In the Republican primary for Connecticut governor just about every candidate, in some form, embraced Donald Trump fearing a pariah’s collision with regimented GOP voters.
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In the Republican primary for Connecticut governor just about every candidate, in some form, embraced Donald Trump fearing a pariah’s collision with regimented GOP voters.
Read moreThe raw city turnout for the November 6 general election nearly hit 30,000 voters making it the highest showing in a midterm since 1982 when
Read moreTalk about a long day’s journey into the next morning, the statewide result for governor shows Democrat Ned Lamont the winner with Bridgeport delivering a
Read moreDespite the rain, turnout in Bridgeport is heavy for a gubernatorial cycle and will run ahead of four years ago. At the midpoint of voting
Read moreThis is it. Now it’s all about mobilization. One of two businessmen, Democrat Ned Lamont and Republican Bob Stefanowski will emerge as Connecticut’s next governor
Read moreChanting “Ned, Ned, Ned” about 300 Democratic activists Thursday night filled the ballroom of the Madison Avenue restaurant of Town Chair Mario Testa urged on
Read moreFrom CT Post: Republican Bob Stefanowski has inched ahead of Democrat Ned Lamont by 2.4 percentage points in the governor’s race, which remains a statistical
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