Four years ago, Barack Obama’s visit to Bridgeport jammed the Webster Bank Arena three days before Election Day in support of Democratic candidates. He’s now scheduled to return November 2, two days before the election rescheduling his postponed visit to Central High School from last week, according to an advisory released by the Connecticut Democratic Party. Will it be Central, the arena, another venue?
This time he’s returning to Bridgeport in support of Governor Dan Malloy tucked in a heated close race with Republican Tom Foley. Many local Democrats believe they’d have no problem filling the arena for a return visit, especially on a Sunday. The Bridgeport Sounds Tigers have a hockey match scheduled for 3 p.m. on November 2, according the Webster Bank Arena schedule.
Hundreds of people from around the state stood in line for hours at two city campaign outlets for a chance for a single ticket for the president’s scheduled visit to Central High School that was postponed last week in response to heightened awareness from the Ebola virus.
Tom Foley, Jim Himes, Moore, Auden, that is how I will vote.
Thank you President Obama, I’m not a Malloy fan but I will hold my nose and vote for him and the other Democrats. Those of us who like President Obama even though he has let us down, we must get out to vote and bring someone with us to vote. Tom Foley only paid $673 in taxes, that tells me what he will do for his friends if he gets elected.
Ron, I would argue Foley paid under Malloy’s tax policy, if you overpay your taxes a refund is sent to you. Tax-free investments are usually muni bonds, which is accepting a much lower rate of return for investing in government bonds, so I would hardly bash a person for paying the taxes your sitting government requires you to pay. So Foley’s friends are already reaping the tax benefits. The state of CT taxes follow the Federal tax formula. Not all states use this formula, so perhaps real income tax reform is needed at both the state and federal level.
Did you read the piece Ken Dixon did on Foley’s taxes? This is not a question of how much he or his hedge fund invested in tax-free bonds. I can answer that with a high degree of certainty. NOTHING. This is not about tax deferrals that are available to middle-class Americans.
It is about tax loopholes sculptured by tax attorneys that benefit the wealthiest Americans.
And even if it is legal (or so their attorneys say), do you really think a multimillionaire (or is it billionaire) really gives a rat’s ass about the average citizen from Bridgeport struggling to keep his head above water???
Maybe you do but for sure they don’t. And that is the bottom line. And that is why Malloy will be REELECTED.
So you are telling me Malloy’s tax policy hurts the middle class and Foley and Malloy both benefited from tax loopholes (remember the $200k he was able to write off) and neither one of them gives a rat’s ass about the average citizen because they both benefit from tax attorneys’ ability to find loopholes in the tax codes for them. Malloy did not fix this and in your opinion Foley will not.
Ron, what a sad commentary. You’re not a Malloy fan, but you’re going to hold your nose and vote for him? It’s like the old argument, it isn’t the lesser of two evils, but the evil of two lessers.
And Obama let the African American community down? Really? What has he done for the betterment of any American? Nothing. He doesn’t even have the African American life experience having been brought up in Hawaii and Indonesia by either whitey or his mother’s second husband, an Oriental.
Sure Bob, and you would know that. Let President Obama and General Colin Powell try to get a taxi at noon in the middle of New York City by themselves and they would be treated the same way as any other black man, they would be judged by the color of their skin. In fact Bob, the taxi would pick you up before Obama or Powell.
That’s 1960s BS. When was the last time you tried to hail a cab in NYC? Try to find a white cabdriver.
Bob, what is your point? Tell me what American President has an African American life experience. I’ve held my nose voting for a lot of all those white male Presidents and so have most blacks because they never had our interest, one party took us for granted and the other never did care.
Tom Foley cannot be any worse than Malloy, Ron.
donj, careful what you wish for.
donj–don’t bet on that.
LOL, Lennie. In such a blue state this race should not be close. Malloy’s polices have not worked and taxing the middle class was the last straw. People are moving out of state in droves thanks to Malloy. If I were a betting man I’d say Tom Foley will get over 20% of the vote in Bpt while Himes gets over 80% of the vote, that will tell you how bad Malloy is.
The Democrats are rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, not wanting any endorsements from President Obama. Anyone filling Central HS’s gymnasium is going to vote for Malloy anyway … just another $500,000 campaign trip for our president.
