State Rep. Chris Caruso today endorsed former Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy for governor setting up a showdown between supporters of Malloy and his Democratic gubernatorial opponent Ned Lamont for primary votes in the state’s largest city.
Oh what fun as we head toward Tsunami Tuesday Aug. 10. Caruso, the Big Wave, on the same side with former Party Chair John Stafstrom (they haven’t always been buds) against current Party Chair Mario Testa and Mayor Bill Finch who support Lamont. But it’s much more than that.
Caruso’s endorsement of Malloy brings along company, State Rep. Jack Hennessy, a Caruso ally from the North End.

Why Malloy? Caruso likes Lamont personally, and talked to him about the endorsement decision Tuesday night, but Malloy’s embrace of Connecticut’s public financing system that is a hallmark Caruso-supported legislation is among several reasons tipping Caruso to Malloy. In addition, many union leaders who have supported Caruso in the past are supporting Malloy. Caruso also likes the fact that Malloy, as former mayor of a Connecticut city, is an experienced governmental chief executive. Malloy also spoke out against Governor Jodi Rell’s proposal to build a juvenile detention center for girls in a residential area of the Upper East Side, something Caruso railed against that led to Rell reversing her decision.
Now let’s get to the personalities. Is Testa’s and Finch’s support for Lamont a factor? Caruso has a history of traveling to the beat of his own political bongo. The Big Wave lost a close Democratic mayoral primary to Finch in 2007, they’ve never been close and never will be close. Testa and Caruso have been at war for 25 years. There are days when Mario pounds his morning veal into thin slices for a lunch serving in his Madison Avenue restaurant that he imagines himself the mallet and Caruso the meat.
On several occasions Testa has gotten his butt kicked by Caruso when Mario sponsored candidates to challenge his legislative seat. In return Caruso came up short against Testa-backed candidates for mayor.
What does this all mean? Caruso brings votes in what’s expected to be a low-turnout primary. Caruso’s support for Malloy, at least as it applies to Mario, is a line in the sand. Mario does not want to be embarrassed on primary day after expending so much energy and political stature on Lamont. Testa doesn’t like Caruso but he respects Caruso’s vote base. Mario and Finch are betting that Lamont’s wealth will carry him through the primary and a general election victory that will benefit the city, and jobs for Mario’s peeps (and maybe Finch).
Is it all about money? No Democratic candidate for governor has ever spent, albeit most of it his own money, the fortune Lamont’s willing to allocate to the primary. Despite this, Malloy, following the public financing route, is still very much in the game. Now think of it this way: suppose Malloy wins the primary and becomes governor?
Caruso will be Finch’s largest threat to reelection in 2011. Dan Malloy supported Finch for mayor in 2007 and even raised him money. Finch was not exactly reciprocal.
Caruso announced his support of Malloy this afternoon at 1 on the Virginia Avenue state property where Rell had proposed the girls’ prison.
From Dan Malloy:
Dan Malloy, the Democratic Party’s endorsed candidate for Governor, today received the endorsements of State Representatives Christopher Caruso (D-Bridgeport) and Jack Hennessy (D-Bridgeport) in his bid for Governor. Malloy, Caruso and Hennessy met this afternoon at the Virginia Avenue state property in Bridgeport where Gov. Rell had proposed a new detention center for girls. All have been outspoken in their opposition to Rell’s plans.
In endorsing Malloy, Caruso pointed to the former Mayor’s “years of experience in growing jobs, lowering crime, improving education, and proposing honest, balanced budgets.”
“The challenges facing Connecticut and Bridgeport are immense and require hard working, tried and true leadership,” said Caruso. “I went through a thoughtful process in deciding on who to support for governor at this critical time in our history. I started out looking for the best and I found it in former Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy. He has the proven competence, compassion, experience and leadership skills needed to guide our state out of the current crisis and into rapid job creation and lasting prosperity. As we move forward, we need the best in Hartford and that’s Governor Dan Malloy.”
Caruso also commented on the misguided plans for a detention center in Bridgeport, saying, “When the state wanted to put a juvenile jail in this family oriented neighborhood, Dan Malloy stood up, stepped in and helped us when we needed it, and Dan assures me that as Governor he will order DPW to clean-up the demolition mess it left behind that continues to blight our neighborhood and create a safety hazard for our children.”
Added Hennessy: “Dan has closed the gap in this race, and in doing so he’s proven that it’s not about who has the most money, but who has the best experience for the job. In Dan’s 14 years as mayor, he demonstrated that he has the leadership skills Connecticut desperately needs. He’ll be ready to take charge immediately and start getting the state back on course.”
Malloy said he was grateful for the strong vote of confidence.
