Ganim’s First Mailer: ‘Made Mistakes, Paid For Them’–Were They Mistakes Or By Design? Finch Campaign: Ganim Can’t Be Trusted

Ganim mailer
Ganim’s first mailer hits mailboxes.

In his first campaign mailer, former Mayor Joe Ganim tries to immunize himself from opponent criticism declaring “I did good things as Bridgeport’s Mayor … My opponents are going to launch a tirade of personal attacks against me never before seen in Bridgeport’s history.” Of course opponents will argue never before in Bridgeport’s history did so much intended corruption take place.

The Ganim mailer is backed by testimonial endorsements from the former FBI agent Ed Adams who investigated him: “I know first-hand Joe learned from his mistakes and everybody deserves a second chance;” Town Clerk Alma Maya: “I’m proud to be running on his slate;” and State Rep. Charlie Stallworth in whose East End church Ganim issued his first public apology after maintaining–and testifying under oath–for 14 years he did nothing wrong: “Joe is seeking his redemption in service to all the people of our blessed city.”

The mailer also includes a CT Post headline “Ganim gets police union’s official support” and a streaming header across the top “Joe Ganim supports a future that works for everyone.” Ganim and Mayor Bill Finch have been dueling for slogan supremacy over a city/future “that works for everyone” a reach-out to folks who feel disenfranchised.

Judging by Ganim’s political support and support in some neighborhoods, a segment of the Democratic electorate is backing him. There’s also a bloc of voters who are giving him consideration but aren’t quite sure so perhaps this mailer will reach them. Ganim is a relentless retail campaigner who’s touching Democrats across the city to provide him a second chance.

Ganim’s opponents will remind voters Ganim’s conduct that led to his conviction on federal corruption charges in 2003 was intended and not mistake-driven. In fact, U.S. District Judge Janet Bond Arterton enhanced Ganim’s sentence ruling that he lied under oath repeatedly when he declared he did not use his public position to enrich himself.

For more than a decade Ganim maintained he did nothing wrong. It was a flawed strategy that cost him seven years in the joint and also his law license. On January 1, 2015, in Stallworth’s church, Ganim calculated that he had to shift his long-standing strategy from doing nothing wrong to admitting in public the jury got it right, if he had any chance for a comeback.

Ganim is trying to qualify for the September 16 Democratic primary against party-endorsed Finch through signatures secured from Democratic electors. Ganim and Finch’s 2011 primary opponent Mary-Jane Foster have submitted signatures to the Registrar’s Office. About 1900 certified signatures are required for ballot approval. School board member Howard Gardner and three-time mayoral candidate Charlie Coviello are also trying to qualify.

Statement from Finch Campaign Manager Maryli Secrest:

“Joe Ganim is incapable of telling the truth. He lied under oath about his crimes for 16 years, and continues spewing mistruths today.

“The truth is that Joe Ganim drastically increased taxes as mayor, and his corruption cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars. On top of that, he received more than one-hundred and fifty thousand dollars in pension payments since leaving office.

“At Steel Point, Ganim’s corruption served as the single biggest setback to creating jobs and growing our tax base through developing the waterfront.

“On crime, the murder rate was nearly double what it is today during Ganim’s tenure. And, Ganim’s own criminal activity landed him in prison for seven years.

“On the Arena and Ballpark, Ganim’s corrupt deal with a contractor cost taxpayers more than $10 million dollars in structural fixes and legal fees.

“We’re confident that voters will come to the same conclusion jurors did: Joe Ganim cannot be trusted and isn’t fit to serve as the mayor of Bridgeport.”



  1. Ganim has the endorsement from the Police Union and from the FBI agent who put him in jail for seven years. How does one get such outstanding endorsements?

    As long as we see Ganim attached to Mario Testa, we see the good old days. Those days are over in Bridgeport. I do expect the mud to fly and it is not unexpected. The Finch campaign must point out Elected officials in Washington and Hartford have no respect for Ganim. Developers will pull out of the city. Bridgeport Connecticut will regain the title of the most corrupt city in Connecticut and every news article across the country will begin with, Former convicted Mayor Joe Ganim. People can tell their children, only in Bridgeport.

    Again, how does one get an endorsement from the very FBI agent responsible for getting Joe Ganim put in jail on seven felony charges and now believes he is best for Bridgeport??? This is more laughable than you think. It is beyond hysterical.

    1. Here’s what’s really laughable, the latest poll numbers showing Finch way behind Joe Ganim!
      Finch’s unfavorable is 44% to Joe Ganim’s 32%.
      After eight years without a balance budget, a 42.198% mil rate, taxes on every home increased 45 to 50%.
      A police department understaffed by 100 plus officers.
      People in Black Rock are being robbed at gunpoint on the streets daily with no end in sight!
      Homes being robbed, garages broken into, bicycles stolen. It’s like Detroit Michigan East!
      While Chief Fife and Mayor Finch champion a failed gun buyback program, Black Rock and Brooklawn homes are being robbed, people afraid to leave their homes to shop or go to work!
      Crime reports have not been handed out to the media in over three years!
      But let’s not forget how wonderful all those low-paying jobs will be at Bass Pro, and Steelpointe.
      Hey! Did you get out to see Pleasure Beach yet? Oh I forgot, no one to watch your home!

