The state Democratic Party has notified Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee Chair Mario Testa local bylaws don’t allow the treasurer to reside outside of Bridgeport.
The chairman is trying to rally the 90-member Democratic Town Committee to amend the rules so Shelton resident Marie Heller, a decades-long party loyalist, may continue in that role.
Some support this, some do not.
The party treasurer is not a policy maker. Heller maintains the financial records and reports filed with the State Elections Enforcement Commission. On this one Testa is putting his ass on the line. If we don’t keep her on board it’s arrivederci, I’m off to my retreat in Italy.
If there’s too much pushback perhaps an alternative is Heller maintaining the books and installing a titular head as treasurer to review and sign the reports, something not uncommon in election campaign work.
The timing has significance as well. This is a municipal election cycle featuring races for Board of Education and City Council. The chairman wants to raise funds to benefit endorsed candidates who could potentially face September primaries. Heller is a long-time Testa friend who knows how to navigate the report filing process.
Messy reporting creates unnecessary agita.
Meanwhile, the chairman is pondering a policy change: reducing the size of the town committee from 90 to 70 members, so seven per district.
Party building is not what it used to be and some districts have had issues filling nine positions. A half century ago the Dem town committee had 50 members. A reduced DTC also means less people to make happy.
Town committee district membership is self-fulfilling (with respective district leaders) unless opponents wage biennial March primaries. This is not slate-take-all elections. If slate challenges take place the top nine vote producers among all the candidates win election to the town committee. March 2026 is the next opportunity.
Town committee members then select officers. Testa has been chair for the better part of 30 years, hiatus 2003-2008, first tapped in 1993.
DTC Leadership in Bridgeport-
From the bottom up, will you do a better job informing 42,000 voters registered with the party about issues and concerns? When members do not know, surely you cannot expect them to care, either. Do you conclude that it is either time to permit NON-RESIDENTS to sit on the DTC (when thousands of members, some of whom likely have the accounting skills, election knowledge, and willingness to serve the public) or pick up your goods and exit the scene? Put an advertisement in the LEGALS of the CT Post for such an individual!! Or does a reduction to 7 members from 9 members in each District represent a robust alternative for life of and within the party? No doubt you can raise funds, lots of funds every year. But based on what policy priorities by, with, and for Bridgeport residents and property owners?
SUGGESTION: What about promoting gatherings, in each District neighborhood, which I term CASUAL CIVICS CONVERSATIONS on a regular basis for residents to be welcomed by District Leadership, listened to respectfully, and directed to paths where the questions or issues they raise may be answered? Does being an educator, rather than ‘silent royalty’, meanwhile, failing other requirements of the State Democratic Committee, seem too large a burden to take on as an aging politician? It may be a way to re-characterize your image by showing your authentic values, principles, and policy where they are not well represented, or in focus at this moment. Time will tell.
John, is “CIVICS’ your new political clarion call/transition in dotmocracy, from the days of “WHITE SUPREMACY”? 🙂 Do you see that as progress in that?
I am with Tom. It seems to be more of a clerical position in Por politics more then a Political/elected position. It is any different to say every position in City Hall has to be held by a Port residency?
As for you suggestion, John. You had lest than four people two residents outside the eight, sex being i political insiders show up at the Charter revision meeting. There was information disconnect regarding that. It not like we live in time of the prophets who had to walk with no mass communication. 🙂
I am still trying to vision them, Moses, Jesus, and Mohamad, their method/ways of, well you know. not sure how CIVICS it was. 😂
As for your suggestion, John. You had less than eight people, two residents six being political insiders show up at the Charter revision meeting. There was no informational disconnect regarding that meeting if wanted. It’s not like we live in time of the prophets who had to walk with no mass communication. 🙂
Women, now I know why many Holy books have such a low view of them, happy women’s month. 🙂
Speaking of bathrooms, who/was there a snitch in the police force that ratted out the cop that forgot he side arm? It seems, sound like someone on the force put this in motion, snitch on her, Is that the case?
As you rumble along, spouting word jumbles in all directions possible, unless we know your personal codes, occasionally you raise WHITE SUPREMACY, as above. From your statement you seem to talk about the topic as something past, perhaps forever gone, never to reappear. Is that what you see and believe? Is that because chainsaws are being used by wealthy, secret groups, who are attempting to ERASE HISTORY as written, or spoken, and even televised? Last fall a slim volume by Jason Stanley, Yale Professor of Philosophy, has written how this ‘erasing’ limits facts, information, and in a word, future knowledge of one view of an incident or happening and undercuts our understanding of the broad context of the times.
