. 7, 1999, Karen Clarke and her 8-year-old son, Leroy “BJ” Brown were shot dead in their home.

Authorities would later find Clarke lying face-up on the floor of her son’s room, a telephone just inches from her outstretched hand. Brown was found in the hall, a gunshot wound to the back of his head.

On Friday, outgoing President Joe Biden commuted the sentence of Adrian Peeler, who was convicted in the murders of Clarke and Brown. Peeler was reported to have killed the pair on the orders of his brother, Russell Peeler Jr., who also was convicted in their murders.

Despite an eyewitness, Adrian Peeler eventually was convicted of conspiring to kill the mother and son. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison, then remained in prison for a 35-year sentence for drug-dealing.

Full story here



  1. Where are all the plantation Democrats at? The so called sharp as a tack Joe Biden did some crazy things on the way out. Basically pardoned himself and his family. Funny how the Dems were worried that Trump would be the one who would do that in 2020 for his own family. Then he pardoned the actual criminals of the J6 committee. But the most appalling pardon and to get Shitport on the map, he commuted the sentence of a monster responsible for the killing of an 8 year old child and his mother. That monster is Adrian Peeler. Shame on the person who placed that pardon request on his desk and shame on those who were responsible for covering up Braindead Biden’s cognitive decline.

  2. It looks like President Biden took it upon himself to issue a blanket pardon based on “sentencing disparities” of those convicted of drug charges. There is no evidence that the pardon was requested. From this frame of reference Peeler was just a number on a sheet that fit the parameters of what Biden was trying to accomplish.

    Although Peeler’s pending release comes as a shock to those of us that vividly remember the heinous crime; he did in fact serve out his sentence for the murder charges. I always wondered how one brother got the death penalty (later commuted to life), and the other only 25 years. How does someone convicted of conspiracy get more time/a harsher sentence than the one that actually committed the crime?

    After Trump’s actions releasing domestic terrorists and mercenaries, not one MAGAt/Republican can say they’re for law and order. Blindly following a repugnant and childish man makes you look just as stupid.

    1. Eric you must be talking about the BLM terrorist who caused death and destruction during the so called summer of love. Not one has ever served jail time for their crimes. As for the J6ers not one was charged as an insurrectionist and no cops died as a result of their actions. The only person to die as a result of their actions violence was an unarmed civilian Ashli Babbit who died at the hands of a DEI hired who once left his gun in a toilet stall. And now you and Jefferey no know the truth. Time to break free of the Democratic plantation. The golden age has begun.

      1. The Golden Age? Name one Republican administration that didn’t create a recession in your lifetime. I’ll wait.

        Ashli Babbit was one of the main antagonists trying to break down the door. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

        That’s hilarious, you’re Puerto Rican decrying DEI hires. The jokes just write themselves.

        1. Spoken like a true plantation Democrat Eric. Yes I am a Puerto Rican who believes in what the great MLK said. I want to be judged by content of character not color of skin. In other words merit not to check a box. Now go see your doctor so he can order you a 7 day prescription for the TDS that you caught from Jeff. Make sure you finish the whole thing or you can spread the TDS to others

          1. What nerve, invoking The Great Martin Luther King, Jr. trying to explain your support for a someone like Trump. It blows my mind that someone must feel so weak that they look at Donald Trump and see strength. I hate to break the news to you, but we don’t live in a society where merit gets you where you need to be. We live in a world where a high school educated white man makes more money than a college educated black man. We live in a society where your zip code is more of a determining factor in your life’s success than your mental acuity.

            You conservatives kill me with TDS…you fools are literally the ones drinking the kool-aid. It’s mind blowing to read, watch, and hear the mental gymnastics that trump’s followers go through to prove fealty to him. The GOP has devolved to a cult.

      1. Typically that is the process. A petition, then president decides after consulting with AG. Presidents have the prerogative and authority to issue pardons unsolicited.

        I highly doubt the J6 terrorists submitted a request that fast the 47.

  3. Well-said, Eric. Trump’s pardons and commutations make him a cop-killer advocate and possibly — but God forbid — complicit in more cop-killings if his army of murderous vermin decides to stage a repeat, in some form, of January 6, 2021.

    As for Trump’s supporters: How can they possibly to be considered to be law-enforcement advocates when they support someone who flouts the law and condones cop killing?!

    Biden’s pardon of child-executioner Adrian Peeler has no rationale and is a stain on his record. He should have had his list thoroughly reviewed to prevent such a “mistake,” if indeed no one actually petitioned for a pardon on Peeler’s behalf, which Lenny and the News should investigate for us…

    1. Hey Jeff go see your doctor. Your TDS is flaring up again and it has contaminated Eric. Looks like you forgot to go through the entire 7 day TDS prescription last time.

    2. From what I researched none of the recipients of Biden’s pardons petitioned for it. If the Peelers were charged federally with murder then I’m sure he will still be locked up for good.

  4. In the last few weeks of his presidency,I believe he was just signing pardon orders for any group of criminals that his handlers directed him too..No way he was coming up with this himself.
    Hopefully his pardons and Trump’s immediate pardons this week raise some eyebrows.Reform is needed.
    Maybe potential presidential pardons need to reviewed by a committee of senators consisting of an equal number of Dems & Republicans before they are enacted.I don’t know what solution is,but obviously something has to change, the privilege is getting abused.

  5. I think there’s a much broader picture being missed her.

    For starters, Biden’s pardons throw political shade on Trump’s pardons of January 6th/ insurrectionist. So there won’t be much play in the news about Trump’s pardons considering January 6th was played out non-stop for 4 years how Trump was a threat to democracy and everything else in between.

    As for the application process, I’m not even sure there’s one at this stage. I mean I read Biden gave preemptive pardons for political figures and his extended family members for crimes that haven’t even been charged yet so I’m not even sure how that works.

    So it is safe to say presidential pardons prior to this, with the exceptions of a few newsworthy pardons in the past that the presidential pardons process has been abused primarily by those that have the reach of the presidency AKA the affluent.

    Shit, judicial system I gotten so out of touch it has a thing called affluenza defense. A legal defense that makes the claim the defendant of a crime is not responsible because of his privilege and wealth, Js

    No still probably only a defense mechanism in our legal system for the Caucasians, butt give it time 🙃


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