      1. Sorry, guys. Carolanne, I don’t count cars. Jim Fox, if Joe Ganim and Danny Roach want to lie to supporters to keep morale high it is totally understandable. Really. You can lie to the few all you want but the reality is Joe Ganim had 12 years, went to jail for seven and the city has been paying for over 10 years. Honestly, get serious, I see only one potential winner on the Ganim slate and that is still questionable, Maria Pereira. I see Ganim being defeated by a landslide and I do not see any other candidate even making a dent! Jim Fox, just keep believing and I want you to know I am going to Ganim like you said. I will continue talking about Bridgeport’s future and you can try to sell a convict to the voters. Carolanne Curry will show you how. Maria Pereira will tell you how people are running after her telling her how they love Joe because a Finch alternative like Mary-Jane Foster just won’t do. So easy to sell Paoletto’s son, very cruel to have a nice young guy run so soon after his father who was crucified by the Ganim and Foster camp for sexual harrassment. Hooker school will go to Finch. Jimmy, you hang in there. Nobody cares about Steelpointe, Downtown, Pleasure Beach, new schools, new parks, housing all over the city, new roads, green signs for a green Mayor. People want Joe Ganim because Steelpointe was a barren wasteland, downtown was dead, he only had 12 years during the most prosperous times and he went to jail for seven years and got out early for substance abuse. He cannot get his law license back and ironically, I do not think he is even capable of being a substitute teacher in the Bridgeport school system, but hey his numbers are high, or are you high? Whatever you are having Jimmy, it is not kool-aid. Of that I am certain. Oh yeah, he talks about the Arena and Harbor yard.S o does MJF. It didn’t work four years ago and it certainly will not work now.

      2. BRIDGEPORT–There is no crime in the Park City–at least until after the mayoral election.

        Senior police officers confirm they have been ordered–with the edict coming from City Hall–to keep news about crime in the city from getting out to the media.

        “The mayor is putting out the message as part of his campaign that things are getting better under his administration, that violent crime is down thanks to his efforts and he doesn’t want anyone making waves,” said a City Hall insider.

        Police sources point out, however, that in fact violent crime is on the rise, with double the number of shootings and homicides this year over last. There have been 10 slayings so far this year in Bridgeport; there were five at this time in 2014.

      1. Until Ed Adams, the former FBI who led “Operation hardball” that took down Joe Ganim himself, is brought in by Joe Ganim to clean house. He (Adams) is conscious–I’m sure– in Bridgeport, they play “Hand grenades.” The biggest fear and concern of all Bill Finch supporters including State and Federal elected officials is NOT Joe Ganim, it’s the people he will bring in as part of his administration. Even Bob Walsh has been having nightmares over this.

    2. Lay out the map, chart the course and witness the ship sailing into the harbor and the heart of the Bridgeport voter.

      Count the cars Steven, count the level of property taxes Steven, count the foreclosures Steven, count the murders in the streets Steven, but even after you are through counting … you’ll ask what does an “outsider” know of Bridgeport?
      And why would she love the tone and texture of this City on such a profound level she will take the risk, to associate and affiliate with the Ganim Mayoral campaign, thereby associating and affiliating with Joe Ganim himself.
      Each day has been immeasurably rewarding for me as the number of people also associated and affiliated with the Ganim Mayoral campaign has been a stunning confirmation of political and human insight.
      Perhaps you will have much to consider with your laughter, my hope is you can first begin to count.

      1. This is the same she who forgot from whence she came and what she stood for. Not to mention who supported her. A lot to waste after a great life.

      2. Carolanne, count the hundreds of thousands of dollars Joe Ganim cost the city of Bridgeport during his corruption trial and Conroy. Carolanne Curry, count the number of news articles young people are Googling every three minutes about Joe Ganim. Carolanne, count the number of endorsements Mayor Finch will have in comparison. Carolanne, count how many voters are tired of the Testa/Ganim connection. Carolanne, compare the number of murders in this city every year Ganim was Mayor. Carolanne, count the $500,000 Ganim was to get for Steelpointe in his pocket. Carolanne count the number of Ganim supporters waiting for their old jobs back. 🙂 Carolanne, count the years Bridgeport had to wait before we started getting our mojo back. Carolanne, count the number of developers who laughed at John Fabrizi because of the pay-to-play mentality. When you are done counting Carolanne, tell me how many voters you think are going to stop Bridgeport’s forward momentum. Surely you see the polls, not looking good for Ganim, not looking good at all! I am counting on you to help Finch get elected. This was a response to your post. I am counting on you to keep up the good work.

        Hope everyone is enjoying the Vibes!!!