The relentless attack in the past five years of Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity, whatever form it takes or ‘CRT’ standing in for ‘critical race theory’ as ‘woke subjects’ to be discarded or disregarded seems a trail formed by the opinions of white, males, who regard their financial results as spiritually credible and their status as superior to others who exist in their enviornment paying taxes, serving the public in many ways, practicing spiritual beliefs faithfully and daily without reference to skin color but to virtue.
Perhaps you need to say more about where ‘white supremacy’ may be hiding in wait today. What makes you doubt that there is a solid core of fundamental belief in such supremacy that allows for false truths and fake news to be peddled today without pushback as a normal thing? Time will certainly tell.
I owe you the courtesy of a response. Your writings have much to say, so allow me to unpack it So let me retort. 🙂
But frist did you find fault with my “rumbling spouting word that jumbled in all directions” writings 🙂 ?
[full disclosure, Click count with be at play. 🤣 ]
It would seem the tone in your writings that characterize my view as rumble along, spouting word jumbles in all directions possible, could use so Democracy’s Civics. 🙂
Perhaps, instead of:
“As you rumble along, spouting word jumbles in all directions possible, unless we know your personal codes, occasionally you raise WHITE SUPREMACY, as above. From your statement you seem to talk about the topic as something past, perhaps forever gone, never to reappear. Is that what you see and believe?
A better more CIVICS tone could have been:
“As you express your views on various subject matters that touch upon American slavery, and it White Supremacy history, past, present and future. Can you please elaborate on you personal insight, experience, understanding on the things you raised. 🙂
I don’t have a personal code. It would seem I was born into it this coded game, perhaps you as will. The only person code I every had was, in my drug dealing days that identified me in the age of the Beeper communication. 05.
While not that long in the past, This current generation will never know, experience the struggle of spelling the word boobies on a pager. 🙂
I can’t speak on chainsaws are being used by wealthy, secret groups, who are attempting to ERASE HISTORY as written, or spoken, and even televised?
Perhaps, but I can only refer to such theatrical antics by one wealth African man 🙂 Musk?
thought not to secret if he is in a secret groups. Speaking of secret groups. I can suspect if the group was successful in “erasing Trump’s head off that was televised we wouldn’t be have any conversation regard Chainsaws. Though on it surface the chainsaw prop seems out of place. Perhaps, it is a coded side/group of some sort. Perhaps DEI is coded side/group of some sort too.
[side note, is it just me, but did anybody else fine it “interesting” that the crowd stayed relative calm during the shooting. For the most part you tend to expect panic people running for cover.]
Why do I get a felling that this reporting is not as accurate on it face value of its words. John, do you see or think your boy Jason Stanley, the Yale Professor of Philosophy sees coded language that state other wise? If such coded language exist, would it be fair to say it just laying to the less and weaker minded/knowable. Also, were does such secrets measures with in secret groups/society start and end it is manipulation of the value words.
Your a Yale Man, do you know all the secrecies codes of Skull and Bones? That election shit was crazy as fuck. JS
John, perhaps the Prophet can shed some light on the coded chainsaw. He did incorporate the illustration in one of his preaching’s. 🙂
I can’t be sure of the 5 year relentless attack on DEI, considering Biden (D) was in office for the last four, be in the form of CRT or Woke subjects, though, Conservatives make their stands known.
Nor do I discard or disregard seemingly trails formed by the opinions of white, males, who regard their financial results as spiritually credible and their status as superior to others who exist in their environment paying taxes, serving the public in many ways, practicing spiritual beliefs faithfully and daily without reference to skin color but to virtue.
However, isn’t fair to say not discard or disregarded of seemingly trails formed of opinions of be status of superiority righteousness of other who exist in their environment, regardless of skin color, be it white, black brown, gender, spiritual or philosophical beliefs?
With regards to DEI, i.e. “Woke” or “CRT” where do you stand on the disregarded, discard observation of Woke, CRT gone amuck?
