The Letter – Success Village Board Can’t Even Get The Date Correct, Let Alone Provide Heat And Hot Water

Ty Bird, president of the Success Village Board, kicked out this letter the other day, dated August 12. This sparked quite the memes on the Success Village Community Facebook page

“These people NEVER know the date to anything.”

After promises, promises and more promises now Bird wants to flight $300 more per month in common charges. Fascinating considering court testimony revealed the coop had nearly $2 million in reserves two years ago and now there’s none. Follow the money, honey.

CT Post reporter Brian Lockhart has the latest.

The head of the Success Village housing cooperative’s board is promising to have the heat at the private 924-unit complex working in around five weeks.

But to do so he wants to charge households an extra $300 per month on top of what they already pay, which averages about $560 a month, according to board member Jose Sandoz.

“The ‘special assessment’ is to make sure we have the temporary boilers working to provide heat,” Tyreke Bird explained in an interview Thursday evening.

Full story here

From Success Village Community page:

Maria Greco Morris:

Hello everyone, I see there is a new flyer going around… it is an outright lie. Tye Bird stole our money and now is putting us into bankruptcy. Do not believe him he is a liar. I’m gonna take somebody’s suggestion and write liar, liar pants on fire and put it through the mail slot of the office.. I would suggest you do it too. It’s a form of peaceful protest. …i think lol



  1. This letter seems to provide a strong indication that Ty Bird studied business and public relations at Trump University. (That could be where some of the missing $2 million went….)

    This guy has to be kidding with his new extortion idea and bs numbers! He has no shame! He must be a psychopath to try to continue to rip off the unfortunate victim-homeowners of Success Village. He took a very stable, thriving community and turned it into a social and economic disaster — and a dangerous one at that(!).

    I really hope that the state and federal government do the right thing and save this community and make it whole again — and make sure that the miscreants that are guilty of this grand larceny perpetrated on the hard-working people of Success Village have to repent in orange, barred isolation for an indicated period of time.

    Where are Governor Lamont, the state delegation, and the federal delegation on this issue? Why the silence? How come none of the aforementioned are posing for photo-ops in regard to this grand fiasco? Too many politically connected people involved in this scam for election-year photo-ops by state and federal candidates?!

    Governor Lamont, Senator Blumenthal, Senator Murphy (election year), Senator Himes (election year) — what’s up? Why the silence? This situation is akin to the collapse of a small municipality…. Are you guys just trying to avoid the splatter from this dirty situation?

  2. Success Village was intended to be a self-governing operation. It has By Laws that outlines steps for members to follow. Unfortunately, when the procedures are not followed, chaos results. While all of the attention has been focused on “hot water availability and residential heat” as well as on dollars that were in accounts as well as revenues sent to management for over two years, now, apparently there are only crude guesses as to where the funds in multiple accounts were spent, who got paid for doing what, and what plan would call for additional amounts of good funds in the future should follow funds already provided, but unaccounted for.
    “No way to run a railroad” comes to mind, but it is not an exhibit of good self governance.

    And as a matter of fact, the City of Bridgeport pointing to State regulations governing coops and condos has been quietly watching the chaos. The City Council created the legalese around a Fair Housing Commission two years ago. Where is there any action from the Mayor’s office about appointments to that body? Have you seen any sign of life from that source? The existence of Fair Housing, in contrast to Fair Rent Commission, which came back to life with appointments, staffing, and meetings, two years ago, but no action, is as effective as an “empty suit”. Who can bring questions about a residence with ownership rights to a Commission that is as dead as a ‘scarecrow’ in a field? And with more than 700 such folks with “member rights” why do they have no one to talk to, learn from, and protect the tax dollars the City faces in assuring alternative housing when Health Department records the “chill” and responds? Time will tell.


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