  2. The present administration is a tool of the Gold Coast hegemonists. All of the “wonderful development” on the drawing board–and virtually all the development we have seen in the past 10 years–has been designed to serve the Gold Coast workforce needs. It yields absolutely nothing for Bridgeport, but negative taxes and sporadic employment for out-of-town, union construction workers.

    Nothing but Stamford workforce housing and more Stamford workforce housing and other “transit related” development to serve the Gold Coast.

    No high-end retail, no new financial institutions, no new industry. Nothing of real net tax value or living-wage jobs for Bridgeport. We’re using our best land to serve the Gold Coast and sabotaging our future in the process.

    Right now, there is major connivance of City Hall costing us $millions now and $billions in the future.

    There has been no analysis or plan of what we need and how to get it for us. The current plan is to keep us subsisting on Hartford and Washington pittance handouts as part of the plan to further promote Gold Coast power and wealth.

    Joe Ganim is the only candidate with the proper motivation and performance record to fight for Bridgeport to reclaim its prosperity and respect in Fairfield County. The other candidates are neither properly motivated nor capable of accomplishing this for Bridgeport.

    Joe Ganim’s past is a better learning experience than any of the other candidates can claim. He has been tried by fire.

    His experience and proven guts, intelligence and tenacity while mayor of Bridgeport far surpass the value of any of the alleged experience/qualifications of the other mayoral hopefuls, as well as the abysmal, propagandized “record” of the present mayor.

    Remember, as far a jobs, tax base and Bridgeport image go–Bass Pro, Chipotle, Starbucks, and the eventual Motel 6 at the Steal Point Strip Mall–are laughing points for informed Bridgeporters and the outside world.

    We need leadership with balls and motivation. Joe Ganim.

    1. “… Motel 6 at the Steal Point Strip Mall …”

      Are you sure, Jeff? Why am I asking this, I trust your facts. Those sons of bitches! They promised me it was going to be a ‘Motel 9’ and now, like always, they flip the truth over.

      1. Joel, I am expecting a 4- or 5-star hotel on Steelpointe and I will accept nothing less and I am certain the Mayor and the developers would agree.

        1. The Holiday Inn has in the past gotten PILOT deals because they can’t fill the place and keep it that way (losing money). They all have PILOT deals coming and we are going to pay for their failed ventures. “I am expecting” you to explode any minute now and I’ll know it happened by the smell–so full of shit.

        2. Are you going to p[ay for it, Stevie? You can hope (and pray) all you want. You have a major problem with reality. This is Bridgeport, a city with a certain reputation. No one in the hospitality industry is going to build a four-star hotel on a peninsula in a polluted harbor.

          1. Bridgeport Kid, will you kiss my ass on the Bijou Theater Stage when they announce a hotel? I can tell by your post rust you loathe this city and have no faith in its future. You are the typical Ganim supporter.

    2. Come on. I have asked before and you did not answer. Name three companies that relocated to Bridgeport during Ganim’s administration that created 100 living-wage jobs. Come on, Jeff. You are taking BS.

      1. Ganim will do exactly as Finch has done. Paul Pimpanelli was his mentor. Sal DiNardo the recipient of numerous tax breaks. Joe Ganim refused support a Living Wage Ordinance. And all of this will change because Joe made a mistake and went to jail.
        You cannot make this up. Only Joe can.

          1. Ed Adams, the Ganim relationship to this man is beyond creepy. Did they fall in love over the years Joe was in jail? It is disturbing, the very man who brought Joe Ganim to justice is now his first endorser. Was he paid for his endorsement? Joel, is he truly the first of Joe’s appointments? Creating a special job for this retired FBI agent? Will this creepy relationship actually become the subject of the Lifetime movie when the redemption angle fails? Who will play Ed Adams? Who will play Joe Ganim?

      2. I’ll name one who created many more than 100 jobs: Corruption (it was here before Joe Ganim).

        Ed Adams is coming back to fix that.

        That BS smell is not coming from Jeff Kohut–it’s your breath, Bob Walsh.

    3. Let’s assume you are a bank manager who caught a teller stealing from the bank. This bank teller went to jail and served his/her time and did probation. This person shows up at your place of work looking for a teller’s job. Would you hire this person?

      1. Andy, I get your point, the only difference in Joe’s situation is the voters will decide if he should be Mayor. Not a bank manager. You get my drift?

      2. Andy, I totally agree with your point. The voters would not hire the bank teller. There would be a flag on the application stating not to be hired. The people of this city will agree. Those who are not getting free barbeques and Frisbees, that is.

      3. Andrew C Fardy, when your son got out of prison he got a job in construction because that’s what he wanted to do. I’m not sure how much construction experience he had, but he got a job, didn’t he? Did he reveal to his employer he was a convicted felon who sold cocaine to Bridgeport mayor John Fabrizi? Why did they hire him if he did? Didn’t the construction manager think for a second there’s a possibility this guy is going to sell cocaine to my construction crew? You get my point now? Being mayor and running a city is what Joe Ganim knows how to do and he knows he can do it better. The difference here is there is no doubt Joe Ganim is not hiding his criminal past, he will be judged by the voters–not someone pulling strings, and Ed Adams will watch to make sure there is no corruption or any cocaine sales. Get it now?