If the Chainsaw is a coded language were white wealthy, secret groups, who are attempting to ERASE HISTORY as written. Is it fair to say DEI is also a coded language were white wealthy, secret groups, who are attempting to ERASE HISTORY or at the very least control, flow, manifest history when they tried to blow the head of Trump, the boss of that X wielding chainsaw man (Musk)?
Do you find perhaps history of Malcolm X’s words to contain some insight into one secret white group verse another white secret group in American vying for politics supremacy in a time before DEI or Wokeness entered in the psyche of the American population?
Though I bet it has going more convoluted over the generations.
“Perhaps you need to say more about where ‘white supremacy’ may be hiding in wait today.”
Perhaps, it is hiding in plan sight.
Perhaps, some is hiding in you boys, Jason Stanley, Yale Professor of Philosophy writing, in it own efforts ‘erasing’ limits facts, information, and in a word, future knowledge of one view of an incident or happening and undercuts our understanding of the broad context of the times.
“What makes you doubt that there is a solid core of fundamental belief in such supremacy that allows for false truths and fake news to be peddled today without pushback ?
I have no doubt that there is a solid core fundamental belief in such supremacy that allows for false truths and fake news to be peddled today without pushback as a normal thing.
I fact that is exactly I have done? I push backed that I found to be a fundamental false truth. 🙂
It was what make you peddled this current response that I am new addressing. Perhaps you didn’t see it because it wasn’t coded and was written on the face value of the words. 🤣
It can get more challenging at times to pushback on such things when it doesn’t conform certain set of identity/coded, political agenda, side, On Facebook, you tend to get blocked, or unfriend, 🤣
Please reevaluate my writings. 🙂
Perhaps it is not the pushback on what I see fundamental false truth and distorted narrative, more than the lens it is see out of.
Do you find fought in my narrative the Columbus history in not the same has England’s and slavery in 13 colonies, and America’s inherent history of slavery.
I am not disregarding American racist past by no means, Nor am I saying I have a fully understanding of it. However, I just pointed out how Columbus’s history is being used as a mean of its own racism, against white people in America today. That to me is hidden racism being perpetrated on the American people today, and I find it distribute to this nation. Fight it where it lies, where it is hidden, but don’t perpetrate it, foster its poison to a population of black and brown that is far removed for the days colonies times and American past that is not part of what American has become and achieve.
You spoke of DEI. I made the point about not only how Columbus’s history is being used as means of perpetrate, foster it own racism and is not American history with regards to its racist past and history. It is undeniably factual that Columbus’s is Latino ancestrally, CC WEEP Cruz history (who is a bit racist) 🙂
How it’s equally wrong and unfair to call on the condemnation and removal of Columbus’s statue because of its affiliation with slavery and conquest without calling on the the condemnation of the Bible and Quran for its affiliation to slavery and conquest, As well as disregarding the human history of slavery and conquest.
This is nothing but racism and Anti Americanism, because it is being use to so seeds of hate and racism on a racial group in American. (whites) based on a lie. Columbus history is of American white history regarding slavery and the abuse and horrid mistreatment of blacks.
That is just a fact, plain and simple, though perhaps hidden in plain sight. JS John.
My bad John, this is more fitting to the poisonous of the America population and anti-American.
The one above is more cherry picking that promotes the poison and anti America.
Teh prophet.
John, perhaps your Charter revision and stipulate some of this concerns/issues, particularly how much overtime can be allotted in a annually years. 🙂
Play nice Port, peace out. John always a pleasure. 🙂
“…will you do a better job informing 42,000 voters registered with the party about issues and concerns? When members do not know, surely you cannot expect them to care, either.”
Whose issues or concerns? Regardless of party affiliation the great majority of us know what issues and concerns should be of priority. To a voter who doesn’t have children if school age, education isn’t a priority for example. For anyone (NOT LIVING IN BRIDGEPORT) working for the city, serving on any political capacity, the issues and concerns of the majority simply don’t mean SHIT to them.
“SUGGESTION: What about promoting gatherings, in each District neighborhood, which I term CASUAL CIVICS CONVERSATIONS on a regular basis for residents to be welcomed by District Leadership,…”
Just delusional! How is resident participation going as far as the Charter Revision Commission process going?
You are really confused here. The DTC or RTC deals with party related matters and issues. Once the party endorses candidates and winners are determined in the final election, then whomever is/are elected should (keyword) look into issues and concerns from their constituents.
Should Political Parties do a better job at recruiting, encouraging, and training folks interested in getting politically active? Good luck accomplishing and sustaining this alone.