Why are you all blaming Malloy only? The State Representatives and State Senators are just as responsible for the mess the state is in. donj, don Joel says, “throw out all the bums who vote for the HIGHEST TAX INCREASE IN CONNECTICUT HISTORY.” donj, that includes Auden G. Here is her attempt at deceiving me, of all people:
Mary-Jane Foster, Rob Sullivan and 7 others like this.
Joel Gonzalez Funny how they like to talk about. $500,000
September 22 at 5:15pm · Like · 1 · Reply
Madeline Dennis Joel, please explain what you mean…??
September 22 at 5:45pm · Like · Reply
Auden Grogins Hi Madeline- thank you for posting the details of the walking tour. If people want to RSVP or have questions please have them contact me on my home number 203-366-3245 or write me at this email: agrogins@sbcglobal.net
September 22 at 5:58pm · Like · 1 · Reply
Joel Gonzalez They don’t want any mention of the O.F.A projection of $ 1.9 billion deficit for 2016. With a deficit like that, expect Malloy to take back most dollars appropriated. It’s a familiar script.
September 22 at 6:20pm · Like · Reply
Auden Grogins This funding is under contract – all the RFP.’s are out -it’s a done deal
September 22 at 7:53pm · Like · 1 · Reply
Erin O’Connor How about starting with fixing up the sidewalks so people can walk without falling all over the place. They are an absolute disgrace.
September 22 at 10:33pm · Unlike · 2 · Reply
Joel Gonzalez Auden, like I said, democrats don’t want to talk about the billion dollar deficit. Then again, the state can always borrow their temporary way out. The Office of Fiscal Analysis already gave use their projection and Malloy simply disagreed with their figure without telling us what his figure was. As State Representative, can you share your figure with us?
September 23 at 2:28am · Edited · Like · Reply
Auden Grogins Actually Joel- I recent spoke with the state fiscal office and we have no projected deficit for most of 2015. In 2016, there is a projected deficit but that is only a projection because there is no budget in place for the end of 2015-2016. The legislature and Gov have up pass a balanced budget so after that’s done there will not be a deficit.
September 24 at 2:23pm · Like · 6 · Reply
Joel Gonzalez Rep. Grogins, it’s seems like you got 5 likes. Let me explain the reason why. There are bitches and there are dumb bitches. But you’re dealing with an old dog here. I’m not surprised that you had to make calls to come up with a lie. As a Representative, you should have a clue as to what the numbers are. According to your response here there shouldn’t be any red ink in this report from the Office of Fiscal Analysis. You have always been too partisan for my taste and I expected a partisan response not a bald-face lie. this reminds me of the saying, “you know when a lawyer is lying when his or her mouth is moving.” So for the 5 likers of your response, here is a link to the nonpartisan OFA report, which by the way, hasn’t been retracted yet.: http://www.cga.ct.gov/…/2014SYNG-20140207_Synopsis%20of…
September 25 at 12:02am · Edited · Like · Reply
Auden Grogins Joel- this is my last response to you. If you are going to provide info at least provide current information – the numbers have changed several times since last February when this report was written. The person who have my the information I reported was the same non-partisan person from OFA that wrote this report almost 8 months ago. I check out my information to make sure it’s current before I report it
September 25 at 12:00am · Like · 5 · Reply
Auden Grogins I thought I would post the latest OFA report to show the surplus for the 2014-15 budget. Like I said earlier there is a projected deficit of approx a billion for 2016 but OFA conforms that is just a projection based on no changes in the budget and it is our job as the legislators to balance the next budget without a deficit which is what we have done every year. Feel free to contact me by phone or email with any questions.
September 25 at 10:18am · Like · 2 · Reply
Auden Grogins Sorry – forgot to attach the link – here it is:
September 25 at 10:19am · Like · 2 · Reply
Madeline Dennis Auden, thank you for all that you do for Black Rock! You are and always have been an exemplary State Representative!
