Once again, Mr. Transparency mayoral candidate John Gomes cannot practice what he preaches his campaign treasurer missing another finance report deadline, the first one leading to a $100 fine and referral to the State Elections Enforcement Commission for possible further action.
Perhaps the reason for flouting the deadline is not logistical but financial. The Gomes campaign is broke, relying heavily on dubious independent expenditures from the conflicted community Group Bridgeport Generation Now Votes to finance the dirty work in more ways than one, Gomes himself cavalierly meeting group leader Gemeem Davis inside his decaled SUV parked illegally by a fire hydrant Downtown, leading to another complaint filed with the state for illegal coordination.
Gomes and Gemeem Davis meow we did nothing wrong. Right, she hopped into his car to discuss this weekend’s micromoon. Who’s mooning who? This is quite the moon job to voters.
The adage “Don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do” certainly aligns with their actions.

It’s against state law for political group set ups such as Gen Now Votes to collaborate with a benefiting candidate how and where the financial support will be spent. Gen Now Votes can spend unlimited amounts but they cannot play footsies with Gomes. Hmm. Paging a podiatrist.
Davis and her associate Callie Heilmann have combined to make personal contributions to his campaign, attended fundraisers, joined him for a boutique gathering in Black Rock and to top it off Davis nabbed meeting with him.

Gen Now Votes plays a cute shell game, protesting the people in charge while playing a rigged game of their own with a bunch of people, particularly in Black Rock, hoodwinked, bamboozled, fooled, tricked, duped by the nefarious reformers.
These are the people who want to be in charge of City Hall.
Elect us, they say (“let the people suffer”)
The thought of Davis and Gomes mooning anyone ( other than each other) is traumatizing.
Why you think Jimfox has been howling at the moon for 6 straight months?
The woman shaking hands with Gomes is Police Commissioner Anna Cruz. Lennie did you get my OIB Blackmail Picture from October 2023. When Campaign Committees fail to file reports on a timely fashion, inquiring minds are prevented from addressing potential wrong doing. By delaying the prior late report, they were able to temporarily conseal $1,100 paid for car rental. Cars used to drop off and harvest absentee ballots.
Fellow citizens Joel and “Joe” while you guys have been filling the space that Lennie makes available daily to lead cheering for Ganim2, other activity has been happening that has not been noticed on OIB or CTPost to my knowledge.
When was the last time that Standing Room Only was the order of the day at a Council Session like February 20? And for six sessions in a row, parties interested in the story of Gaza and a potential response of respect and peaceful outcomes instead of continued war, violence and death for all parties to know has been ongoing. Lots of interested citizens. Wonderful comments from leaders of faith communities. Passionate and reasoned words within a three minute limit occupying the majority of speaker slots, ten per session, for three months.
The public knows how to articulate their sense of justice and rightness when they are do not fear for their personal well being. This is an example of outrage and indignation and desire, heard by the public, peacefully guided, according to the rules of the Council, in orderly fashion. Democracy is understood, but not often demonstrated, but such is life as observed, or in this case, unobserved by OIB. Time will tell.
If they’ve been attending meetings for 3 months on a single subject, don’t you think something ain’t clicking? Why did I even bothered asking you JML? How many years have you been at it now? Didn’t the USA VOTE AGAINST THE CEASE FIRE JUST DAYS AGO? Take them all to Washington D.C. and take a vacation from the C.C.
Joel do you believe this guy?He thinks that he should tell us how to spend our time. This guy is definitely going to qualify for this week’s Red Rubber Panty Award. Sorry Joel I shouldn’t have said that after all the final decision is up to you.