If you’re a political operative of Mayor Bill Finch you’re breathing a sigh of relief it’s not an election year. If you’re a member of the City Council you might be spewing prehistoric noises. They are up for reelection. From a pure political perspective snow storms can be a blessing or a curse. It allows municipal chief executives to showcase the efficiency of snow removal, or a curse when, well, it becomes snowmageddon. This storm, in so many ways, is a real pain in the butt.
Mayor Bill Finch must be feeling a level of exasperation. Publicly he’s trying to put on the best face as ear-splitting complaints fill up phone lines and media outlets as he explains the frustrating cleanup response to the avalanche-like blast of snow, citing the “yahoos” who did not heed his warnings to stay off the roads. Some of those “yahoos” were folks already on the road before his warning and dedicated first responders trying to make it to work. They were trapped by the snow and forced to abandoned their vehicles.
As for the City Council, some of them can actually tell screaming constituents that hey, my street is not plowed either! And yes the sun is finally aiding their cause. Speaking of the sun, it was the favorite snow-clearing tool of Pete Brewster who served as director of Public Works for penny-pinching Socialist Mayor Jasper McLevy who served from 1933-57. Here’s a little taste of the McLevy-era snow response from my book Only In Bridgeport. (Don’t ya just love that title?)
IT’S THE SPRING OF 1939 AND BRIDGEPORT’S Public Works Director Pete Brewster is taking another needling about his tardy snow-removal operations from reporters. The scene is Billy Prince’s bar on State Street, where the truth or the near-truth about city operations flowed freely for a good many years. “Napoleon,” as Brewster’s scribe friends called him, grew angrier with each sip of his beer and each jab from the probing reporters.
How, they repeatedly insisted, could Brewster allow so much time to elapse before firing up city snowplows to clear the streets? Brewster, of course, had been smarting since the previous November when the Herald had plowed him for “waiting ’til the sun shines” to clear the streets of snow. “Napoleon fails to fight storm, thousands suffer,” the scandal sheet’s headline declared. “Sole responsibility for the terrible condition of Bridgeport streets following last weekend’s double snowstorm rests with Director of Public Works Peter P. ‘Napoleon’ Brewster,” crowed the story’s opening paragraph. In addition, for practically every week that winter, the Herald poked fun at Brewster’s snowplowing direction. After all, the city had initially appropriated only $300 in the budget to cover the cost of snow and ice clearance that year.
So, with several months of persistent nagging catching up to him, Brewster picked this moment in Billy Prince’s to break his long-standing silence. “Let the Guy who put the snow there take it away,” he cut loose. Bridgeporters were never satisfied by the excuses given for the lack of snow removal, but this was the Depression, and although many vociferous complaints about mushing through the snow had piled up, residents had by then grown accustomed to their penny-pinching Socialist Mayor Jasper McLevy.
With each passing winter and with more taxpayers’ complaints about the snow-covered streets, the story of how Jasper McLevy said “God put the snow there, let Him take it away,” has been told countless times in front of fireplaces, in snow-stranded vehicles and yes, in bars. Jasper McLevy, down through the years, involuntarily received the credit for a line coined by his long-time and trusted employee, but for Bridgeport it represented a sign of the times and the tight spending of a reform mayor who helped lift Bridgeport out of bankruptcy and out of the dog days of the Depression.
Bill gets the Golden Shovel Award of the Year as he shovels this shit message into the faces of his constituents!
The City dropped the shovel and didn’t drop the plows in a timely manner. DPW workers were sent home early on Friday and not staggered throughout this storm. They couldn’t get into work the next day.
When asked after a snow storm when the City would begin plowing snow, Finch allegedly replied, “God put the snow there, let McLevy take it away.”
One of my City Hall moles told me Bill Finch was seen hyperventilating into a paper bag because of his handling of this snow storm. Only to realize several hours later it was Tom McCarthy’s gym jock short bag.
Paging Sonny Fox’s meds!
I’m snowed in! Lennie, will CVS deliver?
Our neighborhood has a Facebook page 900 strong to inform one another of needs, progress–and to help one another if needed. Both our city council members are on this page. Not one word, update or any information from either of them regarding city information. One has a business that was open–plenty of photos and stories about his business–come on Bridgeport, WAKE up–ask this year of the candidates for city council–do you or a family member have a job with the city or a contract for city services? If they say yes, do not vote for them.
‘Publicly he’s trying to put on the best face as ear-splitting complaints fill up phone lines and media outlets as he explains the frustrating cleanup response to the avalanche-like blast of snow, citing the “yahoos” who did not heed his warnings to stay off the roads. Some of those “yahoos” were folks already on the road before his warning and dedicated first responders trying to make it to work. They were trapped by the snow and forced to abandoned their vehicles.’
There he goes again, blaming everyone and everything for the city’s woes and not taking any responsibility. Now the question is, will the people of the city of Bridgeport remember this gigantic clusterfuck when Conrad Birdie is up for re-election? You can bet the people of Black Rock are going to remember a City Councilman who skipped every council meeting from October 22nd until recently. You can bet the people of Black Rock will remember a City Councilman who tried to water down proposed ordinances that placed restrictions on adult-oriented businesses (strip joints, massage parlors). He even voted against one of them in committee. The Alderman in question (whose name is omitted because I’m not that much of an asshole) has been conspicuously absent from the streets of Black Rock. Wonder why that is. Maybe he got tired of constituents admonishing him for being a lazy motherfucker …
His name is Lap Dance Marty!
That councilman has been working hard … and maybe just maybe if the Mayor and the other council person you don’t mention had been more concerned with things like police service and public safety we wouldn’t be in this mess.
Big rumor is–moving to the next town because his children are school age …
Finch is correct, this is yahooy’s fault.
And this is the same Mayor Bill Finch who wants the POWER to run the entire Board Of Education. Well, now let’s see him go on a listening tour like he did for education and let him hear what the taxpayers think about his job in getting the snow removed.
No Ron, just the BOE’s pending new school money. About a billion dollars plus.
I think it is time to offer our congratulations to Mayor Finch for his award–by about 140,000 people–for being the WORST Bridgeport mayor EVER.
Unfortunately Mayor Finch has to share the honor of Worst Mayor Ever with every mayor of Bridgeport since 1836 who looked out the window and saw more than three inches of snow fall.
So it looks like it is only a tie.
Can’t this mayor do anything right?
What about your street? What’s the story on the snow situation on your street? We’d like to know. Tonight on Bridgeport Now TV, we take your calls and will show other footage, tonight at 8pm.
5:28 pm Tuesday Feb 12, still no plows on Glendale Ave. Seems the condominiums had private plowing and have been clean for two days. I AM JUST SAYING …
Just saw Finch on WTNH News. A reporter was walking the so-called “passable” streets. They were a one-lane, lumpy, bumpy, snowy mess. She asked Finch to define “passable.” He said if an emergency vehicle or 4-wheel drive vehicle can get by, it is considered passable. Really, you ASSHOLE? Not all of us have City-issued (and paid for) 4-wheel drive vehicles, you arrogant worthless piece of shit.
Was Ayala snowed in on Hillside or Noble?