Attorney Barry Knott Appointed By Court To Oversee Success Village Mess – ‘Full And Absolute Control’

Barry Knott

Superior Court Judge Dale Radcliffe has tapped Stratford-based attorney Barry Knott as the receiver to supervise reforms at the troubled Success Village co-op split between Bridgeport and Stratford.

Judge Radlciffe’s order appointing the receiver declares …”full and absolute control of all property and assets of Success Village shall immediately invest in the Receiver and the Receiver shall manage, operate and control the premises for the benefit and support of the residents, including the collection of all rents and payments for use and occupancy of common expenses from the residents and disbursement of the same accordingly while restoring and providing for continual hot water and heat and other essentials of daily living, as well as remediating outstanding health and fire safety codes violations and making the premises habitable. ”

He also ordered the Success board and its agents to “immediately and fully cooperate with the Receiver in order for him to manage the premises in his sole discretion subject only to direction from the court.”

See his full order here

Knott has practiced in Stratford for decades with a focus on zoning, land use and commercial and residential real estate.

He graduated from St. John’s University of Law and Georgetown University Business School with a major in finance.

See here for more background.

Receivership has been used by the courts for extreme measures. The current Success Village Board obtuse to the immense heat and hot water concerns infecting residents will be spectators to what Knott implements for reforms and resolution to boiler issues.

The court decision clips the wings of Success board chair Ty Bird who received numerous calls for resignation by residents steaming over the tragic conditions.

In the short term municipalities of Bridgeport and Stratford have approved about $650,000 in loans to address the short-term heat and hot water issues. Knott will also have to untangle a financial mess created the past two years when the co-op had $1.9 million on hand that was drained for lawyers and consultants with currently bare coffers.

Utility bills were not paid, nor taxes to the towns that was the responsibility of the board financed by monthly common charges from about 900 apartments. In addition numerous cash withdrawals were made at co-op banking outlets.

The chaos has led to local, state and law enforcement agencies digging into what happened and if criminals charges should be pressed.



  1. It is possible that the vote that installed a Board of Directors more than two years ago represented less than 50%, or even 25% of members, and followed a less than enthusiastic election period before the votes were cast. Governance systems often are disregarded by citizens of today, who have been educated with less Civics information and history than previous generations. Leaving the work of governance to unknown, or unqualified and self-serving folk puts your rights at risks. Doesn’ it. But it is not “political” as some folks like to pronounce. It is self-governance, a right to be involved in governing your property, in ways similar to New England famous ‘representative town meetings’ in historic Congregational Churches on local greens.
    Today we are used to governance that comes to us courtesy of ‘representation’ from neighbors we elect, if we bother. Or not, until something shows up on the blades of the fan. It is unpleasant.
    Please maintain your patience and begin reflecting about how this may be avoided in the future, while adults in the room study the facts of the situation, determine among technical fixes for the heat, hot water, and energy issues, and are able to provide a complete story of how funds were sidetracked, out of community sight, for two years and provide word on what the expense of fixing things is likely to be. Time will tell.

  2. Barry is an excellent choice to straighten this mess out,he’s a no nonsense type,that will get things done..Now on to the indictments of the Board of directors..


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