From Ethan Fry, CT Post:
A judge Wednesday made an offer to city Councilwoman Eneida Martinez to resolve criminal charges lodged against her following the killing of a local man at a nightclub she managed nearly five years ago.
Martinez is accused of violating pandemic restrictions at the Keystone at 1798 Barnum Ave., where 21-year-old Nyair Charles Nixon was shot to death on Sept. 27, 2020.
Martinez had sought probation in the case last year but Judge Maria del Pilar Gonzalez denied the application on the grounds that the allegations the councilwoman, who held a position of trust in the community, put members of the public at risk made the matter too serious for accelerated rehabilitation, a pretrial probation program.
Martinez appeared briefly Wednesday at the Golden Hill Street courthouse, where her attorney, John R. Gulash, asked the judge for a continuance to March 28.
Gonzalez granted the request and said she had made an offer to Martinez in the case, but did not put details of the offer on the record in court Wednesday.
…She is not facing any charges in connection with Nixon’s death.
Full story here
I’m going to call my cousin and ask: Why Enaida Martinez hasn’t been afforded her right to a Speedy trial.
Okay Lennie, you can do better. Tell us what happened at the trial 2 weeks ago. Enaida Martinez took the stand and…
“While on the witness stand, footage of Martinez from police bodycam footage played during the trial in which she initially told police nobody had been shot in the bar. She later testified that she eventually told police Nixon was shot in the club.
“Nobody got shot in here,” Martinez said to officers as they searched the club for possible victims. “They were shooting outside. I just shut everything down.”
“You know I wouldn’t lie to you,” she said to police.
Nixon was found by police outside the club at the intersection of Barnum and Bishop avenues, suffering from gunshot wounds as well having been hit by a vehicle that fled the scene. Police said they later determined Nixon had been shot inside the club after an altercation on the dance floor.”
Bpt’s fine upstanding councilwoman said “you know I wouldn’t lie to you”
Guess what? She was lying!..shocking!
What do you expect? She’s a piece of garbage that continues to embarrass the people of Bridgeport
Not only this Harvey, as I had mentioned years ago, the Notorious (NOT popular as she thinks she is) Enaida Martinez, assisted and ordered her staff to clean up the blood inside the club. She locked the doors and ignored the Police knocking on the 🚪.
This gets even more interesting. On Monday’s City Council Agenda, there was the Appointment of Michel Martinez of 295 Harriet Street, Bridgeport. Michel Martinez is the owner of Banderas Restaurant located near Success Village. The first time I went there about 2 years ago, guess who was there? Councilwoman Enaida Martinez. What are the chances that they are related? What are the chances that Enaida Martinez recommended Michel Martinez for Police Commissioner? I sure Tom Gaudette didn’t finch or did any due dilligence to check him out. Michel Martinez is openly gay. The same day of his appointment, Michel Martinez deleted derogatory comments he posted on his Facebook page. There was one from 2 years ago when his BMW was stolen and recovered with heavy front-end damage. The drama-queen drama will continue.