September 25 at 10:29am · Like · 3 · Reply
Auden Grogins Thank you Madeline
September 25 at 10:57am · Like · Reply
Joel Gonzalez Thank you Auden for showing some courage to respond. However, lets not leave some fact out. The link is only for 2014. I’m looking into the future projections. One of several things happened before June 2014. Two months before, was April 15, 2014–when taxes were due. Some of the taxes collected or paid was from individuals and corporations who owed taxes from prior years. Then lets not forget that the 2014 tax rate is higher due to the biggest tax increase in state history. Lets never forget that before the 2014 budget was approved, massive cuts took place like $120 million from Social Services and when cutting wasn’t enough to cover the deficit, $750 million was borrowed to do the job. When one borrows to pay a bill one ends up with another bill (debt) plus interest. As John Marshall Lee says, “time will tell.”
September 25 at 11:27am · Edited · Like · 1 · Reply
I find it curious as to why you would choose to post an attack like this targeted at, without a doubt, the best legislator this City has going for it. Really? This is a moot point that does nothing and goes nowhere. It serves only your need to vent some type of deep-seated hostility. Ms. Grogins has no opponent, she WILL be elected and this posting is an attempt at deflating her, why? To what end? Point fingers (oops! I said it) at those in the delegation who are NOT doing their jobs and CAN be defeated. That action will appear much more productive for you even if your postings have nothing to do with those potential defeats.
Bond Girl, Joel is just being the asshole he is, he’s just taking up space on the subject so OIB readers won’t want to read everything others are saying because of his bullshit and he wonders why nobody will elect him to anything. Time has already told that story.
The comparison between Auden and the rest of the Bridgeport representation in both houses of the legislature is embarrassing as she is head and shoulders over the rest of them. She’s the most active, and representative of them on behalf of Bridgeport.
I would argue one of the main reasons Auden is successful is because she represents a very active and vocal district. If we did not let Auden know what is important to us and ask for her support, her vote might be far more partisan than it is. Not because she is not looking out for her district, but because she would not know what is important to us. Auden is accessible and open to hearing both sides and she makes decisions based on constituent input and her understanding of statutes, her research and judgement. Auden is good, very good, and is made better by her outreach to the community.
Joel–get a life, you have too much time on your hands. For G-d’s sake, go out campaigning, watch TV, do something besides bore everyone to death with your drivel.
***Your*** Bridgeport Sound Tigers are playing Nov. 2 at the arena–unless they move the game to The Wonderland Of Ice.
Real funny, JIMMY.
But remember, this is Bridgeport and Obama needs Bridgeport more than Bridgeport needs Obama.
Okay. So Obama is not running again. A mere technicality.
Obama needs Bridgeport so the Democrats can maintain control of the House. What’s that? They currently don’t control the House? More technicalities.
Obama needs Bridgeport to maintain control of the Senate. OK, so there are no senate seats up for grabs.
So I guess Obama doesn’t need Bridgeport.
Then who does need Obama?
BILL FINCH. And Bill Finch is a miracle maker. So if the Sound Tigers need some financial incentive, Bill Finch will make that happen no matter how much it costs!!!
Costs the taxpayers, that is.
Himes and Malloy need Obama. He will not hurt Moore either. Finch needs a Hail Mary, so maybe next year we will have Pope Francis visit.
Hey. The Giants don’t play until Mon night. You might draw a crowd on a Sunday in town. Have the hockey do one of those old-fashioned outdoor games over Pleasure Beach. You guys say the transportation over there is outstanding.
What’s the over/under on the ballots for Nov 4 if the prexy comes to … play golf at Fairchild-Wheeler?
My Giants have disappointed me two straight weeks. I am happy for a bye week.
I wish Joel would stop hijacking this blog (and others). His posts here are even too long to scroll past.
I’ve been saying all along Joel distorts every topic and makes it all about him. At this point most of us realize he’s missing more than a few marbles.
I am excited President Obama will be here two days before the election. Timing is everything, this should be motivation for the Democrats to get it together. Maybe Mike Huckabee or Sarah Palin will come to Bridgeport for Foley. Rick Santorum? Ted Cruz? Jindal? Rand Paul?
Must be the thrill up your leg like Chris Matthews gets.
Yes Bob, a bigger thrill than Chris Matthews gets.
I feel sorry for you in that case. Our campaigner-in-chief has demonstrated time and again both his divisive agenda and his inability to lead the most powerful and successful nation in history.
I just do not see Obama that way, Bob.
You are a lonely person, Steve.