        1. Andy Fardy, Joel Gonzalez,
          I thought I was speechless with that. Calling all convicted felons and drug addicts. Vote for Joe Ganim.

          Joel, you are shameful. Andy Fardy’s son was not running for Mayor. Nor was he convicted of 16 felony counts. John Fabrizi did not run for re-election because he knew he betrayed the public trust and apologized. Joe Ganim stole the hopes and dreams of Bridgeport for 10 years. We will never know the ramifications of what Ganim’s selfish acts cost the city as far as 10 years of no development. I can hardly believe Andy Fardy would let you get away with this unnecessary attack on his son.

          For the record Joel, I think you are a scum bag. To the public reading this I apologize. For everyone who can get the visual, I think every aspect of you Joel Gonzalez is that of a deranged scumbag. When I am being kind and telling you I appreciate your off-color comments, I really don’t. They are mean-spirited. I have never commented on your past or involvements. First, I am not interested in any aspect of your pathetic existence and I sure do not want to hear the voices that suggested you cut off your finger. I do want to say the Ganim group is lucky to have you; no, go out there Joel and just be yourself and get Joe elected, you depraved, disgusting piece of shit!

  3. We all make mistakes in life. Some have bigger consequence than others. We all have a friend who have made big mistakes in life and we don’t judge them forever. We know people who have learned from their mistakes and moved on to accomplish great things in life. I think many people in this great city acknowledged that and that’s why Ganim is going to win this election. It’s funny to hear Finchocchio talks about second chances. ( February 5,2015 “I’m a firm believer in second chances,” Finch said.) But when it comes to Ganim of course no second chances. As long as the attacks against Ganim continue from Finchocchio, the more people will feel compelled to vote for Ganim just to prove a point.

    Ms. Secrest, why don’t you kick it up a notch?

  4. Notice Maryli Secrest like all Bill Finch supporters continues to remind us of what has been known and discussed for years. Never a single mention as to the fact Councilman Bill Finch and Council President John Fabrizi (a staunch Finch supporter) were both the first to negotiate and approve all contracts (bid and non-bid) Joe Ganim was convicted for. I’m positive former FBI agent Ed Adams (we’ve never met) knows all this and more. Steve, you’ve been involved in Bridgeport politics longer than I have. You ask lots of question and just like FBI agents, you know the answers to them.

    You really need to make an appointment with Nurse Grimaldi. Your shit is so packed in, you will explode any minute. “The Finch campaign must point out that Elected officials in Washington and Hartford have no respect for Ganim. Developers will pull out of the city …”

    Elected officials in Washington? The ones least respected by voters who have to close their eyes and pinch their nose before voting? The ones who approved Obama’s pick (Holder) from Chicago of all places to run the US Department of Justice? I’m sure Holder was one reason/cause Ed Adams retired as an FBI Agent. For a short while the hands of all good FBI agents were handcuffed by their new boss. Thank God the Republicans ended up regaining control of the US House of Representative and the US Senate. There is absolutely nothing laughable or hysterical about the direction this City, State, and Country has been taking. People like you will never see or understand this, you can only see as far as Steal Point.

  5. I think second chances are a great thing. We all make mistakes. Joe Ganim paid for his mistakes and the taxpayers paid more. The reputation of the city and the costs to the city were huge. He doesn’t get a second chance at being Mayor no more than 100s of convicted felons in Bridgeport get a chance to be Mayor.

    You all have friends who are convicted felons? Would you feel they should be Mayor? No and neither do the majority of city residents. Look at John Rowland! Would you give him a second chance? Don’t lie to yourself. None of you would and neither would Bridgeport. Give up your Ganim ass-kissing contest! Who on this blog can kiss his ass more? While insulting me for supporting Mayor Finch for all of the right things, you are all supporting Ganim for all the wrong reasons. You all sound foolish and there are very few voices of reason left on this blog. If Finch couldn’t be your candidate then surely Mary-Jane Foster, but to continually fall all over Joe is just sad and laughable and the reason why it has taken Bridgeport to rebound. Keep drinking the Ganim Kool-Aid. You have to be an amazing naive bullshit artist to think you are selling Ganim to the public. We haven’t seen Ganim in any North End, Brooklawn, Black Rock or Beardsley Park churches asking forgiveness. His belief he has the minority vote in his pocket is typical old-school politics. How many minorities hang out at Testo’s? That gives you a clear picture of where they fit in the scheme of things. Nowhere!

    1. “The reputation of the city and the costs to the city were huge. He doesn’t get a second chance at being Mayor no more than 100s of convicted felons in Bridgeport get a chance to be Mayor.”

      For centuries very similar positions have been taken against the LGBT community and it continues ’til today. They shouldn’t be allowed to be priest, allowed in the military, allowed to marry, etc. Can’t you see the Joe Ganim campaign is a movement for acceptance and equality? Joe Ganim nor anyone I know who has a felony conviction was not born a criminal or corrupt.

