His title is City Attorney but he’s really the mayor’s attorney irrespective of who holds the office, such is Mark Anastasi’s perspective serving as the city’s chief legal counsel for more than 20 years. CT Post scribe Brian Lockhart has the latest on Anastasi.
Arguably one of the most powerful people in City Hall, City Attorney Mark Anastasi, who shields administrations with legal opinions the way the Secret Service is supposed to protect U.S. presidents, is getting a raise.
While supporters say it is modest, considering his hard work, others question if Anastasi deserves it considering the administration’s decision earlier this year to hire someone to better organize the law office.
A new contract with the union representing Bridgeport’s legal department jettisons Anastasi’s position from membership, freeing Mayor Bill Finch to elevate his chief counsel’s earnings.
Full story here.
You have got to be kidding me.
Mark Anastasi gets a raise while the city taxpayers foot the bill of $95K a year for a Deputy CAO to run his office. This is the same office that totally f’d up the Manny Driveway fiasco that cost the taxpayers over a half million dollars. Just another example of OIB.
And of course Finch and McCarthy heap praise on him because he is always rendering legal opinions that cover their collective asses.
Now let’s also take a look at the tens of thousands of dollars he has cost the city in his mishandling of personnel matters. Sure, you can terminate anyone as long as you are willing to pay their negotiated compensation in the long run.
Based on my ledger, Mark owes the taxpayers far more than we owe him.
Mark, talk to us about Steal Point and that ironclad LDA your office wrote for them. I mean wrote for the city. How many times have you allowed RCI Marine to fail to abide by their obligations with no consequences? How many times has the mayor forgiven them based on language your office included?
Every year he wins the Hamilton Burger Award (i.e. Perry Mason.)
He has treated us in this city to a time-wasting exhibition of legal hocus-pocus, which reaches a new low. Like the Park Commission, Driveway Gate, RCI Marine and the BOE. So again he will miss the Connecticut Association of Municipal Attorneys Award.
Maybe next year, Markie?
Finch always seems to honor mediocrity. Is it 2015 yet?
Nimrod, you forgot one, defending Joe Ganim’s cell phone records in court.
Jimfox, I did not mean Nimrod, that was my iPad mistake when I put in your name it came out wrong.
Written by Mike Tetreau
To the Editor–FairField Citizen
I would like to take this opportunity to clarify and correct recent statements made by State Representative Tony Hwang.
In a campaign press release, Representative Hwang is quoted as saying “Responding to commuters, I helped lead an effort to secure funding to install an overhang on the stairs and platform at the Fairfield Train Station.”
As simply as I can say it–this is a complete misrepresentation. Rep. Hwang was not involved in this effort.
Town Employees, working with the Fairfield Parking Authority, initiated and developed this canopy project to help our commuters. The funding for the canopy project was transferred from another previously approved project. The original project was the moving and restoration of the Sturges Gardener’s Cottage. Rep Hwang was not involved in the canopy project.
Our Town Employees worked very hard to get this project approved and completed for Fairfield commuters. I am dismayed that Rep. Hwang would make this claim and attempt to take credit for Town of Fairfield employee’s work.
Thank you for your consideration.
Mike Tetreau
First Selectman
Town of Fairfield
Come in Jim Fox … OIB calling …
Mike Tetreau is First Selectman of Fairfield. Tony Hwang is running for State Senate from Fairfield. The RR station in question (Fairfield’s third station) is not in Bridgeport either.
Were you posting this as an example of “spin” from out of town? Or perhaps it was to show there is a two-party system operating in a neighboring community? Maybe you wanted to show an elected leader could challenge a campaign statement without a $90,000 per year spokesperson involved?
Please let us know what was on your mind, Jim. Perhaps you were bored by the lack of new material showing on OIB the last few days? Time will tell.
Tony is Hwang again!
Billy Joel’s famous song “Honesty.” The First Selectman of Fairfield is only trying to keep old Tony Hwang Honest, but he’s having a hard time doing it. When I think of Tony Hwang’s statement on the railroad staircase covers and Hwang tried to take credit for the stair covers until he got nailed by town officials.
I remember when Mike Murren ran against Tony Hwang and lost, Mike walked up to Hwang with his kids by his side to show them how to be a good sport. Mike put out his hand to congratulate Tony, but Tony would not shake Mike’s hand. Hwang turned his back on Mike Murren and his kids and walked away.
John, take a look at your lawn sign at your office, Old Tony is using signs from his old campaign, a clear violation of State rules, when in fact those signs where paid for by his last campaign and CEP.
I was approached by Tony and asked if he could put a sign out there. I have observed some of his behavior in Hartford and recognize his votes there have a bearing on changing some of our damaging City Council environment.
I do not keep track of signs or sign generations. We need a Sheriff for major issues in Bridgeport. My apology for failing to closely look at election paraphernalia. Perhaps you have more time on your hands than I do. Or maybe our focus on priority issues is different. Time will tell.
In the Post article Finch said, “He represents the city well as its top lawyer. And I sincerely hope he doesn’t leave anytime soon.” LOL, if he left, where is he going?
This latest raise from the Finch administration to a senior manager goes along with the Finch mantra. “The more you screw up, the bigger the raise.” Do your job and get fired.
Finch, McCarthy and Anastasi, such a shame what these three collectively are doing to our city.
Continuously and blatantly ignoring the will of the constituents who elected him. Mayor Finch, can you please stop now? Please?
Tony Hwang co-sponsored Jack Hennessy’s “Conflict of interest” House Bill.