Said Malloy, “I’m honored to have Chris and Jack’s support, and to have the support of so many hardworking people throughout Bridgeport. As the former Mayor of a large city, I have a real understanding of how important our urban centers are, and how badly they’ve been underserved by recent Governors. I’m looking forward to partnering with Bridgeport, its city leaders, and its residents as Governor.
My my what we have here? Remember I said Look for Lamont to win Wilbur Cross big? Well forget about it now for all I am concerned Malloy might beat Lamont in Bridgeport now. Caruso’s endorsement is (Huge). For a minute I had to think was I on the machine side because Finch and Mario support Lamont but Caruso a guy I like a lot supports Malloy. Politics is weird I tell you smh!!!
Malloy pulls this off and Mario and the machine might as well pack up the pasta.
Caruso and Gomes will be the battle in 2011.
Now we’re talking. Malloy also wins Hooker School. Where does Town Committee vote?
I vote at Hooker.
*** Glad “Big Wave” has picked Malloy, let’s see if it helps bring more votes in Bpt. ***
Just imagine all that money John can raise for Chris in 2011!
I’m a big fan of both Ned Lamont and Chris Caruso. I was hoping Chris would endorse Ned, but understand the local dynamics that led Chris to Malloy.
I don’t believe Ned will hold this endorsement against Chris, nor will I.
Waiting for Chris Caruso made me grateful for Coumadin.
“I don’t know what they have to say,
It makes no difference anyway–
Whatever it is, I’m against it!
No matter what it is or who commenced it,
I’m against it.”
I am disappointed in Caruso backing Malloy but stuff happens. Having Caruso back Malloy is one thing how hard he works for Malloy is another.
I will be very honest here I think all of the candidates Republican & Democrat suck. When you look at the brainpower and politically savvy people in this state and these 5 are the best we can come up with what a joke.
It boils down to the one who sucks the least.
tc, tell us how you really feel!
Lennie I try to be as honest as possible. I just say what a lot of people think.
I still say Foley is our next Governor with the rest of the statewide seats going to the Dems. I’m not sure who wins the Gov. primary but Nancy Wyman wins Lt. Governor in primary.
Does anyone realize what it takes to be named Ambassador to anywhere, let alone Ireland? Think about it. You have to give to national, statewide and local party coffers as well as candidates. You have to be close enough to the President that he knows you personally and will vouch for you and APPOINT you. Also everyone with power in that President’s party has to agree with the decision. Again we are not talking about Ambassador to Haiti. Imagine the powerbrokers who were in line for Ambassador to Ireland when Foley was chosen.
Speaking of islands, when are district leaders reading chicken parts at Pueblo de los Brujos returning back to the States to endorse a candidate for governor?
He was Bush’s roommate in business school–that’s all it took.
Think about that. What did it take to be Bush’s roommate “anywhere.”
Cecil Up For A Beanie!
Speaking of Cecil; what, if anything, is going to be done to Evette Brantley after her disrespectful display at the Common Council meeting that is sure to boost Cecil’s retirement fund? She should be censured. (HA!)
Foley’s ambassadorship was almost entirely the result of fundraising for George W. Bush and his friendship with Bush’s cousin. He knows almost nothing about Connecticut issues. He might beat Lamont, but Malloy is another matter. Of course, he still has to win the Republican primary, which seems less and less likely with each passing day.
Did anyone see the ad Fedele is running against Foley–holy cow … I have seen some compelling things before but this ad takes the cake. I think the ad will do more to hurt Foley in the general election than in the primary …
The Dems. would be smart to just run Fedele’s ads In the general election. After all they are messages that he “approves of.”
Glad Chris Caruso did the right thing and stepped up to support the best candidates for our State. I really respect his decision and it will be enormously helpful to Malloy.
“Glad Chris Caruso did the right thing and stepped up to support the best candidates for our State …”
Nowhere here does it say Caruso supported Tom Foley!
The folks at Seaside better be careful, “The Big Wave” has struck the North End of Bridgeport and is heading down stream to downtown. “Caruso will be Finch’s largest threat to reelection in 2011. Dan Malloy supported Finch for mayor in 2007 and even raised him money. Finch was not exactly reciprocal.” Like I posted yesterday, Caruso needs to make allies.
Consider the under-ticket candidates like Gerry Garcia for example. I know Tito Ayala supports Garcia for Sec. of State and Ned Lamont for Gov. I don’t know if Andres is supporting Garcia, but he is supporting Malloy.
Which Ayala will produce the most Hispanic votes for Gov. AB’s included? Would having some Puerto Rican in them help a candidate for Governor? Lennie, do you have Puerto Rican in you? No? Want some? Well maybe one of the candidates for CT Gov. has some Puerto Rican in him. Forget Figueroa! I understand Lamont’s mom was born in Puerto Rico and she will be in town campaigning for Lamont on the Spanish airwaves. So Malloy has the Big Wave and Lamont has the airwaves.