        1. You wrote that. Are you saying it’s not learned, a choice, encouraged by what is going on in their surroundings, etc? Maybe you don’t really know what “corruption” is, let alone how it starts.

          1. I doubt you and I have the same definition of corruption. Which is not important when a judge and jury make the ultimate decision on corrupt behaviors. Orange IS the new Bridgeport is what I am starting to think! You work hard for your candidates–applause to you for that.

      1. Joel Gonzalez, I do not see Joe Ganim’s campaign as a movement for acceptance and equality. Get real Joel, 90 percent of priests are gay and nuns are lesbians. What in hell do homosexuals have to do with Joe Ganim? You are kidding me, right? Let’s ask Carolanne Curry, as Joe’s only paid contributor (I do not believe that, Carolanne), do you believe Ganim’s campaign is a movement of acceptance and equality comparable to the Gay rights movement? Joel G., this has to be your most ridiculous post or just sarcastic and it went over my head.
        Ganim was not born a felon or corrupt. A gay person is born that way. So the way I interpret what you said is Ganim was not born that way but like a recovering drug addict or thief, he has tendencies. I agree and John Rowland, a friend of Ganim, is a perfect example.

        1. Ed Adams sounds like he’s friends with Joe Ganim. Any comment on this?

          “Get real, Joel. 90 percent of priests are gay and nuns are lesbians.”

          You are one sick, rude, disrespectful form of human species. Why go there? You really think politicians supported the same-sex marriage law so you can be an equal to me and my wife (I’m straight)? I’m a deep thinker. You like that word (deep) don’t you, sick bastard?

          Let’s take John Stafstrom and his partner Dennis Murphy as an example. Like you, they are openly gay and Bill Finch supporters. Nothing wrong with that. Surely there are lots of LGBT in government and they are indeed corrupt. Here is my point: If the feds ever charge John Stafstrom and his partner Dennis Murphy with corruption, as a spouse, neither can be compelled to testify against the other. Brilliant!

          1. Joel, I do not want to be mean. You are straight and a psychotic who cut off his finger who occasionally suffers from delusions. I have no clue what your reference was at all to gay people nor do I know or care. I have no idea why you brought up John Stafstrom and his husband Dennis Murphy as they have nothing to do with this conversation. I do not have a clue what your reference to yourself being straight means in the context of this conversation. I think you are a sick bastard and basically gay people are not looking for acceptance any more than black people were looking for acceptance. We don’t give a shit what you think. We all want equal rights, that’s all. We do not care about your opinion of gays in the military or gay marriage. Did you imagine anyone did? It is about equality and has absolutely nothing to do with Joe Ganim, equity and acceptance of convicted felons or the unfolding love story of Joe Ganim and Ed Adams. The voters do not want an out corrupt felon in office. His history is all over the internet. Joe, better you stand on the median of I95 with a Ganim shirt and sign. Your comments with gross visuals are beyond disgusting. Better you are with Joe than Mary-Jane and Thank G-d you dislike Finch.

            Other than all of that Joel Gonzalez, it is always a heart-warming experience chatting with you.

          2. Steven Auerbach, you are letting your emotions get in the way of reasoning and understanding. Calm the hell down and read the thread from the beginning. If you still don’t get it, keep reading it over and over. If you don’t get it after reading so many times, then you should see a doctor. In 1994 when the digit flew off, I was taken to Hartford Hospital. An eight-hour psychological evaluation was done and what they concluded was I believed strongly in what I did and why I did it. It was also concluded I was unlikely to repeat the act. It has been 21 years since. Shooting the 9mm for 21 years and the only thing I’ve hurt is people’s ego and a few feelings. Get used to it. As for having anything against gays, absolutely not. I’m not fond of the utter ignorant regardless of sexual orientation, color, sex, political lean. I was shaped into the deep thinker I am today during the five ears I lived in Mayagüez P.R.–The Gay Capitol of the Island. In my family we have them of all kinds. Check my FB page and you should be able to spot a few of them. My favorite gay person is Johnny Sola Segui. Don’t try to hit on him–déjala sola. Get it? No, I’m sure you didn’t get this one either.

      2. Jennifer Buchanan, we may not have the same definition of corruption–that’s okay. I’m one hundred percent sure we both are on the same road to fully understanding it. How do I know that? Bridgeport is Orange–no problem here either. Ed Adams coming to Bridgeport is the only sure way to make sure the color Orange is changed. You do know if or when certain colors are added to “Orange” another color is created. What color would you be happy with? Black or White are definitely out. Steven Auerbach would add those rainbow colors for sure.

        1. Joel, again. What’s with the gay references? Are you just plain ignorant? Is this a form of intimidation? Are you so frustrated with me you cannot think of another way to insult me? Do you have a problem with gay people? Whatever your deal is, it really doesn’t matter. Grab a Ganim sign and stand in traffic. Make yourself useful. Maybe you will get lucky and someone will put you out of your misery.