Speaking of laws, changing laws, or at the very least law interpretations, being women’s month in American and for those Bible/holy book thumpers , slavery, particularly in the English colonies and the early formation of American. Perhaps this is a fitting segue to touch upon American Racism and Maneuvering in it political field. Agreed disingenuous, taste the movement, fresh of breath air, LV mama bear, Gen Now. 😂
What say you Moses? 🤣
Click/comment count. 🙂
Click count 🙂
John, you are/were the voice on OIB about the Sins of American, though inherited, Slavery. Considering the Bible, and the Quran condoned and section the practice of enslavement . Is if fair to say the outrage by those of Columbus and it history who call on the removal of his statue with in the Port should be equality calling on the removal and condemnation of the Holy Books, the Bible and Quran? You know who you are, pretty much everybody, outside of some Italians.
What say you disingenuous, taste the movement, breath of fresh air are you willing to call on the black and brown, and Latinos to condemn their Holy Books, the Bible and Qurans. ?
Is seem disingenuous to seem other wise people/organizer/Religious leader. JS 🙃
To be fair to Disingenuous, taste the movement, breath of fresh air, Mama bear, LV, Gen Now. They many be on to something, though perhaps they may want to look inward and extend this event to the Religious Judaism/Christian family/community. As well as the Islamic religious family/community.
Did you see what I did there people/Port? Nobody right if everybody’s wrong. 🙂
Wait, What, My bad, good job Buddha and Hinduism,
Though, your samsara may be reborn into a Jew, Christian, or Muslim. 😜
Salvatore, ahoy matey. Apparently, the practice of celibacy is not just a Jesuit thing. 😂
Ok, I got stop Facebooking, I mean OIB booking and find a job. 🙂
Good look people on your rebirths, Darth Vader Day, Chocolate Bunny Day, and Starvation Day.
“…If there’s too much pushback perhaps an alternative is Heller maintaining the books and installing a titular head as treasurer to review and sign the reports, something not uncommon in election campaign work.
“Meanwhile, the chairman is pondering a policy change: reducing the size of the town committee from 90 to 70 members, so seven per district….”
I think that with the Party in flux with the election scandal and other “Bridgeport stuff” (e.g., the massive development project at the old Testo’s site), the Chairman should go for the compromise — a new Bridgeport-based treasurer and Heller as “bookkeeper,” and shouldn’t mess with rank-and-file party size and leave it at 90…
The Chairman is captain of a leaky boat in a terrible storm and doesn’t need to look like Ahab…
You think? 🙂
A more fitting assessment with regards to Testo’s/Mario is that is has place has been raised. How much of the baby/Port is going to be cut in half in Port’s political game is to be said, with regards to the “flux of Port’s politics.
That being said, with regards to requirement, Tom’s on point, though I can only assume that the position itself come with some power of control/flow, for lack of a better word, “corrupt” 🙂 of funds that a publication in the paper for inquires doesn’t not apply, John. 🙂
That would be more of what is at play then residence requirement, considering this has been known for many years and no one seemed to mind.
Either way, blah, blah, blah. 🙂
If She’s not a candidate for office I think it’s okay, residency requirements should only be for candidates, and member of DTC.
Since ex-officio members are chosen specifically for their specific skills, they offer guidance to the board on matters in their area of expertise. They provide feedback on the organization’s strategic policies and help shape its direction. These members help view critical matters from a different perspective.
Lennie, is this “ex-officio” member paid for her service? Law requires businesses to keep all business records at the business address. Let me guess the party doesn’t see it this way.
“If we don’t keep her on board it’s arrivederci, I’m off to my retreat in Italy.”
This sounds like a good plan to me. “Arrivedecci” from Mario–he can stay as treasurer and conduct his duty from his retreat in Italy.
“ If we don’t keep her on board it’s arrivederci, I’m off to my retreat in Italy.”
Considering Mario’s Vice President is under indictment with 92 charges for ballot fraud,along with the others with the same charges.I for one would happy to see him step down,but that’s just a pipe dream,he’s not going anywhere count on it..
On a related note,how Mario gets away with running the absentee operation,yet walks away Scot free,is something I’ll never understand.Castillo basically said it..”I was following orders of the Democratic Party”.. There is only ONE person who “gives orders” to the Bpt DTC.,Mario…