From PD Facebook page:
This week, we’re highlighting Sergeant Parks for her 23 years of service and her work with School Resource Officers. Chief Porter will spotlight her remarkable career and discuss the lasting impact she’s made on the community.
Plus, stay tuned as we discuss important details for the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Black Rock – roadblocks, pedestrian safety, and more
Speaking of woman, I figured this out 🙂
Click count 🙂
Here it goes. It’s not a vagina, the penis, or the reproduction ability/biology.
It’s the “titties”, the “knockers”, “melons”, “jugs”. is what make a woman.🤣
Hear me out people, Think about it. Some transgenders woman, who are born in a traditional male body, one with a penis that transition/ identify as being a woman and transitions keep their penis, and vice versa for transitioning Male, some transition Males born into a traditional Female body keep the ability to have, and do have babies, give birth.
However, every male born identifying an woman and transition slap on a pair of “knockers” and vice versa, every transition male who was born in a traditional female body cut of the “knockers”
Titties are the sole common denominate in what is a woman and Male identifier. 🤣
Just a thought, what say you Peter and Jesus. 😂