  6. I have been on doors since 11:00 am. Only two people have said they are not willing to vote for Joe, however neither will vote for Finch. I convinced them to vote for Howard Gardner or MJF.

  7. Yeah. You’ve learned from your mistakes; just like John Rowland and Ernie Newton learned from theirs. Right???

    Given a second chance, what did THEY do??? Kick me once, your fault. Kick me twice, MY fault!!!

    1. Not a single person convicted in the Ganim scandal has committed a serious offense and been convicted for it yet. In fact Lennie Grimaldi–the owner of this webzine is one of them, yet you and many others like Bill Finch and his supporters have no problem using the webzine to further and veil their corrupt agenda.

      1. An agenda is something that hasn’t happened yet. There is no such thing as a politician with a corrupt agenda. But here’s an off-the-wall example: “if elected, I promise to secretly siphon millions of dollars to my own account and screw the city’s taxpayers.”
        Nobody’s ever said that.

          1. There are “agendas”–MANY OF THEM–that have already been carried out. Those are going to be the most costly and difficult to reverse. I’m sure I’m not the only one who knows this–surely one to give it deep thought.

      2. Joel, we like Lennie more than Ganim. Lennie’s crime was not as severe as Ganim. Lennie Grimaldi did not take an oath of office and betray the public trust. Lennie Grimaldi is not running for Mayor and I believe most people on this blog believe in second chances and I personally believe Lennie Grimaldi has a new life and has made the most of it. Joe Ganim is just returning to the scene of the crime and wants the people of this city to put him there.

  8. The Finch Vampaign (name for a campaign in which money-sucking vampires are the candidates) did a press release in response to this mailer? A mailer? Good Lord, you guys are nervous. These kinds of reactive defensive statements reveal the fear more with every passing day.

    1. Really? Now I am very impressed. Maria P., she just went up 100 percent in my book. She is the Mario Testa of Wilton. Keith Rodgerson did very well!

          1. No, he didn’t win. Here you go again–either lying or talking about what you are clueless of.

            By the way if they (Keith and Maryli) believe so much in Finch, why did Keith leave Downtown Bridgeport? Rodgerson is the main asshole who responsible for sticking Bill finch down our throat with his little party line.

  9. Ms. Secrest, I don’t know if you realize this, but Wilton is being run by Republicans. If the DTC doesn’t win the upcoming elections because you are not meeting your commitments as the DTC chair for Wilton, you should be removed.

    Sometimes it’s best to worry about your own back yard before you worry about your distant neighbor’s back yard.

    1. Wherever politics is discussed in Bridgeport, people wonder why Maria Pereira seems petrified of Maryli Secrest. You can almost see her pacing the floor and looking to the ceiling in frustration. Secrest’s stubborn persistence, experience and past success enables her to cover campaigns in several races. Here’s the mysterious part: her strategy is still unfolding.

  10. Ganim/Adams’ plea for a second chance is a joke. Ganim had ten years in office after he committed his first felonious offense. He then had 10 years’ worth of second chances, and failed on each of them. What he’s really asking for is closer to a 25th chance. OIB.

    1. Jennifer, I am guessing Joe Ganim is probably not looking at you at all. I think he is only looking at Democrats because we are the ones who will affect his outcome on September 16, 2015.

      We will recommend he change his photo for the November election so Republicans and unaffiliated voters can feel included in his “I am looking down at you” stare. 🙂

  11. Bob: Are you supporting Bill Finch or Mary-Jane Foster? From your posts, it would seem you’re a Finch guy.

    Speaking of Bill Finch; I took a walk past Puglio Park this afternoon and had to stop and admire how our green mayor had all of the dirt playground surface at the park replaced with cement and asphalt. How ecologically enlightened and sensible. NOT!!! HOW STUPID!!! THE GREEN MAYOR IS CREATING MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR LAWSUIT OPPORTUNITIES ALL OVER THE CITY JUST SO HE CAN PUT UP $300 green signs. “BRIDGEPORT: GETTING MORE STUPID BY THE MINUTE.”

    1. Jeff, your problem is you walked by Puglio Park, not stopped. The young families and children and athletes are totally enjoying the park and if you are a real Ganim supporter you would have stopped and chatted. They are very thrilled with the park and the improvement to the neighborhood and obviously believe the Mayor is doing a great job. You have to stop and talk to people, Jeff. It gives you a reality check.

  12. I had great success walking my neighborhood today. I had three voters tell me how fed up they are with the constant stream of Finch canvassers. One woman told me she is ready to call the police because she feels harassed. I told her not to bother because Finch has allowed our police staffing levels to drop to lowest levels in over two decades and our overworked police officers can’t handle all the calls.
    Another voter told me phone bankers have called her house seven times. On one day she was called twice by two different phone bankers within ten minutes of each other. One said “yo, I am just calling you to see if you is gonna vote for Finch.” Her impression was absolutely hysterical.

    Good day!

    1. Was her impression a commentary on the quality of education in Bridgeport Public schools? It is good to see the Finch campaign offering employment to these otherwise hard-core unemployable young people your BOE turns out year after year. I am glad to see you got such a chuckle out of this obvious racism. Were either of you wearing blackface at the time?

      1. BOE SPY, where in my posting do you see a single reference regarding the age of the canvassers or phonebankers? You are the onewho claims to be an employee of the BPS, not I. I guess this phonebanker could be the result of your handiwork.

        If you are trying to imply either my neighbor or I are racist, you are really demonstrating how idiotic you are. She is Hispanic. What in my comments indicates in any way the phonebanker was black? Only a racist would make that assumption. Couldn’t someone of any ethnicity or race ask my neighbor that inarticulate question? I think I have an idea exactly who is the actual racist, and it isn’t me.

        1. You think Hispanic people are immune to racism? As in the belief all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

          1. Maria, I am shocked and truly at a loss. The phone banker was Hispanic? S/he may have been an ESL student, one of the many Special Ed. students who have graduated from the BPS system or an average BPS student. How would any of that make it OK to belittle, mock or bully that person?
            In your response you say ‘You are the one who claims to be an employee of the BPS, not I. I guess this phonebanker could be the result of your handiwork.” Are you saying as a BOE candidate you will be holding the teachers responsible for student underachievement?

    2. Maria, what you are saying is Finch has an army out there as well as Melanie Jackson. I got two robo calls from Joe Ganim asking me to volunteer or make a donation and how humble he is with all of the support he is receiving. I did not complain. I had a delightful canvasser from the Finch campaign and I found her delightful. I am going to vote for the Mayor. She was the daughter of a council woman.

  13. Jeff,
    Just because I pointed out Joe Ganim in his 10+ years as mayor never did any of the things you now claim he is going to do has nothing to do with whom I am supporting BUT ONLY whom I am not supporting and that is Joe Ganim.
    You may hate Bill Finch but that is no reason to believe Joe Ganim is suddenly going to change how he governed in addition to how he made money.

  14. Bob: I don’t hate anyone. Bill would be a cool neighbor; he has a great sense of humor and knows how to have fun. I just don’t want him in City Hall while we are trying to get out from behind the eight-ball. Politics is cruel to everyone involved–and all of us who are involved have to really try to separate our politics from our personal-level humanity.

    Oh; and the three businesses and 100 jobs–Blue Fish; Arena; Black Rock movie theaters. But that’s really beside the point, isn’t it?

    1. Jeff, was your last post actually an endorsement of Joe Ganim’s economic development? Do you mean to tell me above everything else I love about the Mayor, he is cool and has a sense of humor?

    2. Hey Jeff, The person who put us behind that eight-ball is Joe Ganim. The fact that only now are we getting out from behind it is a simply a measure of the amount of damage Joe Ganim has done to this city.

      Now to echo Bob, if you can’t support Finch, fine; but why in the world would someone of your integrity support Ganim is beyond me.

  15. I finally did it! Saturday I walked with Joe in a significant area in Brooklawn. Since it’s my first time in this campaign knocking on doors in my district, I really was prepared for anything. Anyone on this blog who know me, knows there’s nothing in this campaign I want than better representation for my district, and a person I believe will hit the ground running. Just for the time it takes to read my comments, let’s put everything else aside. We walked for four hours, not one person said they wouldn’t vote for Joe. A few cars actually stopped us as they were driving in the neighborhood streets to sign our petitions and give a thumbs up. I was so pleasantly surprised, I intend to text Joe today to walk again in Brooklawn on Monday, if he’s available. I’m only stating my experience and I’m not questioning the experiences of others. Nobody has any idea what this election will produce, but I’m getting out there again to promote Joe and to let my former constituency know I’m coming back.

    1. Lisa, I am sorry to tell you the people who answered the door lied to you. Seriously Lisa, no offense. They may like you but they are not voting for Joe. I am sure the entire Finch ticket will win your district.

      Ganim/Roach Game Plan–Start giving people the impression Ganim is gaining momentum. That ended with his 200,000th announcement and he became the poster child for chasing guns and attending vigils. Ganim will not survive the first debate even if the room is full of 100 percent Ganim supporters.

      Of course Lisa, I do wish you well. I am glad your experience with Joe was pleasant. The people of Brooklawn are pretty much a gracious crowd. Joe is a local celebrity. Just seeing him is exciting. He has aged gracefully and years in prison made him more relaxed. Joe has nothing to lose but his supporters’ money and has a $130,000 job to gain. As I said to all who want to make light of a substitute teachers’ salary–around $15,000–Joe would not be eligible to apply, would he, Maria??? Thomas Bucci endorsed Mayor Finch. I am surprised you did not value that endorsement or because he is out of the political scene, the endorsement carries no weight.

      1. Steve: Why do you think you know so much about what is going on in districts other than yours? You want to be a political force? Give you one key word of advice that was given to me by a very wise mentor. The best way to earn respect and bolster credibility is to consistently under-promise and over-deliver. Indulging in grandiose predictions like you do is not likely to serve your plight well. It looks and smells like you are trying to convince yourself.

        I will say this for you Steve; you are consistent.

        1. Wicca, I know it is hard to understand but I embrace the entire city and I know many people all over the city. I listen. I engage and I debate. Embracing the entire city is the best way to have the pulse of what is really happening. For instance, Rev. Stallworth and Ralph Ford and Steve Nelson are probably telling Ganim they are delivering the black community. They are not. I am not a politician (at least that is what I tell myself), but since I am supporting a candidate, I need to find out first-hand what is happening. I engage customers in stores and diners in friendly banter and I leave with a feel of what’s going on. For instance, this Sunday evening before I arrived home, I was down on lower East Main Street. I ran into Lydia Martinez campaigning. As the sun was lowering at 8:20 we cruised down to Dolphin’s cove for a beer, a drive by Steelpointe and a chat with some fisherman enjoying the pier at Pleasure Beach.

          Wicca, in a nutshell, good bad or otherwise that’s how I know what’s going on. I have many friends in Park Royal and Embassy Towers. Not my district but I know the politics of the building.

          I am not a know-it-all. I do enjoy politics, not the nasty stories or corrupt crap. Not my bag.

  16. Gee, I live at the intersection of two feeder streets and I have not seen all these canvassers at my door. I have received two calls from the Finch camp, one from Ganim and I hope that’s all I get.

    1. Canvassers have knocked on my door four times, however I have not received a single phone call. The first time no one was home, however they left a piece of literature in my mailbox in violation of the law, the second time my daughter answered, the third time my boyfriend answered, and the fourth time I answered.

      My neighbor told me a canvasser knocked on his door and told him how they had just come from your house and Pat Fardy “yelled” at them. Maybe that is why they are not knocking on your door.

      1. That canvasser is full of baloney. Pat does not answer the door, I do. I did tell one set of canvassers I would not vote for Finch or Ganim and I will be voting for MJF.

  17. Steve: I didn’t stop to talk at Puglio Park because I was walking for exercise.

    The “reality check”–and I hope it never happens–will be when a child slips and hits his/her head on cement or asphalt where there was once soft, safe dirt. These improvements were made for show–politics–and were stupid and contraindicated. I went to Long Beach in NY with a friend and his wife years ago, and they had rubberized playgrounds along the boardwalk for kids. That’s smart. Sand and dirt is smart for kids’ playgrounds. Replacing dirt and sand with cement and asphalt is very, very stupid.

    The businesses named in the previous post were not to tout Joe Ganim’s economic development record, they were simply an answer to Bob Walsh’s challenge question.

    1. Jeff, I understand what you said, looking into the future and waiting for an accident that didn’t happen. If you stopped to talk to people you would have known the support Bill Finch has from those families. I know, I talk to them. You would have had an opportunity to dumb it down and try to convince these voters why they should support Joe Ganim. Keep in mind many young couples in Bridgeport are transplants from New York and Stamford. Many have not yet heard about the trials and tribulations of Joe Ganim. Divorced, unemployed and a rehabilitated convicted felon. Sounds like a real winner. Let’s give him another four years to add to the 10 he already served. Not!

        1. Please, who would take advice from this loser?
          Stevie Auerbach is batting 0-3, the only thing he’s picked correct so far is his flucking ass and his nose!

          He’s the best thing that’s happened to Joe Ganim in years.

          Stevie’s picks, Musto – MJF – Moran!

  18. I don’t understand all the debate about the merits of Finch vs. Ganim. Both of them are failures as mayor. The reasons may be different, but the outcomes are the same. There’s no real chance for change if either of them are elected, and that’s the true issue in this election. Bridgeport needs a change from old-school politics to have a real shot at success.

  19. I walked a little over 6 hours straight today. Only one person was considering Finch. I have to continue working on him/her. If I cannot convince them to vote for Joe, I will move to Plan B which is to convert them to MJF or Howard Gardner.

    I have set a personal goal on the number of votes Finch will get in Thomas Hooker, which is nowhere near 2011.

    Wish me luck!

  20. John: We were behind the eight-ball long before Joe Ganim. Did you forget about the Bucci financial fiasco that led to the Moran Administration and its bankruptcy filing? (The last net job increase in Bridgeport occurred under the “very corrupt” Mandanici Administration.)

    As far as I’m concerned, the Ganim Administration corruption was a symptom of Bridgeport’s dilemma, not a cause. The evidence to support this statement is there for anyone interested in doing some reading and thinking.

    Steal Point–under Conroy’s vision, or anyone else’s–never had the potential for changing Bridgeport’s economic dynamic on the massive scale needed to right our sinking ship (even if every square inch of the property were fully developed with high-value, taxable venues, which was never the case, anyway.)

    I have much more faith in a fallen mayor who needs and wants to redeem himself than in a mayor willing to play “pretend” on behalf of his wealthy, powerful, down-county handlers.

    Where is Mojo, anyway? Bridgeport has truly become Zombieland! What say you, Mojo, about all the conflicting political opinion in these parts during this election season? Is Bridgeport literally and figuratively the land of the voting dead? Are we all zombies?


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